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Boolean values in C++

Questions 1) Boolean values in C++ are represented as internally as 0 (false) and anything else (true). What is the result of (3 <4) && (5 7) as a boolean value and what is its internal representation ? 2) Is there any way to write, using the operators ! (not), <, , <= , =, || and && , the opposite of the following: a < b && c < d The opposite will be a boolean expression using the operators above such that it is true if the above is false, and false if the expression above is true. 3) When are braces { } needed as part of an if? (Refer to Lesson 4, online)
C++ Program Write a program that calculates de area and the perimeter of a rectangle whose dimensions are entered from the keyboard. Function main should accept the length and width as input from the keyboard and store two integer values, one for the length and the other for the width. Check that the length/width entered are allowed numbers (non negative). If they are negative, print a message to the effect that the input was wrong, and finish the program without calculating the area or perimeter. The function main should call two functions written by you: area and perimeter. These functions, of course, will be called with two parameters (length and width) and should return the value of the area and the value of the perimeter respectively.
Function main should display the results.

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