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Banker's Algorithm_Assignment 4

Write a multithreaded program that implements the banker’s algorithm discussed in class and Section 7.5.3. Create n threads that request and release resources from the bank. The banker will grant the request only if it leaves the system in a safe state. This program should use Java threads.
The following programs are included in the package (You only need to complete BankImpl class):
1. class SleepUtilities: utilities for causing a thread to sleep. 2. interface Bank: This is the interface for BankImpl class. 3. class BankImpl: This is the only program that you need to complete. This class implements the Bank interface. It provides methods needed in Banker’s algorithms. You need to fill in the blanks in the following methods:
private boolean isSafeState (int threadNum, int[] request) public synchronized boolean requestResources(int threadNum, int[] request) public synchronized void releaseResources(int threadNum, int[] release)
4. class Customer: In this implementation, customers are “processes” in the description of Banker’s algorithm. A customer requests, uses, and then releases resources. From the field of this class, you can see that we assume 5 customers (threads). 5. class Factory: this is the main class that you should run from. To run the application, use command: java Factory <one or more resources e.g. java Factory 10 5 7
The package also includes an input file (infile.txt). It keeps a record the maximum resources that each customer demands. The Factory class reads from this file.

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