In this assignment, you will be given ZERO instruction in HOW to accomplish it! The actual requirements are very simple to satisfy. This is a test of how well you can research the topic and satisfy the conditions of this Assignment on your own. This is how much of the real world works - you'll be thrown into situations that are full of unknowns, and you'll need to come up with a solution!
You are becoming a computer scientist, not a technician: you will learn how to handle ANY language thrown at you, not just the ones you are spoon-fed, by learning good research habits and techniques. The more problems you encounter and solve, the greater problem set you'll be able to infer solutions to from your background of knowledge.
1. Be contained in one single file, called mypython.py. 2. When executed, create 3 files in the same directory as your script, each named differently (the name of the files is up to you), which remain there after your script finishes executing. Each of these 3 files must contain exactly 10 random characters from the lowercase alphabet, with no spaces ("hoehdgwkdq", for example). The final (eleventh) character of each file should be a newline character. 3. When executed, print out on screen the contents of the 3 files it is creating. 4. When executed, after the file contents of all three files have been printed, print out two random integers (whose range is from 1 to 42, inclusive), and print out the product of the two numbers.