In this project you will use a clever application of hash tables to
solve "word jumble" puzzles. You have probably seen these puzzles
in the newspaper. An example is below.
Your program will implement a strategy described below in the section labeled
Algorithm. But first, let's see how the program should behave from the
user's viewpoint.
Overview of Program Behavior
The program is called jumble and requires a single command-line argument
specifying a dictionary file. For example:
./jumble dictionary-small.txt
(You have been given two dictionary files dictionary-small.txt and
dictionary-big.txt; each of them contains just a bunch of English words --
over 250k words in the case of dictionary-big.txt).
After the program sets up its internal data structures, it enters an simple
interactive loop which behaves as follows:
I. The user does one of the following:
A. enter a string of characters (presumably a jumbled version of one
or more English words).
B. or types ctrl-d to terminate the interactive loop.
II. If the user enters a string (1a above), a list of all English words in
the given dictionary that are rearrangements (anagrams) of the user
input. The list can appear in any order. If there are no such English
words, the program reports “no matches.” The user is then prompted for
another input.
III. When the user terminates the interactive loop (1b above), the program
produces a report with the following information and then the program
● The number of words read from the input file.
● The number of "equivalence-classes": every word in the input file
belongs to exactly one subset of the dictionary where all words in
the subset are rearrangements of each other. For instance,
"stake", "skate", "steak", "takes" all belong to the same
equivalence class. This part of the report gives the number
equivalence classes formed by the words in the dictionary.
● The size of the largest equivalence class.
● The "key" associated with the largest equivalence class (see the
Algorithm section).
● Finally, the members of the largest equivalence class. The
ordering of the members can be arbitrary as long as all members
are listed.
Example run (using the given dictionary file dictionary-small.txt):
$ ./jumble dictionary-small.txt
reading input file...
start entering jumbled words (ctrl-d to terminate)
> islme
English Anagrams Found:
> retumpoc
English Anagrams Found:
> crleov
English Anagrams Found:
> able
English Anagrams Found:
> abinst
no anagrams found...try again
> ilpsl
English Anagrams Found:
> atrce
English Anagrams Found:
num_words : 21876
num_classes : 21086
size-of-largest-class : 4
largest-class key : 'aprt'
members of largest class:
Johns-MacBook-Air:jumble-c++ lillis$
You are required to implement a specific Hash-Table/Hash-Map based algorithm
to solve this problem. You will write a program which utilizes a standard C+
+ HashMap implementation in the Standard Template Library: the unordered_map
A Strawman.
For sake of argument, suppose we built a Hash-Map from the given dictionary
where each word in the dictionary becomes an entry in the Hash-Map (as a
“KEY”). A Hash-Map like this works great for applications like spellchecking. But does it help us with the Jumble problem? Not much it seems.
For a given jumbled sequence of letters, we could enumerate all re-orderings
of the sequence and for each of them, check to see if it is in the
For example, if we were given “kstae” as in the previous discussion, how many
re-orderings would we end up enumerating? The string is of length-5 and no
letters are duplicated. Thus there are 5!=120 re-orderings we would
enumerate (and 120 queries to the Hash Map).
If the given jumbled string is length 6 and all letters are distinct, then we
would enumerate all 6 !=720reorderings. For example suppose the given jumbled
string is “layber” which can be rearranged to form the words “barely”,
“barley” and “bleary” and we would have 717 queries to the hash-map that
would fail.
So...this approach doesn’t seem especially elegant or efficient.
Can we avoid explicit enumeration of all reorderings of the given string?
A Better Approach.
Short summary of algorithm: From a given dictionary, build a Hash-Map in
● the keys are sequences of characters/letters in sorted order; the keys
are not in general themselves words and
● the value associated with each such key is a list of all words in the
dictionary that are rearrangements of the value.
Each "value" in the Hash-Map is a list of dictionary words which are
rearrangements of each other (anagrams) and each such list has the letterlevel sort of these words as the associated "key."
You can think of each key as a canonical ordering of a collection its
associated value as the list of dictionary words which can be formed by
rearranging the key.
Thus, to find all words that can be formed from a given string, we first
sort the letters of the given string and use it as a key to look up the
list of words that can be formed from those letters (if any).
More Discussion
Two strings s1 and s2 are rearrangements of each other if and only iff s1 and
s2 are composed of exactly the same letters and with the exact same
frequency. For example “aekst”, “stake” are rearrangements of each other is
TRUE. However “apple”, “aalpe” are not rearrangements of each -- both
strings have the same letters, but not in the same frequency.
Now consider any two words that are rearrangements of each other -- like
“stake” and “takes”. Now consider the letter-level sorts of each of them.
Let sort(s) represent the the rearrangement of string s such that the
individual letters are in sorted order (for example, sort(“happy”) =
sort(“stake”): “aekst”
sort(“takes”): “aekst”
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that they both result in the same string when
letter-level sorted -- after all, they have exactly the same letters in the
same frequency.
So instead of storing actual words as "keys" in your hash table you will
store sorted re-orderings (as the "key") and a list of all words that have
the same sorted ordering (as the "value"). In other words, the table is
implementing a function from sorted strings to sets of English words that are
formed from exactly those letters.
For example, the anagrams of "takes" might be represented as the following
key-value pair in the hashmap:
((KEY: "aekst")
(VALUE: ("stake", "takes", "steak", "skate"))
Mathematically, the HashMap partitions the dictionary into “equivalence
classes” or words that are anagrams of each other (as mentioned above). Each
such equivalence class has a unique “id string” -- their letter-level sorted
When the user enters a jumbled sequence of letters, you then sort the string
and do a lookup on it to retrieve all words that can be formed by rearranging
the letters.
For example, if the user enters "ketsa", you would use the sorted version
"aekst" as the key for a hash table lookup which would return the English
words “steak”, “stake”, “skate” and “takes”
Unlike other programming assignments we have done, your deliverable is a
complete program. Your program will act as a client of classes already
available to you (vector is an example).
Some things that are relevant:
● Command line arguments: as described in Program Behavior, a
dictionary file is specified when the program is run through a
command line argument.
● Opening and reading from files.
● Reading user input.
● Working with the unordered_map class.
● using the std::sort library routine on strings.
Example Code: You have been given a small program called freq.cpp which
illustrates all of these concepts through an application that reads in a text
file and builds a HashMap (unordered_map) which keeps track of all distinct
strings in the input file and, for each such string, the number of times it
appears in the input file.
This information is naturally represented by a map from strings to integers.
Some Notes and Assumptions
● Your program must behave as described above. Your may not, for example,
have the program prompt the user for the dictionary file -- it must be
given as a command line argument.
● Upper-Case vs. Lower-Case -- not an issue at all! To keep things
simple, we will assume that upper case and lower case letters are
distinguishable. For example, dictionary-small.txt contains "ATM"; we
will not consider it to be an anagram of "mat". Thus, you just treat
the letters as they are given.
● You may also assume that your dictionary file does not contain
duplicates - no special processing to skip duplicates.
Your deliverable is just a single program file called jumble.cpp.
Please use exactly this name.
We should be able to create an executable from your program by running
g++ as:
g++ -std=c++11 jumble.cpp -o jumble
Final Comments:
Your program should not turn out to be very long -- maybe a little over
100 lines of code. Have fun and do some exploring of the C++ libraries.
Command line args. Your program will be called jumble will have one required
command line argument -- the dictionary file name. Example:
$ jumble dict.txt
The dictionary file will simply contain one word per line for easy parsing.