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Combinational Circuits_Project 3 Solution

Computer Project #3 -- Combinational Circuits (Part II)

Assignment Overview:

This assignment develops familiarity with combinational circuits, as well as
the "sim" software simulation package. You will implement and test the
combinational circuits which you designed in Computer Project #2.

It is worth 40 points (4% of course grade), and must be completed no later
than 11:59 PM on Thursday, September 24.

Assignment Specifications:

The design requirements are the same as for Computer Project #2.

Your implementation will be formalized by creating a C++ source code file
which represents the minimized version of each function in your circuits and
serves as input to the "sim" package.

You will execute the simulator using "sim proj03.netlist.c".

Assignment Deliverables:

The deliverable for this assignment is:

proj03.netlist.c -- the implementation file for your solution

Be sure to use the specified file name, and to submit your file for grading
via the handin program.

Assignment Notes:

To implement your circuits, you will create two functions: "simnet" and
"circuits". A skeleton for the C++ source code for those two functions is
available on the system:


Function "simnet" will serve as a test fixture which allows the user to
produce hexadecimal digits and observe the resulting outputs. The input
will be generated using a four-bit counter (controlled by pulsers), and the
results will be displayed using eight probes.

The pulsers used in conjunction with the four-bit counter will be placed
vertically on the left edge of the "sim" window.

The eight probes will be placed near the right edge of the "sim" window.
The "Present" probe will be placed at the top of the "sim" window, while the
probes for the other seven functions ("a", "b", and so on) will be placed
below the "Present" probe in the "Figure 8" pattern used by a seven-segment

All pulsers and probes will be appropriately labeled in the "sim" window.

Function "circuits" will serve as the implementation of your eight Boolean
functions ("Present", and "a" through "g"). You will use "Not", "And" and
"Or" components to construct your four Boolean functions.

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