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Assignment 1 Terminal execution environment

Assignment 1
Total: 12 Points
Submit Instruction
• Submit your work in the Dropbox folder via BeachBoard (Not email or in class).
1. (12 points) Set up a terminal execution environment of Java, C++, Python 2.7, and
JavaScript(Node.js) on your workstation. You shall execute the simple HelloWorld
programs on a terminal by typing.
i. javac; java HelloWorld
ii. g++ HelloWorld.cpp -o HelloWorld; ./HelloWorld
iii. python
iv. node HelloWorld.js
v. Windows users may use MinGW to install GNU gcc/g++.(
vi. Mac users may use HomeBrew to install GNU gcc/g++.(
vii. You may need to install Node.js to execute a JavaScript code in on a terminal.
viii. Submit a screen shot as Figure 1. (No source codes required.)
Figure 1: Working example

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