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 Project 3 Iteration and condition statements

1. Problem Statement:
The goal of this programming assignment is to use iteration and condition
statements to create some very simple ASCII art. Your program should prompt the
user to enter two pieces of information: (1) the size of the pattern, and (2) the ASCII
character to print when making the pattern. Then your program should output the
following five patterns on the screen:
Solid Square Pattern
* * * * *
* * * * *
* * * * *
* * * * *
* * * * *
Solid Triangle Pattern
* *
* * *
* * * *
* * * * *
Vertical Stripe Pattern
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
* * *
Square Outline Pattern
* * * * *
* *
* *
* *
* * * * *Letter X Pattern
* *
* *
* *
* *
The five patterns above were made with size=5 and character=’*’. Your program
should work for any input size in the range [5..25]. If the user enters a value less
than 5, your program should convert it into a 5 and continue. Similarly, if the user
enters a value greater than 25, your program should convert it into a 25 and
continue. Your program should work with any printable character. If you used
spaces or tabs, the patterns above would be invisible, and that would not be very
2. Design:
Try to design the code to be as simple as possible. Start by making a solid square of a
given size. This can be done by looping over the rows and the columns of the square
and printing an asterisk for each (r,c) value. You may also want to print a space
character in between output characters so that the width and height of the square
look the same.
To create the other output patterns, you need to think about the (r,c) values where
you want to print a character, and the (r,c) values where you do not want to print a
character, and design your condition statements accordingly. For example, to print
out just the first column of the square outline, you want to output a character
whenever (r==0) is true. Some patterns are easier to design and implement than
others, so you should start with the easy patterns and then work up to the more
complex patterns.
3. Implementation:
Since you are starting with a "blank piece of paper" to implement this project, it is
very important to develop your code incrementally writing comments, adding code,
compiling, debugging, a little bit at a time. This way, you always have a program that
"does something" even if it is not complete.
As a first step, start with an empty main function, and add the code to print the
initial messages to the user, read the user’s input, and then print the input values
back out again. Once this part is working, you can start printing the output patterns
one at a time to your program.4. Testing:
Test your program to check that it operates correctly for all of the requirements
listed above. To do this, you should try creating patterns with a variety of sizes and a
variety of output characters. When you create patterns with even sizes you may
notice that they do not look as perfect as patterns with odd sizes. There is not much
you can do about this. Just include an example of each in your project report.
You should add some simple error checking in this program to make sure the
pattern sizes are in the range [5..25]. You should show examples showing what
happens when the user enters a value less than 5 or greater than 25. Don’t worry if
they type in something silly like “hello mom” instead of an integer size. You should
copy/paste your testing results into your project report to document what your
program does in these cases.
5. Documentation:
When you have completed your C++ program, write a short report using the
“Programming Project Report Template” describing what the objectives were, what
you did, and the status of the program. Does it work properly for all test cases? Are
there any known problems?

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