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Sorting Algorithms Requirements

Sorting Algorithms Requirements
Your task is to write 4 C++ class templates that perform the following sorting algorithms on an array of
1. Bubble sort (bubble.h)
2. Selection sort (selection.h)
3. Insertion sort (insertion.h)
4. Quick sort (quick.h)
All templates should contain a constructor that does the sorting and a print function that prints the
sorted array (elements separated by a single space). All functions take in a pointer to the head of the
array and an integer specifying the number of elements in the array. The function prototypes must be
as follows:
1. Bubble sort functions:
a. Bubble(T *, int);
b. void print(T *, int);
2. Selection sort functions:
a. Selection(T *, int);
b. void print(T *, int);
3. Insertion sort functions:
a. Insertion(T *, int);
b. void print(T *, int);
4. Quick sort functions:
a. Quick(T *, int);
b. void print(T *, int);
The templates should work on all standard integer and floating-point datatypes (i.e. int, char, float,
double, etc.)
Your templates should work with the following main.cpp file:
#include <random
#include <chrono
#include "bubble.h"
#include "selection.h"
#include "insertion.h"
#include "quick.h"
#define N 100000
using namespace std;
int main()
int i, seed, nums[N];
seed = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count();
std::default_random_engine generator(seed);
std::uniform_int_distribution<int distribution(0,999);
for (i=0; i<N; i++)
nums[i] = distribution(generator);
//Bubble <int s(nums, N);
//Selection <int s(nums, N);
//Insertion <int s(nums, N);
Quick <int s(nums, N);
s.print(nums, N);
return 0;
Notice that one of the 4 sort algorithms should be uncommented for any given compile/run cycle. Also,
N can be altered to adjust the size of the array.
You should turn in the following to Canvas as a single zip file:
 bubble.h
 selection.h
 insertion.h
 quick.h
 A one-page or more report (as a PDF) analyzing the time performance of the different sorting
algorithms and how they relate to Big O notation. Use the Cygwin/Linux time utility to measure
program execution time and try different sizes of arrays. Include a plot of the collected data.

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