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Robot Perception and Decision-Making (CS336) Homework #1

Robot Perception and Decision-Making (CS336) Homework #1

1. Image Generation
Figure 1
Consider the scenario depicted in Fig. 1, where an
object O is moving while observed by a robot through an
RGB-D camera C.
A point cloud from the scene is given in the file
point cloud1.npy (in the format of (N x 6) ndarray representing (x, y, z, R, G, B)). Some of the points are on
the surface of the moving object, some of them are on the
background. The coordinates of these points are given
with respect to an absolute reference frame (world frame,
The pose of the robot wrt. the same frame is given by
the following translation and rotation (given in quaternions):
W F = (0.5, −9.2, 2.4) (1)
W F = (w = 0.14, 0.28, 0.56, 0.76) (2)
The camera is attached to the robot with the following translation and rotation (given in angleaxis notations) wrt. the robot frame:
RF = (0.1, −0.1, 1.2) (3)
RF = (0.707, 0.707, 0.0) (4)
θ = π/2.0 (5)
The camera can be approximated by a pin-hole model with the following internal camera parameters:
P =

486 0 318.5 0
0 491 237 0
0 0 1 0

 (6)
Let’s assume that the robot moves with the following constant 6D velocity wrt. the world frame:
W F = (v, ω) = (0.1, −0.02, 0, 0, 0.09, 0.1) (7)
The robot moves its head creating a constant 6D velocity of the camera wrt. the robot frame:
RF = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.2) (8)
The object is also moving with an unknown velocity. A second point cloud from the RGB-D
camera after 2 s is given in the file point cloud2.npy.
a. (3 points) Compute the pose of the camera wrt. the robot frame, the pose of the robot wrt.
the world frame, and the pose of the camera wrt. the world frame at t = 0 s, represented as
4x4 homogeneous transformation matrices.
b. (3 points) Represent the relative motion of the robot wrt. the world frame using matrix
exponential of a twist
c. (1 points) Represent the relative motion of the camera wrt. the robot frame using matrix
exponential of a twist
d. (3 points) Compute the pose of the camera wrt. the world frame at t = 2 s.
e. (4 points) Using pointcloud1.npy, calculate the 3D positions of the points in camera frame
at t = 0 s.
f. (8 points) Now calculate the positions of the points in 2D pixel coordinates. The resolution
of the images is 640 × 480 pixels. Pixels projecting outside of the image plane should be
g. (8 points) From the positions of the points in 2D pixel coordinates, generate two RGB images
(t = 0 s and t = 2 s) as view from the camera using scatterplot.
h. (10 points) The files pointcloud1 ids.npy and pointcloud1 ids.npy contain the point
correspondences between timesteps. Take the points with id 4,9,20, and find the 6D transformation between the pairs of points. Give in homogeneous transformation matrix.
i. (10 points) Apply RANSAC to estimate the 6D transformation of the object using all point
j. (5 points) From the transformation, calculate the 6D twist of the object. Provide this velocity
with respect to the world frame.
2. Multi-View Geometry
Now, imagine the same scenario as in the previous exercise (Fig. 1) but now the object O is being
interacting by a person, while the robot observes the interaction with its RGB-D camera C. Files
rgb1.png, rgb2.png and rgb3.png contain three RGB frames of the interaction as observed by
the robot. Files depth1.txt, depth2.txt and depth3.txt contain the registered depth values for
the same frames.
a. (20 points) Detect and track the N = 200 best point features using Luca-Kanade point feature
optical flow algorithm on the consecutive images, initialized with Tomasi-Shi corner features.
Use the opencv implementation (look at this tutorial for more information: https://docs. For the termination criteria use
the number of iterations and the computed pixel residual from Bouget, 2001. Use only 2
pyramid levels and use minimum eigen values as an error measure. What is the lowest
quality level of the features detected in the first frame? Provide a visualization of the flow
for block sizes 15 × 15 and 75 × 75. Explain the differences observed. Is it always better a
larger or a smaller value? What is the trade-off?
b. (25 points) Use the registered depth maps to estimate the sparse scene flow between frames
for the features obtained in the previous steps. Assume that the camera is the one of the
exercise 1. Provide the point clouds at the three frames if all values are not NaN.

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