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SQL Programming Project CS-6360 Database Design

SQL Programming Project
CS-6360 Database Design
This SQL programming project involves the creation of a database host application that
interfaces with a backend SQL database implementing a Contact List application. This is an
individual (not group) project. All work, design, and coding must be done individually by you.
Programming Language(s) and Frameworks
Your host application should have a GUI interface. You may implement either a native GUI
application or a web GUI interface.
Your application GUI may be programmed with Java, Ruby, Python, Javascript, or PHP.
• You may use a web programming framework like Django (Python) or Node.js (Javascript).
• You may use an ORM (object-relational mapping) framework, like Hibernate, provided that
your SQL schema is compatible with the requirements.
• You may not use a NoSQL database such as MongoDB, JSON, Cassandra, etc.
• Approved SQL databases are MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server, and SQLite.
If you would like to use any other language or framework not specifically listed above, you must
obtain prior approval from the TA that they are able to effectively evaluate the language of your
Functional Requirements
1) Graphical User Interface (GUI) and Overall Design [25 points]
All interface with the database (queries, updates, deletes, etc.) must be done from a graphical
user interface of your original design. Your GUI application will interface with the Contact List
SQL database via an appropriate SQL connector. Initial database creation and population may be
done from command line or other admin tool, like a Workbench. Overall design will be judged
on usability first, look-and-feel secondary.
Required information to display in a Contact Display Window includes:
• First, Middle, and Last name
• Address List – must accommodate a variable number of addresses, each of which should
contain the following:
- Type of address (e.g. home, work, other, etc.)
- Street Address
- City
- State
- Zip code (i.e. postal code)
• Phone Number List - must accommodate a variable number of phone numbers, each of which
should contain the following:
- Type of number (e.g. home, work, fax, etc.)
- Area Code (3-digits)
- Number
• Date List – must accommodate a variable number of dates, each of which should contain the
- Type of date (e.g. birthday, anniversary, etc.)
- Calendar date
• An option to modify or delete an entry from the Contact Display Window.
2) Contact Search [25 points]
Using your GUI, be able to search for a contact, given any combination of Name components,
Address component(s), Phone number components. All searches should be done via a single
search field (like Google or Bing). The result of your query should display a list of all contacts
that match the search. A search results should include a list of “hits” that displays
• Full name
• An option to modify or delete an entry from the search results.
3) Adding New Contacts [25 points]
Your GUI should provide a menu item or button that brings up a New Contact Entry form. The
New Contact Entry form should allow for entry of all data, including the ability to add a new
Addresss, new Phone number, or new Date to the respective lists.
4) Modifying / Deleting Existing Contacts [25 points]
Your GUI should provide a menu item or button that brings up a Modify Contact Entry form.
The New Contact Entry form should allow for entry of all data, including the ability to add a new
Address, new Phone number, or new Date to the respective lists.
The schema for the minimum required SQL schema requirements are pictured below. You are
permitted to modify or augment this schema provided that your system (a) is backwards
compatible with the given schema, and (b) adheres to the written requirements. As long as your
system supports the documented functionality, you may add any features you deem useful.
Note that every record has a primary key that should be auto-generated. It is suggested that these
keys be integers that are created with the SQL AUTOINCREMENT option.
Contact_id Fname Mname Lname
Address_id Contact_id Address_type Address City State Zip
Phone_id Contact_id Area_code Number
Date_id Contact_id
Date_type Date
• Baseline data to initialize your database will be provided in the eLearning programming
assignment folder.
• All data is provided in plain text CSV files. Note that there is not a one-to-one, file-totable correspondence. Part of your system design task to map (i.e. normalize) these data
onto your schema and tables.
You will be required to submit the following files:
• A design document that describes your system architecture including design decisions
and assumptions. (1.5-3 pages 12 point font, not including any schema diagrams or
system architecture figures). Format should be PDF.
• A Quick Start user guide for Contact List end users (1-2 pages).
• A readme.txt file that describes how to compile, build, and install your application. It
should include any technical dependencies (language, frameworks, platform, OS,
software libraries, software versions, etc.).
• All application source code, including any build files (e.g. make, ant, maven, etc.).
• All files must be zipped together into a single file. This file should be
named <, where <net-id is your Net ID.
You will be required to demonstrate your application for the TA. If you are unable to bring a
laptop computer to demonstrate your application, please let me know as soon as possible so I can
make alternate arrangements.
An online sign-up mechanism will be made available to reserve a specific time with the TA for
evaluation and grading. As a courtesy to the TAs and those waiting behind you, please be on
time for your scheduled slot and have your application already launched and ready to go.
Each student will have 10-15 minutes to demonstrate their system and execute the test cases
provided at grading time. Test cases will be designed to validate use cases from the published

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