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SysEng 6104 Project Task X

SysEng 6104 Project Task X
Paper Draft 

 Your paper will have five main sections. It will be organized as a journal paper structure very similar to the ones that you have selected while you were modifying your assessment model in project task VII.   

You will develop sections a, b, c, d in this project task and provide bullets what you will be covering in sections e, f, g and h. 
Here are the main sections of the paper.
a.    Title of paper:  “A Model for Assessing Functional and Systems Architectures in Architecture Generation Process”
b.    Your name: affiliation and e-mail
c.    Abstract: 
This will be around 100 word description of the motivation for the research describing what the research is about? What methods are used and results obtained? What will be the impact of the research? What might be future directions of research work?
d.    Introduction: 
In this section you will talk about the research problem that you have tackled. You need to indicate why this research problem is important and what will the impact be in systems architecting research and application? Motivation for research should be clearly explained. A short description of the model that you are proposing should be described here with clear explanation of inputs and outputs. You should also provide a literature review summarizing the models developed previously by other researchers and indicating how your model does is an improvement over these approaches. This section should also explain the characteristics of system architecture, system architecting process and architecture generation and assessment. 
e.    Proposed Model for Architecture Assessment:
Please formulate your assessment model  as a  general model by defining variables and parameters. You will demonstrate how your model is applied in three architectures that you have developed in section e.
f.    Solution of the Proposed Model
i.    Assessing Level -2 System Architecture 
ii.    Assessing Modified Level-2 System Architecture 
iii.    Assessing Level -3 System Architecture 
g.    Discussion of Results:
In this section you will talk about your results of running the model and comment on their applicability and correctness. You can also stale here why they are better or worse that the other models developed by others, 
h.    Conclusion and Future work
You will draw your conclusions here
i.    References 

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