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Homework 4 A Rose by any Other Name Would

Homework 4 COMP 302 Programming Languages and Paradigms

Q1. A Rose by any Other Name Would Smell as Sweet (30pts) As any avid gardener will know, rose trees have very large branching factors. In this question we will consider such trees (minus the flowers). We explore backtracking through an n-ary tree using exceptions and using continuations. We define an n-ary tree as follows: type ’a rose_tree = Node of ’a * (’a rose_tree) list
Q1.1 (10 points) Implement a function find:(’a - bool)- ’a rose_tree - ’a option using auxiliary functions which uses the exception Backtrack to backtrack through the tree. Q1.2 (10 points) Implement a function find’ :(’a - bool)- ’a rose_tree - ’a option using auxiliaryfunctions whichuses acontinuation oftype unit - ’a option to backtrack through the tree. Q1.3 (10 points) Implement a function find_all : (’a - bool)- ’a rose_tree - ’a list using auxiliary functions which uses a success continuation of type ’a list - ’b to collect all the nodes that satisfy the predicate in the tree.
Q2. Rational Numbers Two Ways (20pts) Floating point numbers can be considered as a computer approximation of rational numbers. In many situations they are exactly what you need. However, certain applications require other representations for rational numbers. For example, Donald Knuth uses fixed 1
point arithmetic for the TEX typesetting system (that we used to generate this document for example). In this question we will explore modules, and in particular how to abstract the representation or rational number and its arithmetic that we use (spoiler alert: we will use functors to do this). First, we define a representation of rationals using fractions: type fraction = int * int Second, we define a module type to perform arithmetic, that may use different number representations. module type Arith = sig type t val epsilon : t (∗A suitable tiny value, like epsilon float for floats∗) val plus : t - t - t (∗Addition∗) val minus : t - t - t (∗Substraction∗) val prod : t - t - t (∗Multiplication∗) val div : t - t - t (∗Division∗) val abs : t - t (∗Absolute value∗) val lt : t - t - bool (∗ < ∗) val le : t - t - bool (∗ <=∗) val gt : t - t - bool (∗ ∗) val ge : t - t - bool (∗ =∗) val eq : t - t - bool (∗=∗) val from_fraction : fraction - t (∗conversion from a fraction type∗) val to_string : t - string (∗generate a string∗)end A trivial example to implement is the module that uses floats internally to implement these operations. module FloatArith : Arith = struct type t = float ... (∗check for the complete implementation∗)end
Q2.1 (10 points) Implement a module named: FractionArith of type Arith that uses a value of type fraction as its internal representation. Note 1/1000000 is a suitable tiny number for this case.
Rational approximations of real valued functions are a very important problem in numerical computing. One example is the Newton-Raphson method. This method can be used to find the roots of a function; in particular, it can be used for computing the square root of a given integer. Given a good initial approximation, it converges rapidly and is highly effective for computing square roots, solving the equation
a − x2 = 0 To compute the square root of a, choose any positive x0, say 1, as the first approximation. If x is the current approximation then the next approximation next is
(a/x + x)/2
Stop as soon as the difference becomes too small. We can implement solutions of this problem using a function that is parametrized by modules of type Arith. The type of a module that uses Newton-Raphson’s method is: module type NewtonSolver = sig type t
val square_root : t - t end To compute the square root of a, implement a function findroot x acc where x approximates the square root of a with accuracy acc, i.e. the absolute difference between the current approximation and the next approximation is smaller than acc. We use epsilon as the desired accuracy. Your function square_root should have type t - t. Note that we made findroot a local function to be defined inside the function square_root.
Q2.2 (10 points) Implement a functor named: Newton that takes a module of type Arith to produce a module of type NewtonSolver. This module should allow us to approximate the square root function using two internal representations (floats and fractions) with a great deal of code reuse.
Q3. Real Real Numbers, for Real! (50pts) In question 2 we used Newton-Raphson’s method to compute approximate rational answers of real valued functions. In this question we will explore the first steps of having a representation of real numbers (with their infinite number of decimals) inside our computer. The definitions of this question are based on a paper by David Lester [1], the paper contains how to extend this question to real arithmetic and some transcendental functions using continued fractions. If you feel like implementing a calculator with real numbers that can be approximated to any precision, you can always check the algorithms in the paper, it could be fun! Real numbers can be represented in many ways, Cauchy sequences or Dedekind cuts forexample. Inthisquestionweexploretherepresentationofrealsascontinuedfunctions. We can represent a real number n as a continued function like this:
r = x0 +
x1 +
x2 +
1 x3 +··· Where xn are integers, moreover all xn for n = 1 are positive (the first integer may be negative). Real numbers may be infinitely long, while rationals are finite in length. Because this is an infinite sequence, we will use laziness to represent a real number as a stream of integers that represent all the xn. In a very precise sense, constructive real numbers are represented by a lazy computer program. Therefore, we represent a real number r as the stream of integers: r = [x0,x1,··· ,xn,···].
In our implementation we will change some details. In order to use an infinite sequence,ifthenumberwearerepresentinghasafiniterepresentation,wewilljustcontinue the stream with zeros. Be mindful of this when implementing your answers. Using Euler’s Q-polynomials we can define the following expansion, for the approximation with the first n terms:
rn = x0 + 1 q0q1 + −1 q1q2 +···+ −1(n−1) qn−1qn where: q0 = 1 q1 = x1 qn+2 = (xn+2qn+1) + qn The functions rn and qn allow us to get rational expansions, for simplicity we will use floating point values to store our approximations.
Q3.1 (5 points) Implement the function q : int stream - int - int Using the definition of q above. Q3.2 (5 points)Implementthefunction r: int stream - int - float Usingthedefinition r above.
So the function r allows us to get the n term approximation of a real number, but it does not say how precise it is (i.e.: different streams will converge at different speeds). The error of an approximation is defined as:
|r − rn| <
1 qn(qn + qn−1) Q3.3 (5 points) Implement the function error: int stream - int - float Using the definition above. This function takes the stream, the number n of terms in the approximation and returns a bound for the error. Q3.4 (15 points) Implement the function val rat_of_real : int stream - float - float that takes a string and an error bound and computes a rational approximation of the real number using the functions r, q and error. Because we are getting an approximation, our function will always inspect finitely many elements of the stream.
The last step is to convert floating point numbers (that is rationals as we explained above) into reals. To calculate a continued fraction representation of a number, write down the integer part using floor of r (this will become the head of the stream). Subtract this integer part from r. If the difference is 0 (or less than epsilon_float), the stream will continue with 0s from now on; otherwise find the reciprocal of the difference and repeat to compute the tail of the stream.
Q3.5 (20 points) Implement the function real_of_rat : float - int stream that computes the real number representation of floating point value.
[1] David R. Lester. Vuillemin’s exact real arithmetic. In FunctionalProgramming, Glasgow 1991: Proceedings of the 1991 Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming, Portree, Isle of Skye, 12–14 August 1991, pages 225–238, London, 1992. Springer London.

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