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Assignment 1 The Simplest Kanban Board

The Simplest Kanban Board
In project management, there is a concept of a kanban board in which tasks are placed
into columns that comprise a workflow. A simple example would be three columns:
to-do, in progress, and complete. When you create a task such as "walk the dog", it
begins in the first column and will then progress to the next column until it reaches
This homework assignment will be to create an HTML page that will offer basic
kanban board functionality that meets the following criteria.
Technical Criteria
NO external libraries allowed. You can not use CSS framework such as Bootstrap.
You can not use JavaScript libraries such as JQuery. The goal of the assignment is to
get you comfortable with the core APIs and functionality of the browser before you
leverage tools that abstract it away from you. You don't start learning how to drive in
a Ferrari :)
Functional Criteria
Layout specifications:
There will be 3 columns or "lanes." Todo, In Progress and Completed. On a screen
with a lot of width (such as a computer), these 3 columns will expand to take up the
entire width of the viewport. Each column should have a clear title at the top denoting
which column it is. Use flexbox to achieve this layout.
Responsive design:
This web page should be responsive and render appropriately based on different
screen dimensions. For narrower screens (less pixel width) such as mobile phones, the
3 columns should re-flow to a single column where the "lanes" are stacked on top of
each-other. Resizing your browser window and using mobile device simulation in
Chrome will help you test. For grading purposes, your website will be tested on the
iPhone X configuration.
Good Okay-ish (Confusing layout) Bad (Too narrow)
Column specifications:
• Todo: The first item or "card" in this column will be a form where the user can
enter text to represent the task. Below it will be a right-aligned button to
append this task to the items in the "Todo" column. The "create task card"
should always remain first in the list.
o When a card is added to the "Todo" column, there should also be a rightaligned button below the task description that states "Start Task". When
clicked, the corresponding card should be removed from the "Todo"
column and placed within the "In Progress" column, appended to the
• In Progress: The cards will have only one functional difference from the ones
in "Todo" - the button associated with each card will no longer show "Start
Task", but "Compete Task" instead. When this button is clicked, it should be
removed from the "In Progress" column and appended to the cards present in
the "Completed" column.
• Completed: The cards in the "Completed" column will no longer have a
button, and will simply rest in their terminal state in this column.
Styling Criteria:
Make it look good! Effort really shows here. There are only a few strict guidelines:
1. There must be reasonable spacing between elements so they are not up against
each-other. Keep your padding and margins consistent! It's an awkward and
sloppy look if the text within a card has 1rem of space between the left edge of
the card, and 1.5 from the right.
2. The buttons on the bottom of the cards (e.g. "Start Task", "Complete Task")
should be right aligned.
3. Use some color. Try an online color palette generator and style your elements.
4. Use a custom font. Don't leave it at the default.
Suggestions & resources for completing the assignment
If you do not have a preferred editor/IDE, I recommend
Familiarize yourself with Chrome's developer tools. This will be your best friend in
this class. One of the killer features for this assignment would be to see the
padding/margin for elements, and see the applied styles.
Tackle the design & layout first. Start adding some dummy elements onto the page
filled with random lorem ipsum text. Ensure that the structure of your HTML DOM
and all of your various <div> and <p> tags work the way you want them too, before
you start dynamically altering them with JavaScript.
When you're ready to take on the button behavior, experiment in the Developer tools
Javascript Console. Write some code to grab a DOM element by its class or ID and
assign it to a variable. See what API methods you have available to you. Working in
this REPL will be much faster than trying to write your code in a separate javascript
file and having to refresh the page every time you make a change!
CSS lets you change a style based on parameters like screen width
Documentation Resources (You need to skim these before you start)
Getting started with the web. See "HTML basics", "CSS basics", "JavaScript
Inline vs block behavior of HTML elements:
Introduction to CSS layout:
More Flexbox:
Manipulating the DOM with JavaScript:
Submission Details
Send me a zip file with a html file that I can double click to open in my browser. It is
highly recommended (but not required) to have your CSS and JavaScript in separate

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