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Objects with Classes_ Lab 12 Solution

– Lab 12–Objects with Classes


·         Understand how to build and use Classes

·         Understand how to use arrays of objects built with classes

Development Environment: (all students must use Clion)

Skills:Classes, Default Constructor, Constructor, member functions, arrays of objects.

Reading: Chap 13

Deliverables:1) This lab with3screen shots2) lastnameFirstLab12.cpp, Scores.h, Scores.cpp


Part I – Skills Practice (5 points)

·         Open a new project in CLion.  Call the project Lab12a. 

·         For this project we are reversing a CString and a string Right click on the Lab11a

New-New C++ Class

Add the name Bank.  And accept the defaults Add to targets and Lab11a<-$(Source_Files)
This will create both a Bank.h file and a Bank.cpp file
Double Click on the Bank.h file. Replace the entire text with this
·         #ifndefBANK_H
#define BANK_H

#include <string
using namespace std;
class Bank
string name;
float balance;
Bank(); //default constructor
    Bank(string _name, int_number, float _balance); //constructor

string getName(){return name;}
void setName(string _name){name=_name;}
intgetNumber() {return number;}
void setNumber(int_number){number = _number;}
float getBalance(){return balance;}
void increaseBalance(float amount);



·         Now double click on the Bank.cpp.  Replace the entire code with the code below:

#include "Bank.h"
name = "";
number = 0;
balance = 0;

Bank::Bank(string _name, int_number, float _balance)
name = _name;
number = _number;
balance = _balance;

void Bank::increaseBalance(float amount)
balance = balance + amount;


·         Now double click on the main.cpp.  Replace the entire code with the code below:

#include <iostream
#include "Bank.h"
using namespace std;
Bank acct1("Name", 123, 12.50);

cout<<acct1.getName() <<endl;
cout<<acct1.getName() <<endl;
return 0;



·         Now if you did everything correctly it should compile. If it has errors, try to fix the errors by reading the error and clicking on the link to the error.

·         Once it successfully compiles, go to Run-Run Lab 12a


Ø  Take a screenshot of the successful output below:

·         Go to Run-View Breakpoints

·         Check on the main.cpp breakpoint and hit the red minus sign to delete the breakpoint.

·         Some of the things that you should have noted in this example. 

o   Classes should start with a capital letter.

o   The Class declaration should be in the .h file

o   The Class definitions should either be in line (in the .h file) if only one line, or in a separate .cpp file

o   The .h file should always start with the #ifndef, #define and end with the #endif.  This ensures that code is only defined once in a compilation

o   Every class should have a default constructor.  This is called whenever an object of that type is declared.  The default constructor usually initializes the private variables

o   Any public member function can directly access the private variables.


Part II – More Skills Practice (5 points)

Arrays of Classes.  We will now create an array of Bank Accounts

Using the code from Part I.  Change main.cpp to:

#include <iostream
#include "Bank.h"
using namespace std;
constintSIZE = 2;
string tempName;
float tempBalance;

Bank acctArray[SIZE];
for (inti=0; i<SIZE; i++)
cout<<"Name for customer " <<i+1 <<endl;
cout<<"Number for customer " <<i+1 <<endl;
cout<<"Balance for customer " <<i+1 <<endl;
cin.ignore(); //removes '/n' in buffer for next getline


for (inti=0; i<SIZE; i++)
cout<<acctArray[i].getName() <<endl;
return 0;

·         Set a breakpoint at the return 0;

·         Run-Debug 12a

·         Add two users information.

Ø  Take a screenshot of the output and place it below:


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