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HW 11- Playing the game starter code

Playing the Game
For this assignment, you will implement some new methods on your GameTree class so that it can
determine who will win a game. We say that victory is ensured in a game if there is a way to play so
that no matter what the other player does, you will still win. This is the same as saying that you can
make a move so that no matter what the other player does you can make a move so that no matter
what the other player does you can make a move so that... until you win.
There are two main methods to implement:
● currentwins - returns True if and only if victory is ensured for the current player.
● currentloses - returns True if and only if every move the current player can make leads to a game
state where victory is ensured for the other player.
This will be a slightly odd kind of traversal of the GameTree because it will alternate between the
two players. The logic for currentwins and currentloses will be different (and opposite). In both
cases, you will want to first check for a draw and then check if the game is over (base cases!).

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