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Software Development Assignment 3

SWEN221: Software Development
Assignment 3
Due: Monday 10th May @ 23:59
1 Introduction
The ChessView system is a simple Java application for viewing chess games written in long algebraic
chess notation. The following shows a screenshot from ChessView:
ChessView has only one window, which allows the user to move forward and backward through
a chess game. The moves of the game, written in long algebraic chess notation, are given in the
rightmost pane of the window; the current state of the chess board is shown in the leftmost pane.
Long Algebraic Notation Long algebraic chess notation is a way for writing down the moves
taken during a chess game. The following illustrates the start of a game in this notation:
White Black
e2-e4 e7-e5
d2-d4 e5xd4
Nb1-c3 Qd8-f6
The first move by White, e2-e4, indicates the pawn at position e2 will advance to position e4. When
indicating pawn movement, no piece specifier is given. However, when indicating the movement of
other pieces a specifier is always given. The specifiers are: N=kNight; B=Bishop; R=Rook; Q=Queen;
K=King. So, for example, White’s last move above, Nb1-c3, indicates his Knight moves from b1 to
Figure 1: Illustrating the state of a game after 3 rounds.
c3. Finally, a move where one piece takes another is indicated using a x, as in Black’s move e5xd4 —
the (black) pawn at position e5 takes the (white) pawn at d4. Figure 1 shows the state of the board
after the moves in the above game have been made.
There are a number of other moves which can be made during a game of chess, including: putting
a king in check (e.g Qe1-h4+)), castling (e.g. O-O), pawn promotion (e.g. b7-b8=N) and en passant
(e.g. b4xa3ep). If you are not familiar with the rules of Chess, the following links provide an excellent
starting point:
You can also find many other good resources on the Internet regarding the game of chess.
NOTE: you do not need to be any good at playing chess in order to complete this assignment.
Understanding Chess View
To get started, download the chessview-buggy.jar file from the lecture schedule on the course
website. You will find several example games are provided as well. You can see the Graphical User
Interface by running the Main class as a Java Application. However, for the most part, you will be
running the game via the JUnit testing framework. When you expand or import the chessview jar
file, you should find the following java packages:
Some notes on these packages:
• The swen221/chessview/ package contains the high-level game classes, including those for representing the chess board and the game itself.
• The swen221/chessview/pieces/ packages contains a class for each of the different chess pieces.
These contain code related to the movement of the pieces.
• The swen221/chessview/moves/ packages contains a class for each of the different kind of move
that can be made in the game. These contain code related to structuring a move, and ensuring
it is valid.
• The Main class provides a simple Graphical User Interface for the ChessView system. NOTE:
you do not need to modify or fix any code in this package.
The class swen221/chessview/Board is one of the main classes in the ChessView system. This
is responsible for representing the state of the chess board, including the position of all of the pieces.
This uses a 2-dimensional array to represent the chess board, where each cell in that array represents a
location on the board. The board also provides methods for determining whether a particular diagonal,
horizontal or vertical move will be unobstructed. Figure 2 provides a visualisation of a simple Board
What to Do
Currently, there are a number of tests provided for the chess game in the file ChessViewTests. You
must add tests to this file with the aim of achieving close to 100% branch coverage using Emma
and, in the process, identify and fix problems in the code. The following illustrates Emma being used
in Eclipse:
In this example, the branch coverage obtained for the class ChessView is 243/561 = 43.3%.
isWhite : false
isWhite : false
isWhite : false
isWhite : true
isWhite : true
isWhite : true
isWhite : true
isWhite : true
isWhite : true
isWhite : true
isWhite : true
isWhite : false
isWhite : false
pieces[][] 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
isWhite : false
isWhite : false
Figure 2: Illustrating an example Board object, which contains a 2-dimensional array of pieces. An
empty square is indicated by a box with a slash, and this corresponds to the array cell holding null.
The first element of the row array, and the first element of each column array are unused (marked in
gray). This allows the row numbers to line up with those of the normal chess board. Column a of the
chess board corresponds to index 1 in the column array, and so on for columns b, c, . . . , etc.
HINT: Make sure to check branch coverage by showing the columns Covered Branches and Missed
HINT: The purpose of using Emma is to help you find problems in the code base. These problems
should be relatively clear (based on the rules of Chess) once you have found them, but have been
deliberately obfuscated to make it hard to find them just by looking at the code.
HINT: There are at least ten distinct problems that have been planted in the code base. See if you
can find them all! Observe, for example, that the game should implement rules such as checkmate,
stalemate and en passant.
HINT: Your submitted code will be marked against a hidden set of test cases which achieves 100%
branch coverage.
HINT: IntelliJ users should consult the appendix, and note that all marking is done using Eclipse.
Hence, you are strongly encouraged to check your test coverage using Eclipse.
HINT: The viewer supplied is to help you see the games being played. It is not intended to be tested.
Your source files should be submitted electronically via the online submission system, linked from the
course homepage. The minimal set of required files is:
You must ensure your submission meets the following requirements (which are needed for the
automatic marking script):
1. Your submission is packaged into a jar file, including the source code. Note, the jar
file does not need to be executable. See the following Eclipse tutorials for more on this:
2. The names of all classes, methods and packages remain unchanged. That is, you
may add new classes and/or new methods and you may modify the body of existing methods.
However, you may not change the name of any existing class, method or package. This is to
ensure the automatic marking script can test your code.
3. All testing mechanism supplied with the assignment remain unchanged. Specifically,
you cannot alter the way in which your code is tested as the marking script relies on this.
However, this does not prohibit you from adding new tests. This is to ensure the automatic
marking script can test your code.
4. You have removed any debugging code that produces output, or otherwise affects
the computation. This ensures the output seen by the automatic marking script does not
include spurious information.
Note: Failure to meet these requirements could result in your submission being reject by the submission system and/or zero marks being awarded.
This assignment will be marked as a letter grade (A+ ... E), based primarily on the following criteria:
• Correctness (50%) — does submission adhere to given specification.
• Style (50%) — does the submitted code follow the style guide and have appropriate comments
(inc. Javadoc)
As indicated above, part of the assessment for the coding assignments in SWEN221 involves a
qualitative mark for style, given by a tutor. Whilst this is worth only a small percentage of your final
grade, it is worth considering that good programmers have good style.
The qualitative marks for style are given for the following points:
• Test Coverage (20 marks). This refers to the final amount of coverage obtained, with full
marks being awarded for 100% branch coverage.
• Use of Tests (20 marks). This refers to the number of test cases written for the assignment.
Given the complexity of the problem space, we are expecting 100 (or more) individual test cases.
• Comments (10 marks). This refers to the use of comments in the written test cases which
describe the test’s purpose. Generally speaking, comments should be used to explain what is
happening, rather than simply repeating what is evident from the source code.
Finally, in addition to a mark, you should expect some written feedback highlighting the good and
bad points of your solution.
Appendix — Configuring IntelliJ
To configure IntelliJ to produce similar results to the Eclipse Emma tool, we’re going to use “JaCoCo”
(which is the same instrumentation system used by Emma). Unfortunately, this does not always
produce identical results to Emma.
1. Select “Edit Configurations...” from the drop-down:
2. Select your test runner configuration and switch to the “Code Coverage” tab:
3. Select “JaCoCo” from the dropdown, and add the packages you want covered (usually swen221.*
for SWEN221 assignments). Exclude the tests from the coverage by selecting the test package
as shown:
4. Run with coverage. You can navigate the results by clicking on the packages and the up arrow
in the top-left.

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