Purposes: Practice building the simplest linked list in the world, and get familiar with how to
use pointers to traverse a data structure.
You will be given a header file, which does not need to change; the implementation file, which
needs to be completed, and a small test file to get you started (but which is different from the
complete version of the test file we’ll use). Please download the most recent versions of these
to get the full function set.
You are making a singly linked list composed of pointers to nodes; nodes are defined in the file
Each node contains an integer in its data field, and you will make your linked list keep these
nodes in sorted order, smallest to largest, as your array did in lab 4. In the illustration below,
you should remember that these arrows are pointers to the next node, meaning addresses
where the next node can be found in memory:
On your VM, please make a directory for hw 1 and copy ALL the files for the linked list
homework from the moodle site into that directory. As before, you only need to change the
singly_linked_list_sorted.cpp file for this assignment. The test code contains a routine to check
your linked lists for sorted order. You’ll see a message if your code has an error in the sorting.
Function 1: add_node(node*& head_ptr, const int& payload)
Adding to a linked list in sorted order requires the following logic:
1. If the list is empty, we make a new node, set its data to payload, and set its next to
nullptr. We then set head_ptr to this new node and return.
2. If the list is not empty but the new node should go before the current first node,
then make a new node, set its data to payload, and set its next to head_ptr.
Update head_ptr to this new node and return.
3. If the list is not empty, we want to walk the list until we find the node before where
the new node should go. We make a new node, set its data to payload, set its next
to the previous node’s next, and set the previous node’s next to the new node.
Then we return.
Run the test code again and find out if your list is sorted when you add numbers to its front,
middle, or end.
Function 2: remove_node(node*& head_ptr, const int& target)
The remove_node(node*& head_ptr, const int& target) code is the next part
to change. This code removes one instance of the target from the list.
1. If the target is not in the list, this function does nothing except return false.
2. If the target is at the first node in the list, make a pointer to this soon-to-bedestroyed node, set head_ptr to head_ptr-next, and delete the soon-to-bedestroyed node. Return true.
3. If the target appears later in the list, then removing it involves finding the node just
before the target’s node in the list. Make a pointer to the soon-to-be-destroyed
node. Set the previous node’s next pointer to the soon-to-be-destroyed node’s next
pointer. Delete the soon-to-be-destroyed node. Return true.
Function 3: bool find_list(const node*& head_ptr, const int& target);
For this function, write a loop like the one in the code for print_list; inside your
find_list loop, check if you have found the target and return true if so. When the loop is
finished, if your code runs to that point, it has never found the item, so you can surely return
false. Check that this function works correctly for integers that aren’t in the list, and for
integers at the front, back, and middle of the list.
Function 4: void clear_list(node*& head_ptr);
This function should delete every node in the linked list with no memory leaks and no
segmentation faults. At the end, head_ptr should be equal to nullptr. As always, it’s
necessary to keep track of the remaining list nodes until you delete them too. Monday’s slides
have examples of how to do this.
Function 5. void copy_list(const node*& source_ptr, node*& dest_ptr);
This function must clear out the memory for the dest_ptr, using clear(), and then add
every integer in the source_ptr list to the dest_ptr list.
Upload your singly_linked_list.cpp file to the moodle assignment link for HW 1 and make sure it
is really there before you call it done.
Note: one small pointer error can potentially lose large amounts of your list. Start early and
comment your code lavishly, to help you remember what it’s doing. Don’t be shy about looking
up the LA schedules in BOLD and CSEL for help!