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Student Class List Project 3

Student Class List Project 3
Purpose: To better understand
• Linked lists
• Recursion
• Unit Tests
You will write an application which stores the courses taken by a student and prints out a
report. Data will be read from a data.txt file. Once all data has been read from the data.txt
file, your program should print a report as shown in the Program Output section below.
After the list of courses has been printed, you should then calculate and display the
cumulative GPA of all courses in the list.
Important Constraints
1. You must implement a linked list as the underlying data structure.
2. Course entries will be stored in the linked list structure.
3. All operations and list traversals MUST use recursion. Loops are NOT allowed in your
linked list implementation. (Loops can be used in the code with reads the data from
the data.txt file, but NOT in any other modules)
4. Each class will be in a separate module (i.e., and the driver
program which reads the data from the data.txt file will be in
5. To allow the UnitTest to test for recursion usage, you MUST add the following to each
module which has recursive functions:
from recursioncounter import RecursionCounter
and at the beginning of EVERY recursive function you must add this line:
_ = RecursionCounter()
Course ADT (
You will implement a Course ADT which implements the following methods:
• constructor: must have default values for all parameters and must validate all
• number(): retrieve Course Number as an integer
• name(): retrieve Course Name as a string
• credit_hr(): retrieve Credits as a floating-point number
• grade() : retrieve Grade as a numeric value in range 4.0 – 0.0
• __str__ (): returns a string representing a single Course as shown in the Program
Output section
• The courses taken by the student will be provided in a data file. You will have to
parse the data from that file and store it in a Linked List of courses.
CourseList ADT (
Your CourseList ADT must use a Linked List implementation. The course list must be able
to hold an unlimited number of Courses. The CourseList ADT implements the following
• constructor to initialize all needed data for an empty list
• insert(Course): insert the specified Course in Course Number ascending order
• remove(number): remove the first occurrence of the specified Course
• remove_all(number): removes ALL occurrences of the specified Course
• find(number): find the first occurrance of the specified course in the list or return -1
• size(): return the number of items in the list
• calculate_gpa(): return the GPA using all courses in the list
• is_sorted(): return True if the list is sorted by Course Number, False otherwise
• __str__(): returns a string with each Course’s data on a separate line (as shown in the
Program Output)
• __iter__() and __next__(): the linked list must be iterable
Program Output
Figure 1. Example Program Output
Test Cases
Your three files (,, and will be auto-tested with the
supplied file. This is a standard Python UnitTest file and will exercise your
code to ensure it is working properly. If you fail any test, you should be able to find the
problem keep working on it until all tests pass. Use this UnitTest as a development tool to
polish your programming skills. Your grade will be based on both the results of the
UnitTests and proper program output (see above). (the output of main() will also be
evaluated by unittest.)
In addition to fully exercising your code, the UnitTest will also use PyLint to check your
“code quality”. It uses a standard Python coding standard called Pep-8. It may seem tedious
at first, but you can integrate PyLint into most IDE’s and this will help you create more
so get used to it now!
All python files must pass PyLint with a score of 8.5 or better.
Grading (100 points)
All scores are a result of the Unit Test
• Empty Course 5
• Nominal Course 5
• Empty Course List 5
• Nominal Course List 35
• Recursion 20
• Coding Standards 15
• main() output 15
Files to turn in through Canvas
• (driver file)

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