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The a-b-c Calculator

The a-b-c Calculator
Standard Input, Standard Output
You bought a calculator at a garage sale for only 25 cents, thinking you got a steal.
Unfortunately, the calculator has very limited functionality and a rather strange screen. The
initial display always starts with 0 on it and there are three buttons you can press which perform
the following operations on the current number on the screen:
(1) Add a
(2) Multiply by b
(3) Integer Division by c
where a, b, and c are given for each different calculator.
The screen displays exactly 6 digits, and when you attempt a calculation with a result one
million or greater, you realize that the display shows the last six digits of the actual correct
response and uses this value instead for the next calculation. (For example, if the display
showed 345678 and b = 3, if we press the button to multiply by 3, the resulting value will be
037034, the last six digits of the actual result. If we then pressed the integer divide button by c =
4, the new result would be 9258. Note that this is different than 1037034/4.) Given the constants
a, b, and c, described above, and a target integer, t, determine the minimum number of button
presses needed to obtain t on the calculator display.
The first line will contain a single positive integer, n, (n ≤ 100), specifying the number of input
cases. Each input case will be on a single line having four space-separated positive integers, a,
b, c and t, representing the additive constant, multiplicative constant, division constant and
target value for the test case (1 ≤ a, b, c ≤ 1000, 1 ≤ t ≤ 999999).
For each test case, on a line by itself, output the minimum number of button presses necessary
to obtain the target for the case. If it’s impossible to obtain the target, print out a -1 on a line by
itself instead.
Input Output
1 3 2 197
10 30 1 5
1 7 2 123456

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