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Write a python code that: 1. You have 3 shape: Circle, Equilateral Triangle, Square

HW 03
PART 1 (Submit to moodle / .py file)
Write a python code that:
1. You have 3 shape: Circle, Equilateral Triangle, Square 2. Take the radius value of circle, length of one side of triangle and square.
3. Calculate shapes areas. 4. Prints results.
Explain what happens in each line of code writing comments.
BONUS: Print each shape with (*) symbol, according to the side length or radius.
PART 2 (Submit to moodle / .asm file)
Write an assembly code that multiply two integer. Your multiplication result can be smaller than 10. Save your code as machine code and submit it.
PART 3 (Submit to moodle / .doc file)
Research the jpeg file format and write a paragraph about the file specifications.

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