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HW 05: A Maze without Walls (part 2)

HW 05: A Maze without Walls (part 2)
In this homework, we will extend our code from the lab to make it do a couple more tricks including
the ability to solve it with dynamic programming. We will write a new class PuzzleDP that will
extend our class from the homework. Put the new class in a file called . For your
submission, be sure to zip together both your file and also .
Find the path
In the lab, we used recursion to find if a path exists from start to end in the puzzle. Now, we're
going to write a new method called pathsolve that returns a valid path from start to end . The
code will work mostly like the code from the lab. The tricky part is to understand how the path is
constructed as the recursive calls return.
As it is quicker to append to a list, you can append the current state to the list as you return from
recursive calls and reverse the final list. The other possibility is to use a deque. Python has an
efficient, built-in deque data structure that supports adding to the front with a method called appen
dleft . Don't forget to import it: from collections import deque .
Begin from the end
A classic trick for solving a maze is to start from the end and work backwards. It's a little tricky to do
this with this puzzle, because one square can be reached by many other squares.
Write a method called reverse that returns a dictionary mapping positions ((row,column)-tuples) to
sets of positions that can reach that position. Using this dictionary, it will be possible to find paths by
going backwards.
Find distances using dynamic programming
Now, we're going to modify our old approach to remove the recursion entirely. Here's the idea. We're
going to build a table of solutions that is like the original puzzle grid, but each entry stores the
distance to the end . After we have filled up the whole table, we will be able to quickly return the
length of the shortest path from a given position to end .
Override the solve method from the lab so that it uses the distances method. Notice that you
can now handle much larger instances than would work for the recursive version. For example, the
following example is no problem.
# 100 x 100 grid of all ones.
p = PuzzleDP([[1]*100]*100)
p.solve((0,0), ((99,99)))
Such an example easily overflows the stack in the recursive version of the problem.
You PuzzleDP class should extend Puzzle from lab.
It should implement solve , pathsolve , distances , and reverse .
You should not need to modify the provided distances code. Your code should be included in a
module .

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