CSE 271
Project 1 – 75 points
For this project we will be constructing an appointment book in an incremental fashion. It will be
drawing on everything we have learned in the course thus far. You have some flexibility here in
how you design this, so if you make any assumptions about the requirements, be sure to state
them in your comments. This project is more independent than the Labs/Assignments. So, while
the TAs and I are happy to help you with course concepts and requirements, we won’t help you
design or code for this project.
Part 1 (35 points)
Create an AppointmentBook class that stores a collection of Appointments. Implement a
superclass Appointment and subclasses Onetime, Daily, and Monthly. An appointment has a
textual description (for example, “hit the gym” or “go see Star Wars again”) and a date of type
GregorianCalendar (see below). A Onetime appointment occurs only once, Daily occurs every day,
and Monthly occurs once a month on a provided day. Daily and Monthly appointments
continue(recur) indefinitely, that is, there is no end date. There is no such thing as just an
“Appointment”, rather each appointment object instance is one of the three (sub)types.
(5 points)
Independent Learning through Application Programming Interface API (Technical Document)
(10 points)
The date property of each appointment instance will be of type GregorianCalendar, which is a
popular date Class in Java
(https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/GregorianCalendar.html ). You will be
required to read about and understand how to use that class. The API (website) has detailed
descriptions of all the properties and public methods, and example usages that you can learn from.
You will be graded out of 10 on how well you include, and utilize this Class in your program.
Some methods to consider
Constructor and/or set(…) method (inherited from the Calendar Java Class),
get(…), which is inherited from the Calendar Java Class
There are some useful Comparison methods that allow you to compare dates.
This must be done independently: The TAs and I will not be assisting you in reading and
comprehending the API. Look at the example usage on the website!
occursOn Method (20 points)
Write a method for the Appointment class occursOn(int year, int month, int day) that
checks (returns) whether the appointment occurs on that specified (parameterized) date or not.
There is no behavior for a generic Appointment, but each extension (sub class) must have its own
implementation. For example, for a monthly appointment, you must check whether the day of the
month of the appointment being queried (parameter) matches with the specified day, that is,
checking that monthly appointment, X, occurs on the 15th day of the month and that the specified
day occurs on or after the appointment being queried.
CSE 271 – Spring 2017 02-22-2017 due: 11:59PM 03-10-2017
Part 2 (15 points: 5 points x 3 types of appointments to add)
Continue developing the AppointmentBook class. Add a single method to the AppointmentBook
class that allows adding new appointments. The method parameters must include the type of the
appointment (you must use either an ENUM (link here) or constant to represent different types of
appointments), the appointment description, and the date (can be in the form of
GregorianCalendar date or a String that you later convert to GregorianCalendar).
Part 3 (15 points: 5 points for Save, 10 for loading)
Improve the appointment book program by having a method in the AppointmentBook class that
saves a specific single Appointment’s data to a provided (parameterized) file AND a separate
method to load an Appointments’ data from a provided (parameterized) file and add them to an
AppointmentBook instance. These parameters can be Strings that represent a file, or a File object.
Just make sure you document which you choose in the comments.
The saving part is straightforward: Make a method save that takes in any Appointment and file (or
file location). For the specific Appointment, save the type, description, and date to a file. You will
need it in a format that you can eventually load. Ask yourself, should this be a static method or
instance method?
The loading part is not so easy. Create a load method that, given a specific (parameterized) file,
will load each Appointment described in that file using the format you created above into the
specific instance of an AppointmentBook that the method is called on. So, for each appointment in
that file, first determine the type of the appointment to be loaded, create an object of that type,
and then call your method from Part 2 to add the appropriate Appointment into that
AppointmentBook instance. Ask yourself, should this be a static method or instance method?
Tester (10 points)
In a separate tester class, create an Appointment Book. Fill that AppointmentBook’s collection
of Appointment objects with a mixture of appointments (and types) using your method created
earlier. Instead of using the 4 testing steps we taught earlier this semester, have the user (from
the console) then enter a date and print out all appointments that occur on that date.
Turn in a .zip file or all your .java files to Canvas by 11:59pm on Friday March 10th.
Grading/deductions will be based on conforming to the standards we reviewed in class as well as
following the requirements of this project.
Good luck!