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Assignment #1 University admission system

BLG 252E - Object Oriented Programming
Assignment #1
For this assignment, you will develop an object-oriented program that simulates a university admission
system. The admission program will use the perceptron algorithm, which is a classification algorithm that
makes predictions based on a linear function (wx + b) combining a set of weights (w) with inputs (x) and
bias (b), to decide whether a student might accepted to a certain university.
For any issues regarding the assignment, please contact Doğukan Arslan (
Implementation Notes
The implementation details given below will be considered for the grading:
1. Follow a consistent coding style (indentation, variable names, etc.) with comments.
2. Follow suggested coding practices from the course documents.
3. Do not use any pre-compiled header files or STL commands.
4. This is an individual assignment and getting involved in any kind of cheating is subject to disciplinary
Submission Notes
1. Your program should compile and run on the environment that is provided to you. Make sure that
you have included all of your header files.
2. Make sure you tested your code using Valgrind and Calico. Include reports in the submission.
3. You should compress your files into an archive file (.zip) and only submit necessary files. Also,
please write your name and ID on the top of each document that you will upload as in following
/* @Author
* Student Name: <student_name>
* Student ID : <student_id>
4. Submissions are made through only the Ninova system and have a strict deadline. Assignments
submitted after the deadline will not be accepted. Do not risk leaving your submission to the last
few minutes. Do not send your solutions by e-mail.
1 Perceptron
A perceptron is a type of artificial neural network that can be used for binary classification problems (like
an e-mail is spam or not, if a patient has certain disease or not etc.). It is based on a single layer of neurons,
each of which makes a decision based on the weighted sum of its inputs. The output of the perceptron is
binary, either 0 or 1.
For instance, suppose we are predicting whether an email is spam or not based on the email’s length
in characters (x1) and the number of exclamation marks (x2) in the email. Also, our perceptron’s weights
are given as [−0.1, 0.2] (so w1 = −0.1 and w2 = 0.2) and bias is 0.3. If an incoming email has 10 characters
long (x1 = 10) and it has 4 exclamation marks (x2 = 4) in it, we can decide whether it is spam or not
z = x1w1 + x2w2 + b (1)
z = 10 · (−0.1) + 4 · 0.2 + 0.3 (2)
z = 0.1 (3)
So, if z = 0.1 then, f(x) = ˜y = 1 which means incoming email is spam.
2 Implementation Details
For this assignment, we will use the perceptron algorithm to whether a student can be accepted to a
particular university, taking into account the student’s GPA (Grade Points Average), GRE (Graduate Record
Examinations) score, and TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) score.
2.1 Student Class
• Student has a name (eg., Doğukan), GPA (eg., 2.76), GRE score (eg., 163), TOEFL score (eg., 101),
and number of applications (eg., 2).
• Initially, the name value is empty and GPA, GRE, TOEFL, and the number of application values are
• Every time a student enters or leaves the system a message should appear.
2.2 University Class
• University has a name (eg., Istanbul Technical University), three weight values for GPA, GRE, and
TOEFL (eg., [3.1, -0.1, 1.0]), corresponding to how much they prioritize these values, a bias value
(eg., 1.6), and a country (eg., Türkiye).
• University can evaluate a student, based on the perceptron algorithm, using their GPA, GRE score,
and TOEFL score.
• Initially, name and country values are empty and other values are random.
• Every time a student admitted or rejected a message should appear.
Warning: Make sure you use const modifier whenever necessary. Do not implement any function
that is not required.
2.3 Main Function
main.cpp is provided along with this document. Please do not change anything. The output should be
Command Line
Welcome to the University Admission System!
Micheal logged in to the system.
Ross logged in to the system.
Amy logged in to the system.
Micheal logged in to the system.
Micheal is admitted to Scranton State University.
Ross is admitted to Central Perk College.
Ross is rejected from Brooklyn Institute of Technology.
Ross is rejected from McLaren’s University.
Amy is admitted to Scranton State University.
Amy is rejected from McLaren’s University.
Lily logged out of the system with 0 application(s).
Amy logged out of the system with 2 application(s).
Ross logged out of the system with 3 application(s).
Micheal logged out of the system with 1 application(s).
3 Report
Starting with the statement "university_array[3].evaluate_student(student3);", list the methods invoked
by which objects and the arguments sent to those methods until the end of the program.
4 Test
4.1 Valgrind
Valgrind is a tool for memory debugging and memory leak detection. It is pre-installed your given Ubuntu
environment. For more information, click here. Make sure that all heap blocks were freed in your code
and no leaks are possible.
Run your executable with Valgrind:
valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all ./bin/main |& tee valgrind_log.txt
Warning: Include your created log file in your submission.
4.2 Calico
Calico is a testing tool to check whether the program gives correct output for a given input. It is preinstalled your given Ubuntu environment. For more information, click here. Make sure that your code
passes all the given test cases.
Run below command to test your code with given Calico file:
calico admission.yaml |& tee calico_log.txt
Warning: Include your created log file in your submission.

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