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Scientific Programming Assignment 4

CSc 30100 – Scientific Programming

Assignment due April 14, 2021

( ) 2
100 10 Consider the function sin f x
x x
 
=    

( )
Calculate the definite integral of this function,

for an error bound of 10 using both
 Composite Simpson's Rule (see Section 4.4 in the text)
 Adaptive Quadrature (see
I f x dx

= = ∫

 Secton 4.6, esp. Algorithm 4.3)
Include all of your analysis and discussion in an .ipynb file
and submit the file through Blackboard. The name of the
file you submit should be lastname_firstname_AS04.ipynb.
Do not clear your results after your last run so that I will be
able to see your results without rerunning your file.

If you collaborate with anyone on this assignment, be sure to
follow the collaboration guidelines in the syllabus including
listing with whom you collaborated in your ipynb file.
While collaboration is fine, DO NOT submit exactly the same
file as your collaborations. Your code and your discussion must
be your own. It is fine if you base your code on pseudocode
in the textbook.

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