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Assignment – 3: Socket Programming

Assignment – 3: Socket Programming

This assignment is a programming assignment where you need to implement an application using socket
programming in C programming language. The assignment will be solved in groups where each group is
comprised of 3 members. The group membership information is given in pages 11-13 of this document. The
applications’ description and requirement specification are given in pages 2-10 of this document.
1. Each group needs to implement one application assigned to it and make one single submission on
Moodle. Only one member from a group needs to make the submission. The information about the
assignment of applications to groups is contained in Table 1 given below.
2. The application should be implemented with socket programming in C programming language only. No
other programming language other than C will be accepted.
3. Submit the set of source code files of the application as a zipped file on Moodle (maximum file size is
1 MB) by the deadline of 11:55 pm on Friday, 15th March 2019 (hard deadline). The ZIP file’s name
should be the same as your group number, for example, “”, or “Group_4.rar”, or
4. The assignment will be evaluated through viva voce in your lab during your lab session on Wednesday,
27th March 2019 (ML-3: 9:00 am to 11:55 am) where you will need to explain your source codes and
execute them before the evaluator (evaluation schedule and TA allocation will be notified in due time).
5. Write your own source codes and do not copy from any source. Plagiarism and use of unfair
means will be penalised by awarding NEGATIVE marks (equal to the maximum marks for the
Reference Text Book:
 “Unix Network Programming”, Volume 1, by W. Richard Stevens (publisher: Prentice Hall) (refer to first
few chapters)
Table 1: Assignment of applications to groups
Number Application Name Group Numbers
1 Banking System 1, 10, 19, 28, 37
2 Trading System 2, 11, 20, 29, 38
3 Base64 Encoding System 3, 12, 21, 30, 39
4 DNS Resolving System 4, 13, 22, 31, 40
5 TCP and UDP Sockets 5, 14, 23, 32, 41
6 Peer-to-Peer System 6, 15, 24, 33, 42
7 Point-of-Sale Terminal 7, 16, 25, 34, 43
8 Error Detection using CRC 8, 17, 26, 35, 44
9 File Transfer Protocol 9, 18, 27, 36, 45
Application #1: Banking System using Client-Server socket programming
In this application, you require implementing two C programs, namely Client and Bank Server, and they
communicate with each other based on TCP sockets. The goal is to implement a simple Banking System.
Initially, the client will connect to the bank server using the server’s TCP port already known to the client. After
successful connection, the client sends a Login Message (containing the Username and password) to the bank
server. The client side, we can have three different types of user modes namely, Bank_Customer, Bank_Admin
and Police. The bank server has the following files with him: Login_file (contains the login entries, assume
limited number of static entries only), Customer_Account_files (Assume the bank has 10 Bank_Customers only
and one file for each customer, which maintains the transaction history. Refer to Login_file and
Customer_Account_files formats for more details). Once the Bank server receives the login request, it validates
the information and performs the functionalities according to the user mode type. The system must provide the
following functionalities to the following users:
 Bank_Customer: The customer should able to see AVAILABLE BALANCE in his/her account and MINI
STATEMENT of his/her account.
 Bank_Admin: The admin should be able to CREDIT/DEBIT the certain amount of money from any
Bank_Customer ACCOUNT (as we do it in a SBI single window counter.). The admin must update the
respective “Customer_Account_file” by appending the new information. Handel the Customer account
balance underflow cases carefully.
 Police: The police should only be able to see the available balance of all customers. He is allowed to
view any Customers MINI STATEMENT by quoting the Customer _ID (i.e. User_ID with user_type as ‘C’).
Login_file entry format:
User_ID Password User_Type
Customer _Account_files entry format:
Transaction_Date Transaction Type (Credit/Debit) Available Account_Balance
Implement the functionalities using proper REQUEST and RESPONSE Message formats. After each negotiation
phase, the TCP connection on both sides should be closed gracefully releasing the socket resource. You should
accept the IP Address and Port number from the command line (Don't use a hard-coded port number).
Prototype for command line is as follows:
Prototypes for Client and Server
Client: <executable code<Server IP Address<Server Port number
Server: <executable code<Server Port number
NB: Please make necessary and valid assumptions whenever required.
Application #2: Client Server Trading System using socket programming
A Client-Server Based Trading System is to be designed with the following specifications. There will be a set of
traders who will trade with each other in the automated system. There will be a Server which will register
requests from traders for buying and selling quantities of Items. The Server will also match the buy with the sell
requests from different traders based on certain price rules (as listed below). Traders will log on to the trading
system through the trading client (assume Trader ID and password is stored in a file). They will have the option
to view the currently available items (for buy/sell), their quantities and their prices. They will also send
requests for buying and selling items and specify the quantity and price. Traders will also have the option to
view their matched trades at any time. There are ten known items which the traders can trade in with their
codes from 1 to 10. There will be a maximum of 5 traders (with codes from 1 to 5) who can log on to the system
and work. One trader should work from one client at a time only.
The functionalities of any client will be:
 Login to the System: The trader will execute the client, give the trader number and will be logged in.
After that he/she will have the following options in a menu. Several clients will login (from different
terminals) and assumed they don't trade simultaneously to reduce the complexity.
 Send Buy Request: The trader will send a buy request by stating the item code, the quantity and unit
 Send Sell request: The trader will send a sell request by stating the item code, the quantity and unit
 View Order Status: The Trader can view the position of buy and sell orders in the system. This will
display the current best sell (least price) and the best buy (max price) for each item and their quantities.
 View Trade Status: The trader can view his/her matched trades. This will provide the trader with the
details of what orders were matched, their quantities, prices and counterparty code.
There will be only one server which will be running and perform the functions of order processing and trade
matching in addition to acknowledging logins by clients and servicing their requests. The order processing will
be as follows. There will be a buy and a sell order queue for each item. On receiving buy/sell order request from
a trader, the server will put it in the appropriate order queue. If there is a possibility of a trade match, then that
trade match will take place, the traded items will be appropriately updated and the result of the trade along
with the details of the counterparties, item, quantity and price will be stored in the traded set. The matching
rule is as follows:
1. On a buy Request at price P and quantity Q of an item I, the server will check if there is any pending sell
order for the same item at price P’ ≤ P.
2. Among all such pending sell orders, the match will be made with the one having the least selling price.
3. If both have same quantity, i.e., Q’= Q, then both these orders will be removed from their respective
queues and the result will be put into the traded set.
4. If Q’ Q then the buy request will be fully traded and the remaining part, i.e., Q’ – Q of the sell order will
remain in the sell queue at the same price P’.
5. On the other hand, if Q’ < Q then the sell order will be fully traded and the remaining buy order will be
tested for more matches.
6. If the buy order cannot be matched, it will be put into the buy queue.
7. A similar rule will apply for a sell request and all these requests will be handled in a FCFS basis.
You should accept the IP Address and Port number from the command line (Don't use a hard-coded port
number). *Please make necessary and valid assumptions whenever required.
Prototype for command line is as follows:
Prototypes for Client and Server
Client: <executable code<Server IP Address<Server Port number
Server: <executable code<Server Port number
Application #3: Base64 encoding system using Client-Server socket programming
In this application, you require to implement two C programs, namely server and client to communicate with
each other based on TCP sockets. The aim is to implement simple Base64 encoding communication protocol.
Initially, server will be waiting for a TCP connection from the client. Then, client will connect to the server using
server’s TCP port already known to the client. After successful connection, the client accepts the text input from
the user and encodes the input using Base64 encoding system. Once encoded message is computed the client
sends the Message (Type 1 message) to the server via TCP port. After receiving the Message, server should
print the received and original message by decoding the received message, and sends an ACK (Type 2 message)
to the client. The client and server should remain in a loop to communicate any number of messages. Once the
client wants to close the communication, it should send a Message (Type 3 Message) to the server and the TCP
connection on both the server and client should be closed gracefully by releasing the socket resource.
The messages used to communicate contain the following fields:
Message_ Type Message
1. Message_type: integer
2. Message: Character [MSG_LEN], where MSG_LEN is an integer constant
3. <Message content of the message in Type 3 message can be anything.
You also require implementing a "Concurrent Server", i.e., a server that accepts connections from multiple
clients and serves all of them concurrently.
You should accept the IP Address and Port number from the command line (Don't use a hard-coded port
Prototype for command line is as follows:
Prototypes for Client and Server
Client: <executable code<Server IP Address<Server Port number
Server: <executable code<Server Port number
NB: Please make necessary and valid assumptions whenever required.
Base64 Encoding System Description:
Base64 encoding is used for sending a binary message over the net. In this scheme, groups of 24bit are broken
into four 6 bit groups and each group is encoded with an ASCII character. For binary values 0 to 25 ASCII
character ‘A’ to ‘Z’ are used followed by lower case letters and the digits for binary values 26 to 51 & 52 to 61
respectively. Character ‘+’ and ‘/’ are used for binary value 62 & 63 respectively. In case the last group contains
only 8 & 16 bits, then “==” & “=” sequence are appended to the end.
Application #4: Multi-stage DNS Resolving System using Client-Server socket
In this application, you require implementing three C programs, namely Client, Proxy Server (which will act
both as client and server) and DNS Server, and they communicate with each other based on TCP sockets. The
aim is to implement a simple 2 stage DNS Resolver System.
Initially, the client will connect to the proxy server using the server’s TCP port already known to the client.
After successful connection, the client sends a Request Message (Type 1/Type 2) to the proxy server. The proxy
server has a limited cache (assume a cache with three IP to Domain_Name mapping entries only). After
receiving the Request Message, proxy server based on the Request Type (Type 1/Type 2) searches its cache for
corresponding match. If match is successful, it will send the response to the client using a Response Message.
Otherwise, the proxy server will connect to the DNS Server using a TCP port already known to the Proxy server
and send a Request Message (same as the client). The DNS server has a database (say .txt file) with it containing
set of Domain_name to IP_Address mappings. Once the DNS Server receives the Request Message from proxy
server, it searches in its file for possible match and sends a Response Message (Type 3/Type 4) to the proxy
server. On receiving the Response Message from DNS Server, the proxy server forwards the response back to
the client. If the Response Message type is 3, then the proxy server must update its cache with the fresh
information using FIFO scheme. After each negotiation phase, the TCP connection on both sides should be
closed gracefully releasing the socket resource.
Request Message Format:
Request_Type Message
 Type 1: Message field contains Domain Name and requests for corresponding IP address.
 Type 2: Message field contains IP address and request for the corresponding Domain Name.
Response Message Format:
Response_Type Message
 Type 3: Message field contains Domain Name/IP address.
 Type 4: Message field contains error message “entry not found in the database”.
You should accept the IP Address and Port number from the command line (Don't use a hard-coded port
Prototype for command line is as follows:
Prototypes for Client and Server
Client: <executable code<Server IP Address<Server Port number
Server: <executable code<Server Port number
NB: Please make necessary and valid assumptions whenever required.
Application #5: Client-Server programming using both TCP and UDP sockets
In this application, you require to implement two C programs, namely server and client to communicate with
each other based on both TCP and UDP sockets. The aim is to implement a simple 2 stage communication
Initially, server will be waiting for a TCP connection from the client. Then, client will connect to the server using
server’s TCP port already known to the client. After successful connection, the client sends a Request Message
(Type 1 message) to the server via TCP port to request a UDP port from server for future communication. After
receiving the Request Message, server selects a UDP port number and sends this port number back to the client
as a Response Message (Type 2 Message) over the TCP connection. After this negotiation phase, the TCP
connection on both the server and client should be closed gracefully releasing the socket resource.
In the second phase, the client transmits a short Data Message (Type 3 message) over the earlier negotiated
UDP port. The server will display the received Data Message and sends a Data Response (type 4 message) to
indicate the successful reception. After this data transfer phase, both sides close their UDP sockets.
The messages used to communicate contain the following fields:
Message_Type Message_Length Message
1. Message_type: integer
2. Message_length: integer
3. Message: Character [MSG_LEN], where MSG_LEN is an integer constant
<Data Message in Client will be a Type 3 message with some content in its message section.
You also require implementing a "Concurrent Server", i.e., a server that accepts connections from multiple
clients and serves all of them concurrently.
You should accept the IP Address and Port number from the command line (Don't use a hard-coded port
Prototype for command line is as follows:
Prototypes for Client and Server
Client: <executable code<Server IP Address<Server Port number
Server: <executable code<Server Port number
NB: Please make necessary and valid assumptions whenever required.
Application #6: Relay based Peer-to-Peer System using Client-Server socket
In this application, you require implementing three C programs, namely Peer_Client, and Relay_Server and
Peer_Nodes, and they communicate with each other based on TCP sockets. The aim is to implement a simple
Relay based Peer-to-Peer System.
Initially, the Peer_Nodes (peer 1/2/3 as shown in Figure 1) will connect to the Relay_Server using the TCP port
already known to them. After successful connection, all the Peer_Nodes provide their information (IP address
and PORT) to the Relay_Server and close the connections (as shown in Figure 1). The Relay_Server actively
maintains all the received information with it. Now the Peer_Nodes will act as servers and wait to accept
connection from Peer_Clients (refer phase three).
In second phase, the Peer_Client will connect to the Relay_Server using the server’s TCP port already known to
it. After successful connection; it will request the Relay_Server for active Peer_Nodes information (as shown in
Figure 2). The Relay_Server will response to the Peer_Client with the active Peer_Nodes information currently
having with it. On receiving the response message from the Relay_Server, the Peer_Client closes the connection
In third phase, a set of files (say, *.txt) are distributed evenly among the three Peer_Nodes. The Peer_Client will
take “file_Name” as an input from the user. Then it connects to the Peer_Nodes one at a time using the response
information. After successful connection, the Peer_Client tries to fetches the file from the Peer_Node. If the file is
present with the Peer_Node, it will provide the file content to the Peer_Client and the Peer_Client will print the
file content in its terminal. If not, Peer_Client will connect the next Peer_Node and performs the above action.
This will continue till the Peer_Client gets the file content or all the entries in the Relay_Server Response are
exhausted (Assume only three/four Peer_Nodes in the system).
Implement the functionalities using appropriate REQUEST and RESPONSE Message formats. After each
negotiation phase, the TCP connection on both sides should be closed gracefully releasing the socket resource.
You should accept the IP Address and Port number from the command line (Don't use a hard-coded port
Prototype for command line is as follows:
Prototypes for Client and Server
Client: <executable code<Server IP Address<Server Port number
Server: <executable code<Server Port number
NB: Please make necessary and valid assumptions whenever required.
Application #7: Point-of-Sale Terminal using socket programming
Use socket programming to implement a simple client and server that communicate over the network and
implement a simple application involving Cash Registers. The client implements a simple cash register that
opens a session with the server and then supplies a sequence of codes (refer request-response messages
format) for some products. The server returns the price of each one, if the product is available, and also keeps a
running total of purchases for each client’s transactions. When the client closes the session, the server returns
the total cost. This is how the point-of-sale terminals should work. You can use a TXT file as a database to store
the UPC code and item description at the server end.
You also require implementing a "Concurrent Server", i.e., a server that accepts connections from multiple
clients and serves all of them concurrently.
Request-response messages format
Request_ Type UPC-Code Number
• Request_Type is either 0 for item or 1 for close.
• UPC-code is a 3-digit unique product code; this field is meaningful only if the Request_Type is 0.
• Number is the number of items being purchased; this field is meaningful only if the Request_Type is 0.
For the Close command, the server returns a number, which is the total cost of all the transactions done by the
client. For the item command, the server returns:
Response_ Type Response
 <Response_type is 0 for OK and 1 for error
 If OK, then <Response is as follows:
o if client command was "close", then <response contains the total amount.
o if client command was "item", then <response is of the form <price<name
<price is the price of the requested item
<name is the name of the requested item
 If error, then <Response is as follows: a null terminated string containing the error; the only possible
errors are "Protocol Error" or "UPC is not found in database".
You should accept the IP Address and Port number from the command line (Don't use a hard-coded port
Prototype for command line is as follows:
Prototypes for Client and Server
Client: <executable code<Server IP Address<Server Port number
Server: <executable code<Server Port number
The connection to the server should be gracefully terminated. When the server is terminated by pressing
Control+C, the server should also gracefully release the open socket (Hint: requires use of a signal handler).
NB: Please make necessary and valid assumptions whenever required.
Application #8: Error Detection using Cyclic Redundancy Code (Using CRC-8)
In this application, your aim will be to implement a simple Stop-and-Wait based data link layer level logical
channel between two nodes A and B using socket API, where node A and node B are the client and the server
for the socket interface respectively. Data link layer protocol should provide the following Error handling
technique in Data Link Layer.
- Error Detection using Cyclic Redundancy Code
(using CRC-8 as generator polynomial, i.e. G(x) = x8+x2+x+1)
Operation to Implement:
 Client should construct the message to be transmitted (T(x)) from the raw message using CRC.
 At the sender side T(x) is completely divisible by G(x) (means no error), send ACK to the sender,
otherwise (means error), send NACK to the sender.
 You must write error generating codes based on a user given BER or probability (random number
between 0 and 1) to insert error into both T(x)and ACK/NACK.
 If NACK is received by the sender, it should retransmit the T(x) again following the above steps.
 In the client side also implement Timer Mechanism to detect the timeout (in case of error in ACK/
NACK) and retransmit the message T(x) again once time out happens.
You also require implementing a "Concurrent Server", i.e., a server that accepts connections from multiple
clients and serves all of them concurrently.
You should accept the IP Address and Port number from the command line (Don't use a hard-coded port
Prototype for command line is as follows:
Prototypes for Client and Server
Client: <executable code<Server IP Address<Server Port number
Server: <executable code<Server Port number
The connection to the server should be gracefully terminated. When the server is terminated by pressing
Control+C, the server should also gracefully release the open socket (Hint: requires use of a signal handler).
NB: Please make necessary and valid assumptions whenever required.
Application #9: File Transfer Protocol (FTP) using Client-Server socket programming
In this assignment, you require to implement two C programs, namely server and client to communicate with
each other based on TCP sockets. The goal is to implement a simple File Transfer Protocol (FTP). Initially,
server will be waiting for a TCP connection from the client. Then, client will connect to the server using server’s
TCP port already known to the client. After successful connection, the client should be able to perform the
following functionalities:
 PUT: Client should transfer the file specified by the user to the server. On receiving the file, server
stores the file in its disk. If the file is already exists in the server disk, it communicates with the client to
inform it. The client should ask the user whether to overwrite the file or not and based on the user
choice the server should perform the needful action.
 GET: Client should fetch the file specified by the user from the server. On receiving the file, client stores
the file in its disk. If the file is already exists in the client disk, it should ask the user whether to
overwrite the file or not and based on the user choice require to perform the needful action.
 MPUT and MGET: MPUT and MGET are quite similar to PUT and GET respectively except they are used
to fetch all the files with a particular extension (e.g. .c, .txt, etc.). To perform these functions both the
client and server require to maintain the list of files they have in their disk. Also implement the file
overwriting case for these two commands as well.
Use appropriate message types to implement the aforesaid functionalities. For simplicity assume only .txt and .c
file(s) for transfer.
You should accept the IP Address and Port number from the command line (Don't use a hard-coded port
Prototype for command line is as follows:
Prototypes for Client and Server
Client: <executable code<Server IP Address<Server Port number
Server: <executable code<Server Port number
NB: Please make necessary and valid assumptions whenever required.
Roll Number Name
160101008 Abhishek Ranjan
1 160101018 Avinash Uchchainiya
160101034 Hemant Yadav
160101019 Tushara Langulya
2 160101020 Bedadhala Manoj Reddy
160101040 Bhargav Mallala
160101048 Nitin Kedia
3 160101005 Abhinav Mishra
160101049 Rohit Pant
150123023 Md Imtiyaz
4 150101008 Ankit Vyas
150101030 Krishna Kumar
160101066 Shivam Kumar
5 160101067 Shreyanshi Bharadia
160101059 Samyak Jain
160123047 Atharva Amdekar
6 160123046 Rajat Paliwal
160123051 Saurabh Rai
160123032 Rakshit Tiwari
7 160123035 Satyam Kumar
160123008 Eswar Modala
160101045 Lakshmi Sai Durga Myneni
8 160101064 Pradeepa Seelam
160101029 Ajay Ram Gudala
160123054 Deepak Kumar Gouda
9 160101085 Akul Agrawal
160123044 Yash Kothari
160101076 Vivek Raj
10 160101039 Kapil Goyal
160101057 Sahib Khan
160123024 Neelabh Tiwari
11 160123048 Uddeshya Mathur
160123049 Himanshu Raj
160101071 Siddharth Sharma
12 160101054 Ravi Venkata Naga Pavan Kumar
160101052 Poreddy Sai Kiran Reddy
160123039 Shreya Jain
13 160123021 Muskan Agarwal
160123014 Kartikey Kant
160101012 Ansh Sood
14 160101031 Harshit Gupta
160101038 Kanika Agarwal
160101070 Shubhanker Jauhari
15 160101068 Shubhendu Patidar
160123031 Rajan Sukanth
160101037 Kakustham Anurag
16 160123015 Kodali Naga Sai Anirudh
160123053 Shiva Reddy
Group Members Group Number
Roll Number Name
160123007 Divya Kumari
17 160101028 Ekta Dhan
160123052 Sayani Kundu
160101051 Phool Chandra
18 160101062 Savinay
160101063 Savsani Kevin Mukesh Bhai
160101001 Aadil hoda
19 160101065 Shimona Verma
160101072 Sparsh Bansal
160101035 Inderpreet Singh Chera
20 160101042 Mitansh Jain
160101073 Sujoy Ghosh
160123004 Ankam Aman sai
21 160123013 Kamana Vishnu Vardhan Reddy
160123041 Thirthala Udayasri
160101003 Abhay Kshatriya
22 160123002 Abhishek Dogra
160101010 Aditya Chouhan
160101058 Sahil Garhwal
23 160101060 Sanchit Jangir
160101078 Wakade Yugandhar
160123038 Shrey Jain
24 160123025 Neha Oraon
160123050 Naveen Mathew
160101021 Rajas Bhadke
25 160101007 Abhishek Kumar
160101027 Durgesh Yadav
160101087 Archit Jugran
26 160101083 Shubham Goel
160101079 Yagyansh Bhatia
160101044 Mukul Verma
27 160101050 Paranjay Bagga
160101075 Varun Kumar Kedia
160101014 Arpan Konar
28 160101015 Arpit Gupta
160101081 Debangshu Banerjee
160101030 Harshit Agrawal
29 160101032 Harshit Sharma
160123005 Anurag Barfa
160101016 Ashveen Bansal
30 160101006 Abhishek Bhardwaj
160101026 Divyansh Sharma
160101009 Abhishek Suryavanshi
31 160101082 Ameya Daigavane
160101084 Nitesh Jindal
Group Number Group Members
— End of document —
Roll Number Name
160101002 Aayush Sanjay Agarwal
33 160101024 Daman Tekchandani
160101033 Harshit Srivastava
160101043 Mohit Singh
34 160101047 Nikhil Kumar
160101055 Ritik Agrawal
160123026 nipendra singh
35 160101056 sachin chouhan
160101069 shubham kumar koul
160123010 Harshit Singh
36 160123016 Kshitij Nayar
160123017 Kuldeep Sharma
160101046 Namit Kumar
37 160101036 Jatin Goyal
160101061 Saurabh Bazari
160101086 Shaurya Gomber
38 160101088 Rishabh Jain
160123036 Shashwat Jolly
160123006 Ashish Ranjan
39 160123003 Animesh Kumar
160123020 Mitanshu Mittal
160123027 Nishant Jain
40 160123028 Pranav Jangir
160123030 Rahul Kumar Gupta
160123011 Himanshu ranjan
41 160123001 Aashutosh Agarwal
160123019 Mohammad zatin meraz
160123043 Yash Kumar
42 160101023 Chandra Prakash Meena
160101025 Divyam Agarwal
160123009 Garikapati Ganesh
43 160123022 Nalgonda Gnaneshwar kumar
160101022 Boddu Hari
160101004 Abhinav Hinger
44 160101013 Apurva N Saraogi
160123012 Ishan Azad
45 160101080 YASH RATHORE
Group Number Group Members

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