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Introduction to the C++ Standard Template Library (STL)

Assignment 3 
Objectives • Introduction to the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) • Exposure to generic abstract data types using C++ templates • Practice using iterators • Exposure to an O(n2) sorting algorithm: bubble sort.
Introduction To this point in the course our data structures have always stored a specific fixed type – for example, the lists in assignment 2 stored elements of type int. If you wanted to modify your assignment 2 code to store elements of type string you would have to create a new list class. Obviously it is too much work to create a new list class for each type you want to store in the list. The solution, in C++, is to use something called templates. This assignment will also introduce you to iterators – a mechanism for accessing elements in a container. You will practice using templates and iterators by implementing a simple sorting algorithm, named bubble sort. Finally, complete the A3 quiz on conneX to answer questions relating to the efficiency of algorithms using big O notation.
Quick Start:
1. Read this entire document 2. Read part1.h carefully and implement functions in part1.cpp until all tests passed 3. Read part2.h carefully and implement functions in part2.cpp until all tests passed 4. Complete the online quiz for A3 on conneX
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CSC 116 A01/A02 October 2015 The C++ Standard Template Library (STL) The STL contains implementations of many of the Abstract Data Types we will see in the course. In this assignment, we will use two implementations of the List ADT: vector – a list implemented using arrays list – a list implemented using doubly linked lists More information about these classes can be found here:
Templates A simple example illustrates the use of templates below. You will note that when you declare an instance of vector, you must also specify the type of the elements you want to put in the vector:
#include <vector #include <list
vector<string  stringVector;  vector<int intVector; 
stringVector.push_back("hello");  stringVector.push_back("world"); 
intVector.push_back(99);  intVector.push_back(23); 
The type you want to store in the container is specified between < and . The example below illustrates declaring an instance of list that stores elements of type string : list<string stringList;
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CSC 116 A01/A02 October 2015
operator[] An instance of vector can be used almost exactly like an array using the [] operator. For example, accessing all the elements in a vector can be accomplished like this: vector<string stringVector;
for (unsigned int i=0;i<stringVector.size();i++) {  cout << stringVector[i] << endl;  } The [] operator on vector is constant time, O(1). The list does not provide an implementation of [], because accessing an arbitrary element in a linked list is O(N) and most programmers would expect that using the [] operator would be constant time. However, it is still possible to access elements one after another in a list, and the mechanism for accomplishing that are called iterators.
Iterators An iterator is an object which represents position in a container. The implementation of vector and list provide iterators. The iterator is typically used to traverse all the elements in the container, like: list<int theList; list<int::iterator i = theList.begin(); while (i != theList.end()) { cout << *i << endl; ++i; } The use of iterators looks like pointers. To access the element currently referenced by the iterator i, you write: *i To move the iterator forward in the list, you write : i++ To move the iterator backwards in the list, you write: i­In C++, containers such as list and vector implement the begin() and end() methods that return iterators. In a non-empty list, the begin() method returns an iterator referring to the first element in the list. The end() method returns an iterator representing the position past the last element in the list. In an empty list named theList, theList.begin() == theList.end().
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CSC 116 A01/A02 October 2015
Pictorially, the list {1,2,3} with begin() and end():
end() doesn't reference an actual node in the list. It can only be used to test if the iterator has been advanced past the last element with a statement like: while (i != theList.end()) { // there are still elements in the list i++; }  
Multi-file C++ Programs As in the previous assignments, you've been given multiple files. This assignment has two “main” programs: part1_tester.cpp and part2_tester.cpp. In order to create the test program for part1, type: g++ ­Wall part1.cpp part1_tester.cpp ­o part1 To create the tester for part2, type: g++ ­Wall part2.cpp part2_tester.cpp ­o part2
Part I
Implement simple functions on vector and list Read the comments in part1.h and then in the file part1.cpp, implement the functions max, min and count_values that operate on list and vector. When you've finished your implementation, the output of the test program should be: test_vector passed. test_list passed. Passed: 2
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CSC 116 A01/A02 October 2015
Part II In part II, you will implement the bubble sort algorithm on both the vector and the list. The pseudo code for bubble sort is shown below1: procedure bubbleSort( A : list of sortable items ) n = length(A) repeat swapped = false for i = 1 to n-1 inclusive do /* if this pair is out of order */ if A[i-1] A[i] then /* swap them and remember something changed */ swap( A[i-1], A[i] ) swapped = true end if end for until not swapped end procedure
The implementation of this algorithm for vector is relatively straight-forward. You will need to think more carefully when implementing it for list, since you don't have the [] operator and instead must use iterators. Your instructor's solution used two iterators. When your implementation is complete, the output of part2_tester.cpp should be: test_vector_bubblesort passed.  test_list_bubblesort passed.  Passed: 4 
Part III Complete the A3 quiz on conneX.
Submission Submit your part1.cpp and part2.cpp using conneX. Complete the A3 quiz on conneX. 
1 Retrieved from Wikipedia on Oct 18, 2015:
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CSC 116 A01/A02 October 2015
Grading If you submit something that does not compile, you will receive a grade of 0 for the assignment. It is your responsibility to make sure you submit the correct files.
Part I
Requirement Marks Your code passes the test cases in part1_tester.cpp Up to 2
Part II
Requirement Marks Your code passes the test cases in part2_tester.cpp Up to 4
Part III
Requirement Marks You answer the questions in the conneX quiz correctly Up to 4
Total 10

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