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UI/UX Design  Individual Assignment #3

CPSC 331— UI/UX Design 
Individual Assignment #3
In this assignment, you will conduct a cognitive walkthrough of a task in Microsoft Excel.
The specific learning objectives for this assignment are as follows:
• To practice applying the cognitive walkthrough to a complex user interface
• To identify and clearly articulate potential usability issues with a user interface.
• To practice generating design solutions that can remedy the usability issues.
Specific Tasks
1. If you haven’t already, download and install Microsoft Excel. Optionally, you may be able to
complete the cognitive walkthrough using the online version of Excel (you should have access to 5
MS office installs via your Gonzaga Office365 subscription. Office online is free for anyone with a
Microsoft account).
2. Following the instructions detailed in the lecture slides and the cognitive walkthrough supplemental
document/link (both available via Canvas), perform a cognitive walkthrough Microsoft Excel using
the following task:
“Create two columns (first column no header, second column header “Random Numbers”) of 10
random integers (1-100 inclusive) then input “min,” “max,” and “average” formulas under the
column to display the min, max, and average random number generated. Each row of random
numbers should display a count of 1-10 and the min-max-average rows should have a label for each.
Finally, format the average to 2 decimal places.”
Your end result should look similar to the following table:
Random Numbers
1 49
2 94
3 45
4 75
5 96
6 25
7 61
8 50
9 69
10 73
Min 25
Max 96
Average 63.17
Notes: You will need to create the specific task sequence for this cognitive walkthrough. You have a
few options to choose the correct task steps (aka the “happy path”) to complete all task steps.
Random number generation will require the RANDBETWEEN() formula, e.g.
=RANDBETWEEN(1,100) in each cell you want to generate a random number between 1 and 100.
Row numbers could be manually typed 1-10 or through typing 1 and 2 then selecting cells 1 and 2
and dragging from the + in the lower right of the 2 cell to the 10th cell. MIN, MAX, and AVERAGE can
be input in the cell and by specifying a range, e.g. =MIN(B3:B12) or by using the feature under the
AutoSum dropdown on the Editing section of the Home ribbon (see image below).
To document your cognitive walkthrough process, fill in the tables in the CogWalkthroughWorksheet provided as a supplementary document to this assignment. You will fill in one row for
each task step.
3. Based on your cognitive walkthrough summarize your results including successes, failures (usability
issues), and any other findings generated through your walkthrough. For each usability issue
identified, try to describe why the user will face difficulties, using concepts learned in class where
possible. Conclude your report with a description of proposed design changes that will remedy each
of the usability issues you identified.
4. Include annotated screenshots or screen sketches to illustrate your suggested design changes
proposed in step 3. One easy method to accomplish this would be via print screen (or alt + print
screen to capture only the active window) and pasting the image into word and then adding
annotations via the insert shapes and/or text boxes feature of MS Word. You may also want to
change the landscape to landscape to increase the size of the image you are annotating. Append
these annotated designs to the end of the cognitive walkthrough worksheet for your submission.
Note: The CogWalkhtrough-Worksheet includes prompts at the end to summarize your results and
present suggested design changes. Use the space in the worksheet to write your responses to this
Your completed cognitive walkthrough worksheet with the annotated designs from step 4 appended to
the end of the worksheet.
Your assignment will be scored on the following scale:
Points Meaning Description
0 Missing Assignment not submitted, or submitted late
5 Incomplete Solution is incomplete or significantly deficient. Part of the solution is
missing or contains significant gaps.
8 Satisfactory Solution is complete but could be improved. Minor and obvious deficiencies
exist with respect to one or more parts of the solution
10 Exceptional Solution is complete and acceptable as is. No obvious deficiencies exist. The
student has demonstrated mastery of the material.
Note: You will be expected to discuss your submissions during the class period the assignment is due.
Please be prepared to take an active part in the assignment discussions. Be prepared to present your
photographs along with your analyses of their design.
Handing in your Assignment
Submit your report as a .pdf file to the Canvas assignment by the due date (go to the “Assignments” tab
to submit it).

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