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Spark and GraphX

Spark and GraphX
Amazon Web Services
Turn in command and results of a query using GraphX on Spark. Submit everything as a single markdown file, Jupyter notebook, or PDF.
In your GitLab repository, you should see a directory called Homeworks/mini-hw1 . Put your report in that directory. Remember to git add, git
commit, and git push . You can add your report early and keep updating it and pushing it as you do more work. We will collect the final version
after the deadline passes. If you need extra time on an assignment, let us know. This is a graduate course, so we are reasonably flexible with
deadlines but please do not overuse this flexibility. Use extra time only when you truly need it.
In this Assignment you will be required to deploy a EMR cluster with Spark and ingest the flights dataset as specified in the GraphX section (PDF).
List the number of vertices and edges in the graph. Recall the graph has airports as the vertices and flights as edges. We ran this query in the
section, so this task is just to check that you successfully created the graph (0 points)
Which airport has the most number of flights (total flights incoming and outgoing)? (10 points)
List the top-30 airports in Page Rank order (10 points)
That's it!
 1.63 KB
Mini-Homework #1
Due date: December 10, 2019
Objectives: GraphX on Spark
Assignment tools:
What to Turn In
How to submit the assignment
Assignment Details

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