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Statistical Machine Learning Assignment 1

Statistical Machine Learning Assignment 1
The code base for the assignment
is an attachment to Assignment 1 on Canvas. You will add your code at the indicated spots in the
files there. Place your answers to the written portions of Problems 1, 2 and 3 (typeset) in a file
called writeup.pdf; the code in Code for Problem 4 needs to be entered at the marked
points in IPython notebooks in the folders part1 and part2. You will solve this problem set in a
group of two – only one submission per group, please. Upload the entire zip archive back to Canvas
before the due date and time.
0: Background refresher (25 points)
The purpose of this problem is give you a quick refresher of the mathematical topics we will need
for the term. It also gives you a chance to write some Python code.
• (8 points) Write functions in Python to produce samples from four distributions: categorical,
univariate Gaussian, multivariate Gaussian, and general mixture distributions. While there
are sampling functions implemented in scipy.stats for these four distributions, you will
write your own implementations using samples from the uniform distribution over the unit
interval (numpy.random.uniform()). You may find the following Wikipedia pages helpful in
designing your sampling algorithms.
– distribution
– distribution
– normal distribution
– distribution
Write your implementations in the file You may add arguments to the function
signatures as long as your implementation supports the interface as specified in the documentation of the functions. Save and submit the completed Include the graphs
below in writeup.pdf - use matplotlib for all these plots.
– Plot the histogram of samples generated by a categorical distribution with probabilities
– Plot the univariate normal distribution with mean of 10 and standard deviation of 1.
– Produce a scatter plot of the samples for a 2-D Gaussian with mean at [1,1] and a
covariance matrix [[1,0.5],[0.5,1]].
– Test your mixture sampling code by writing a function that implements an equalweighted mixture of four Gaussians in 2 dimensions, centered at (±1, ±1) and having
covariance I. Estimate the probability that a sample from this distribution lies within
the unit circle centered at (0.1, 0.2) and include that number in your writeup.
2 • (2 points) Prove that the sum of two independent Poisson random variables is also a Poisson
random variable.
• (2 points) Let X0 and X1 be continuous random variables. Show that if
p(X0 = x0) = α0e

P(X1 = x1|X0 = x0) = αe

there exists α1, µ1 and σ1 such that
p(X1 = x1) = α1e

Write down expressions for these quantities in terms of α0, α, µ0, σ0 and σ.
• (2 points) Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the following 2 × 2 matrix A.
A =

13 5
2 4 !
• (2 points) Provide one example for each of the following cases, where A and B are 2 × 2
– (A + B)
6= A2 + 2AB + B2
– AB = 0, A 6= 0, B 6= 0
• (2 points) Let u denote a real vector normalized to unit length. That is, u
T u = 1. Show that
A = I − 2uuT
is orthogonal, i.e., AT A = 1.
• (4 points) A function f is convex on a given set S if and only if for λ ∈ [0, 1] and for all
x, y ∈ S, the following holds.
f(λx + (1 − λ)y) ≤ λf(x) + (1 − λ)f(y)
Moreover, a univariate functoon f(x) is convex on a set S if and only if its second derivative
00(x) is non-negative everywhere in the set. prove the following assertions.
– f(x) = x
is convex for x ≥ 0.
– f(x1, x2) = max(x1, x2) is convex on <
– If univariate functions f and g are convex on S, then f + g is convex on S.
– If univariate functions f and g are convex and non-negative on S, and have their minimum within S at the same point, then fg is convex on S.
• (3 points) The entropy of a categorical distribution on K values is defined as
H(p) = −
Using the method of Lagrange multipliers, find the categorical distribution that has the
highest entropy.
1 Locally weighted linear regression (20 points) 3
Consider a linear regression problem in which we want to weight different training examples differently. Specifically, suppose we want to minimize
J(θ) = 1
T x
(i) − y
In class, we considered a special case where all the examples were equally weighted. Here you will
extend those calculations to the weighted setting.
• (5 points) Show that J(θ) can be written in the form
J(θ) = (Xθ − y)
TW(Xθ − y)
for an appropriate diagonal matrix W, where X is the m × d input matrix and y is a m × 1
vector denoting the associated outputs. State clearly what W is.
• (10 points) If all the w
’s are equal to 1, the normal equation to solve for the parameter θ
XT Xθ = XT
and the value of θ that minimizes J(θ) is (XT X)
−1XT y. By computing the derivative of the
weighted J(θ) and setting it equal to zero, generalize the normal equation to the weighted
setting and solve for θ in closed form in terms of W, X and y.
• (5 points) To predict the target value for an input vector x, one choice for the weighting
function w
(i) = exp

(x − x
(x − x


Points near x are weighted more heavily than points far away from x. The parameter τ is
a bandwidth defining the sphere of influence around x. Note how the weights are defined
by the input x. Write down an algorithm for calculating θ by batch gradient descent for
locally weighted linear regression. Is locally weighted linear regression a parametric or a
non-parametric method?
2 Properties of the linear regression estimator (10 points)
An estimator of an unknown parameter is called unbiased if its expected value equals the true value
of the parameter. Here, you will prove that the least-squares estimate given by the normal equation
for linear regression is an unbiased estimate of the true parameter θ

. We first assume that the
data D = {(x
, y(i)
|1 ≤ i ≤ m; x
(i) ∈ <d
; y
(i) ∈ <} comes from a linear model:
(i) = θ
T x
(i) + ?
where each 4 ?
is an independent random variable drawn from a normal distribution with zero
mean and variance σ
. When considering the bias of an estimator, we treat the input x
’s as fixed
but arbitrary, and the true parameter vector θ
∗ as fixed but unknown. Expectations are taken over
possible realizations of the output values y
• (5 points) Show that E[θ] = θ

for the least squares estimator.
• (5 points) Show that the variance of the least squares estimator is V ar(θ) = (XT X)
3 Implementing linear regression and regularized linear regression
(80 points)
In this two-part problem, you will first implement linear regression and get experience working
with it on a classical data set for predicting median home values at the census tract level in the
Boston suburbs. Initially you will explore linear regression on one variable, and then you will
extend your work to cover multiple variables. In the second part, you will implement regularized
linear regression and use it to study models with different bias-variance properties. Unzip the code
archive, and you will see two folders part1 and part2. The material for the first part of
the assignment is in part1 and the files in part1 are shown in Table 1. The material for the second
part of the assignment is in part2 and the files in this folder are shown in Table 2. Complete the
problems in part 1 before moving on to part 2.
Setting up Python
I highly recommend the use of Anaconda Navigator. Anaconda is free for academics and contains
all the Python modules we need for all the assignments in this class. For Anaconda, go to
and download the Python 2.7 version of Anaconda appropriate for your OS. Anaconda comes with
most of the required packages for the class, and package management is made easy in the framework.
Problem 3.1: Implementing linear regression (45 points)
Problem 3.1.A: Linear regression with one variable (15 points)
You will implement linear regression with one variable to predict the median value of a home in a
census tract in the Boston suburbs from the percentage of the population in the census tract that
is of lower economic status. The file contains the data for our linear regression
problem. We will build a model that predicts the median home value in a census tract (in $10000s)
from the percentage of the population of lower economic status in a tract. The ex1.ipynb notebook
has already been set up to load this data for you using the Python package pandas.
Name Edit? Read? Description 5
linear Yes Yes Fill in the loss function, prediction function, gradient descent algorithm (linear regression with one variable).
linear regressor Yes Yes Fill in the loss function, prediction function, gradient descent algorithm and normal equation (linear regression with multiple variables) Yes Yes Fill in function to normalize features
ex1.ipynb Yes Yes Python notebook that will run your functions for linear regression with a single
variable (edit only where indicated)
ex1 multi.ipynb Yes Yes Python notebook that will run your functions for linear regression with multiple
variables (edit only where indicated) No Yes The Boston housing data set No Yes Description of the variables in the Boston
housing data set
plot No Yes Functions for data and model visualization
Table 1: Files in folder part1 for the first part of the assignment.
Plotting the data
Before starting on any task, it is often useful to understand the data by visualizing it. For this
dataset, you can use a scatter plot to visualize the data, since it has only two features to plot
(percentage of population of lower economic status and median home value). Many other problems
that you will encounter in real life are multi-dimensional and cannot be plotted on a 2-d plot. In
ex1.ipynb, the dataset is loaded from the data file into the variables X and y. You will see the plot
in Figure 1 generated by plot displayed using in the script. You can save
the plot in fig1.pdf in the part1 folder using the savefig method of the plot function.
Gradient descent
You will implement gradient descent to fit the parameter θ to the housing data. Recall that the
objective of linear regression is to minimize the cost function
J(θ) = 1
) − y
where the hypothesis hθ(x) is given by the linear model
hθ(x) = θ
T x = θ0 + θ1x
The gradient descent algorithm computes the value of θ to minimize the cost function J(θ). We
will use batch gradient descent which performs the following update on each iteration.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Percentage of population with lower economic status
Median home value in $10000s
Figure 1: Scatter plot of training data
θj ← θj − α
) − y
where all the θj ’s are updated simultaneously. The parameter α is the learning rate. With each
step of gradient descent, the parameters θj come closer to the optimal values that achieve the
lowest cost J(θ). In ex1.ipynb, we have already set the learning rate (0.005), number of iterations
(10000) as well as the initial values for the parameter θ (all zeros).
We store each example as a row in a numpy array X. To take into account the intercept term (θ0),
we add an additional first column to X and set it to all ones. This allows us to treat θ0 as simply
another ‘feature’.
Problem 3.1.A1: Computing the cost function J(θ) (5 points)
As you perform gradient descent to minimize the cost function J(θ), it is helpful to monitor the
convergence by computing the cost. You will implement a function to calculate J(θ) so you can
check the convergence of your gradient descent implementation. Your should complete the code
for the loss method for the LinearReg SquaredLoss class in the file linear Remember that the variables X and y are not scalar values, but matrices whose rows represent the
7 examples from the training set.
Problem 3.1.A2: Implementing gradient descent (5 points)
Next, you will implement gradient descent in the method train for the LinearRegressor class in
the file linear The loop structure has been written for you, and you only need
to supply the updates to θ within each iteration. Recall that we minimize the value of J(θ) by
changing the values of the vector θ, not by changing X or y. A good way to verify that gradient
descent is working correctly is to look at the value of J(θ) and check that it is decreasing with each
step. The train method calls the loss method on every iteration and prints the cost. Assuming
you have implemented gradient descent and and the loss function correctly, your value of J(θ)
should never increase, and should converge to a steady value by the end of the algorithm. You
should expect to see a cost of approximately 296.07 at the first iteration. After you are finished,
ex1.ipynb will use your final parameters to plot the linear fit. The result should look something
like Figure 2. The plot of the J(θ) values during gradient descent is in Figure 3.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Percentage of population with lower economic status
Median home value in $10000s
Figure 2: Fitting a linear model to the data in Figure 1
Visualizing J(θ)
To understand the cost function J(θ) better, we plot the cost over a 2-dimensional grid of θ0 and
θ1 values. You will not need to code anything new for this part, but you should understand how
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Number of iterations
Cost J
Figure 3: Convergence of gradient descent to fit the linear model in Figure 2
the code you have written already is creating these images. In ex1.ipynb, we calculate J(θ) over
a grid of (θ0, θ1) values using the loss method that you wrote. The 2-D array of J(θ) values is
plotted using the surf and contour commands of matplotlib. The plots should look something like
Figure 4.
The purpose of these plots is to show you how J(θ) varies with changes in θ0 and θ1. The cost
function is bowl-shaped and has a global minimum. This is easier to see in the contour plot than
in the 3D surface plot. This minimum is the optimal point for θ0 and θ1, and each step of gradient
descent moves closer to this point.
Problem 3.1.A3: Predicting on unseen data (5 points)
Your final values for θ will also be used to make predictions on median home values for census tracts
where the percentage of the population of lower economic status is 5% and 50%. First, complete
the predict method in the LinearRegressor class in linear Then fill in code
for prediction using the computed θ at the indicated point in ex1.ipynb. Report the predictions
of your model in your lab writeup.
−20 −10 0 10 20 30
Figure 4: Surface and contour plot of cost function J (linear regression with single variable)
Assessing model quality
Up to now, we have used all the given data to estimate the model. Then, we check its performance
on two unseen points. To assess model quality in a more systematic fashion, we will explore
train/test splits and crossvalidation approaches. We will use the mean squared error and the R2
value as measures of model quality. The lower the mean squared error, the better the model is. The
closer R2
is to 1, the better the model is. The ex1.ipynb notebook shows you how to split X into
training and test sets and use them for model estimation and model evaluation respectively. The
notebook also shows you how to set up k-fold crossvalidation assessment of a linear model using
built-in functions in the sklearn package.
Problem 3.1.B: Linear regression with multiple variables (30 points)
Problem 3.1.B1: Feature normalization (5 points)
For this problem we will work with ex1 multi.ipyb, linear regressor and
The ex1 multi.ipyb notebook will start by loading and displaying some values from the full Boston
housing dataset with thirteen features of census tracts that are believed to be predictive of the
median home price in the tract (see housing.names.txt for a full description of these features).
By looking at the values, you will note that the values of some of the features are about 1000
times the values of others. When features differ by orders of magnitude, feature scaling becomes
important to make gradient descent converge quickly. Your task here is to complete the code
in feature in First, subtract the mean value of each feature from the
dataset. Second, divide the feature values by their respective standard deviations. The standard
deviation is a way of measuring how much variation there is in the range of values of a particular
feature (most data points will lie within two standard deviations of the mean). You will do this
for all the features and your code should work with datasets of all sizes (any number of features /
examples). Note that each column of the matrix X corresponds to one feature. When normalizing
the features, it is important to store the values used for normalization - the mean value and the
standard deviation used for the computations. After learning the parameter θ, we want to predict
the median home prices for new census tracts. Given the thirteen characteristics x of a new census
10 tract, we must first normalize x using the mean and standard deviations that we had previously
computed from the training set. Then, we take the dot product of x (with a 1 prepended (to
account for the intercept term) with the parameter vector θ to make a prediction.
Note that in ex1 multi.ipynb, when feature normalize is called, the extra column of 1’s has not
yet been added to X.
Problem 3.1.B2: Loss function and gradient descent (10 points)
Previously, you implemented gradient descent on a univariate regression problem. The only difference now is that there are more features in the matrix X. The hypothesis function and the batch
gradient descent update rule remain unchanged. You should complete the code for the train
method and the loss method at the indicated points in linear regressor to implement the cost function and gradient descent for linear regression with multiple variables. Make
sure your code supports any number of features and that it is vectorized. I recommend the use
of numpy’s code vectorization facilities.
You should see the cost J(θ) converge as shown in Figure 5.
Problem 3.1.B3: Making predictions on unseen data (5 points)
Your final parameter values for θ will now be used to make predictions on median home values
for an average census tract, characterized by average values for all the thirteen features. Complete
the calculation in ex1 multi.ipynb in the indicated lines in that file. Now run the corresponding
cell in ex1 multi.ipynb to see what the prediction of median home value for an average tract is.
Remember to scale the features correctly for this prediction.
Problem 3.1.B4: Normal equations (5 points)
The closed form solution for θ is
θ = (XT X)
Using this formula does not require any feature scaling, and you will get an exact solution in one
calculation: there is no loop until convergence as in gradient descent. Complete the code in the
method normal eqn in linear regressor to use the formula above to calculate θ. Now
make a prediction for the average census tract (same example as in the previous problem). Do the
predictions match up? Remember that while you do not need to scale your features, you still need
to add a 1 to the example to have an intercept term (θ0).
Problem 3.1.B5: Exploring convergence of gradient descent (5 points)
In this part of the exercise, you will get to try out different learning rates for the dataset and
find a learning rate that converges quickly. You can change the learning rate and the number of
iterations by modifying the call to the LinearReg constructor in ex1 multi.ipynb. The next phase
in ex1 multi.ipynb will call your train function and run gradient descent at the chosen learning
rate for the chosen number of iterations. The function should also return the history of J(θ) values
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Number of iterations
Cost J
Figure 5: Convergence of gradient descent for linear regression with multiple variables (Boston
housing data set)
in a vector J. After the last iteration, the ex1 multi.ipynb script plots the J values against the
number of the iterations. If you picked a learning rate within a good range, your plot should look
similar to Figure 5. If your graph looks very different, especially if your value of J(θ) increases
or even blows up, adjust your learning rate and try again. We recommend trying values of the
learning rate α on a log-scale, at multiplicative steps of about 3 times the previous value (i.e., 0.3,
0.1, 0.03, 0.01 and so on). You may also want to adjust the number of iterations you are running if
that will help you see the overall trend in the curve. Present plots of J as a function of the number
of iterations for different learning rates. What are good learning rates and number of iterations for
this problem? Include plots and a brief writeup in your lab report to justify your choices.
Problem 3: Part 2: Implementing regularized linear regression (35
In this part, you will implement regularized linear regression and use it to study models with
different bias-variance properties. To get started, look at the code in the folder part2, which has
the files shown in Table 2.
Regularized linear regression
In this problem, you will implement regularized linear regression to predict the amount of water
flowing out of a dam using the change of water level in a reservoir.
Name Edit? Read? Description 12
reg linear regressor Yes Yes Fill in the regularized loss function, prediction function, gradient descent algorithm
(regularized linear regression with multiple
variables) Yes Yes Fill in function to generate a learning
curve, an averaged learning curve, mapping data into polynomial features, and
function to generate a cross validation
ex2.ipynb No Yes Python notebook for running your functions for regularized linear regression (edit
only where indicated)
plot No Yes functions to plot a polynomial fit and other
ex2data1.mat No No Dataset for this assignment
Table 2: The files in folder part2 for the second part of the assignment.
Visualizing the dataset
We will begin by visualizing the dataset containing historical records on the change in the water
level x, and the amount of water y, flowing out of the dam. This dataset is divided into three parts:
• A training set that you will use to learn the model: X, y.
• A validation set for determining the regularization parameter: Xval, yval.
• A test set for evaluating the performance of your model: Xtest, ytest. These are unseen
examples that were not used during the training of the model.
Run the notebook ex2.ipynb and it will plot the training data as shown in Figure 6.
Next you will implement regularized linear regression and use it to fit a straight line to the data
and plot learning curves. Following that, you will implement polynomial regression to find a better
fit to the data.
Problem 3.2.A1: Regularized linear regression cost function (5 points)
Regularized linear regression has the following cost function:
J(θ) = 1
(i) − hθ(x


where λ is a regularization parameter which controls the degree of regularization (thus, help preventing overfitting). The regularization term puts a penalty on the overall cost J(θ). As the
−50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40
Change in water level (x)
Water flowing out of the dam (y)
Figure 6: The training data for regularized linear regression
magnitudes of the model parameters θj increase, the penalty increases as well. Note that you
should not regularize the θ0 term. You should now complete the code for the method loss in the
class Reg LinearRegression SquaredLoss in the file reg linear regressor to calculate J(θ). Vectorize your code and avoid writing for loops.
Problem 3.2.A2: Gradient of the Regularized linear regression cost function (5 points)
Correspondingly, the partial derivative of the regularized linear regression cost function with respect
to θj is defined as:
) − y

) − y
θj for j ≥ 1
You should now complete the code for the method grad loss in the class Reg LinearRegression SquaredLoss
in the file reg linear regressor to calculate the gradient, returning it in the variable
Learning linear regression model
Once your cost function and gradient are working correctly, the script ex2.ipynb will run the
train method in reg linear regressor to compute the optimal values of θ. This
training function uses scipy’s fmin bfgs to optimize the cost function. Here we have set the
14 regularization parameter λ to zero. Because we are trying to fit a line on to data that is clearly nonlinear, regularization will not be incredibly helpful. In the next problem, you will use polynomial
regression and see the impact of regularization.
−50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40
Change in water level (x)
Water flowing out of the dam (y)
Figure 7: The best fit line for the training data
Finally, the ex2.ipynb script plots the best fit line, resulting in a plot like the one shown in Figure 7.
The best fit line tells us that the model is not a good fit to the data because the data is non-linear.
While visualizing the best fit as shown is one possible way to debug your learning algorithm, it
is not always easy to visualize the data and model. In the next problem, you will implement a
function to generate learning curves that can help you debug your learning algorithm even if it is
not easy to visualize the data.
Bias and Variance
An important concept in machine learning is the bias-variance tradeoff. Models with high bias are
not complex enough for the data and tend to underfit, while models with high variance overfit the
training data. In this problem, you will plot training and test errors on a learning curve to diagnose
bias-variance problems.
Problem 3.2.A3: Learning curves (5 points) 15
A learning curve plots training and cross validation error as a function of training set size. You
will complete the function learning curve in so that it returns a vector of errors for the
training set and validation set. To obtain different training set sizes, use different subsets of the
original training set X. Specifically, for a training set size of i, you should use the first i examples.
You can use the train function to find the parameter θ. Note that the regularization λ reg is
passed as a parameter to the learning curve function. After learning the θ parameter, you should
compute the error on the training and validation sets. Recall that the training error for a dataset
is defined as:
J(θ) = 1
(i) − hθ(x
In particular, note that the training error does not include the regularization term. One way to
compute the training error is to use your existing cost function and set reg to 0 only when using
it to compute the training error and validation error. When you are computing the training set
error, make sure you compute it on the training subset instead of the entire training set. However,
for the validation error, you should compute it over the entire validation set. You should store the
computed errors in the vectors error train and error val. When you are finished, ex2.ipynb
will print the learning curves and produce a plot similar to Figure 8.
2 4 6 8 10 12
Number of training examples
Training/Validation error
Learning curve for linear regression with lambda = 0.0
Training error
Validation error
Figure 8: Learning curves
In Figure 8, you can observe that both the train error and cross validation error are high when
16 the number of training examples is increased. This reflects a high bias problem in the model the
linear regression model is too simple and is unable to fit our dataset well. Next, you will implement
polynomial regression to fit a better model for this dataset.
Polynomial regression: expanding the basis functions
The problem with our linear model was that it was too simple for the data and resulted in underfitting (high bias). In this problem, you will address this issue by adding more features. In particular,
you will consider hypotheses of the form
hθ(x) = θ0 + θ1x + θ2x
2 + . . . + θpx
This is still a linear model from the point of view of the parameter space. We have augmented the
features with powers of x. The script builds these features using sklearn’s preprocessing
Learning polynomial regression models
The ex2.ipynb script will proceed to train polynomial regression using your regularized linear
regression cost function. Keep in mind that even though we have polynomial terms in our feature
vector, we are still solving a linear regression optimization problem. The polynomial terms have
simply turned into features that we can use for linear regression.
You will use a polynomial of degree 6. It turns out that if we run the training directly on the
projected data, it will not work well as the features would be badly scaled (e.g., an example with
x = 40 will now have a feature x
6 = 406 = 4.1 × 109
). Therefore, you will need to use feature
normalization. Before learning the parameter θ for the polynomial regression, ex2.ipynb will first
call the feature normalize function you wrote earlier. It will normalize the features of the training
set, storing the mu, sigma parameters separately. After learning the parameter θ, you should see
two plots (Figures 9 and 10) generated for polynomial regression with λ = 0.
From Figure 9, you should see that the polynomial fit is able to follow the data points very well -
thus, obtaining a low training error. However, the polynomial fit is very complex and even drops
off at the extremes. This is an indicator that the polynomial regression model is overfitting the
training data and will not generalize well.
To better understand the problems with the unregularized (λ = 0) model, you can see that the
learning curve (Figure 10) shows the same effect where the training error is low, but the error on
the validation set is high. There is a gap between the training and validation errors, indicating
a high variance problem. One way to combat the overfitting (high-variance) problem is to add
regularization to the model. Next, you will get to try different λ values to see how regularization
can lead to a better model.
Problem 3.2.A4: Adjusting the regularization parameter (5 points)
You will now explore how the regularization parameter affects the bias-variance of regularized
polynomial regression. You should now modify the lambda parameter in the script ex2.ipynb and
−60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60
Change in water level (x)
Water flowing out of dam (y)
Polynomial Regression fit with polynomial features of degree = 6
Figure 9: Polynomial fit for lambda = 0 with a p=6 order model.
try λ = 1, 10, 100. For each of these values, the script will generate a polynomial fit to the data
and also a learning curve. Submit two plots for each value of lambda: the fit as well as the learning
curve. Comment on the impact of the choice of lambda on the quality of the learned model in your
lab writeup.
Problem 3.2.A5: Selecting λ using a validation set (5 points)
You have now observed that the value of λ can significantly affect the results of regularized polynomial regression on the training and validation set. In particular, a model without regularization
fits the training set well, but does not generalize. Conversely, a model with too much regularization
does not fit the training set and testing set well. A good choice of λ can provide a good fit to the
You will implement an automated method to select the λ parameter. Concretely, you will use a
validation set to evaluate how good each λ value is. After selecting the best λ value using the
validation set, we can then evaluate the model on the test set to estimate how well the model will
perform on actual unseen data. Complete the function validation curve.m in Specifically, you should should use the train method on an instance of the class Reg Linear Regressor
to train the model using different values of λ and to compute the training error and validation
error. You should try λ in the following range: {0, 0.001, 0.003, 0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, 10}.
After you have completed the code, run the appropriate cell in ex2.ipynb to plot a validation curve
2 4 6 8 10 12
Number of training examples
Training/Validation error
Learning curve for linear regression with lambda = 0.0
Training error
Validation error
Figure 10: Learning curve for lambda = 0.
of λ versus the error. This plot allows you select which λ value to use. Due to randomness in the
training and validation splits of the dataset, the cross validation error can sometimes be lower than
the training error. Submit a pdf version of this plot in your report. Comment on the best choice
of λ for this problem.
Problem 3.2.A6: Computing test set error (5 points)
To get a better indication of a model’s performance in the real world, it is important to evaluate
the final model on a test set that was not used in any part of training (that is, it was neither used
to select the regularization parameter, nor to learn the model parameters). Calculate the error of
the best model that you found with the previous analysis and report it. You can add code at the
noted spot in ex2.ipynb to print out this value.
Problem 3.2.A7: Plotting learning curves with randomly selected examples (5 points)
In practice, especially for small training sets, when you plot learning curves to debug your algorithms, it is often helpful to average across multiple sets of randomly selected examples to determine
the training error and validation error. Concretely, to determine the training error and cross validation error for i examples, you should first randomly select i examples from the training set and
i examples from the validation set. You will then learn the model parameters using the randomly
19 chosen training set and evaluate the parameters on the randomly chosen training set and validation set. The above steps should then be repeated multiple times (say 50) and the averaged error
should be used to determine the training error and cross validation error for i examples. Implement
the above strategy for computing the learning curves. For reference, Figure 11 shows the learning
curve we obtained for polynomial regression with λ = 1. Your figure may differ slightly due to the
random selection of examples. Complete the function learning curve averaged in to
generate compute and generate this plot. Call this function at the end of ex2.ipynb and plot the
averaged learning curve.
-3 10
-2 10
-1 10
0 10
Training/Validation error
Variation in training/validation error with lambda
Training error
Validation error
Figure 11: Averaged Learning curve for lambda = 1.
What to turn in
Please zip up all the files in the archive (including files that you did not modify) and submit it as
hw1 on Canvas before the deadline, where netid is to be replaced with your netid. Include
a PDF file in the archive that presents your plots and discussion of results from the programming
component of the assignment. Also include typeset solutions to the written problems 1, 2 and 3 of
this assignment in your writeup. Only one submission per group of two, please.
Problem 3 is adapted from Andrew Ng’s exercise on linear regression.

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