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Assignment 4 Gaussian models

Assignment 4
The purpose of this assignment is to use the software R to fit Gaussian models, do model checking, test hypotheses, and construct confidence intervals. The code for this assignment is posted both as a text file called RCodeAssignment4.txt and an R file called RCodeAssignment4R.R which are posted in the Assignment 4 folder in the Assignments folder under Content on Learn.
Problem 1: Run the following R code.
################################################################################### # Problem 1: One sample Gaussian model id<-20456458 set.seed(id) model<-sample(c(1:3),1) cat("Model = ", model) # Data are randomly generated from Gaussian distribution (model=1), Gamma distribution (model=2), or # Poisson distribution (model=3) if (model==1) { mu<-id-10*trunc(id/10) # mu = last digit of ID sigma<-max(1,trunc(id/10)-10*trunc(id/100)) # sig = second last digit of ID unless last digit is zero cat("mu = ", mu, ", sigma = ", sigma) # display values of mu and sigma y<-sort(round(rnorm(30,mu,sigma),digits=2)) # 30 observations from G(mu,sig) } else if (model==2) { mu<-max(1,id-10*trunc(id/10)) # mu = last digit of ID unless it is zero sigma<-(3*mu^2)^0.5 cat("mu = ", mu, ", sigma = ", sigma) # display values of mu and sigma y<-sort(round(rgamma(30,3,1/mu),digits=2)) # 30 observations from Gamma(3,1/mu) } else if (model==3) { mu<-max(1,id-10*trunc(id/10)) # mu = last digit of ID unless it is zero sigma<-mu^0.5 cat("mu = ", mu, ", sigma = ", sigma) # display values of mu and sigma y<- sort(round(rpois(30,mu),digits=2)) # 30 observations from Poisson(mu) } # Check Gaussian assumption using qqplot qqnorm(y,xlab="Standard Normal Quantiles",main="Qqplot of Data") qqline(y,col="red",lwd=1.5) # add line for comparison mu0<-mu+1 cat("mu0 = ", mu0) # display value of mu0 # test hypothesis mu=mu0 and obtain 95% confidence interval for mu t.test(y,mu=mu0,conf.level=0.95) #
sigma0<-sigma+2 cat("sigma0 = ", sigma0) # display value of sigma0 # test hypothesis sigma=sigma0 and obtain 95% confidence interval for sigma df<-length(y)-1 # degrees of freedom s2<-var(y) cat("sample variance = ", s2) # display sample variance chitest<-s2*df/sigma0^2 q<-pchisq(chitest,df) cat("p-value for testing sigma=sigma0: ", min(2*q,2*(1-q))) p<-0.95 # p=0.95 for 95% confidence interval a<-qchisq((1-p)/2,df) # lower value from Chi-squared dist'n b<-qchisq((1+p)/2,df) # upper value from Chi-squared dist'n cat("95% confidence interval for sigma squared: ",c(s2*df/b,s2*df/a)) cat("95% confidence interval for sigma: ",c(sqrt(s2*df/b),sqrt(s2*df/a))) ###################################################################################
Verify that you obtain the following output:
cat("Model = ", model) Model = 1
mu = 8 , sigma = 5

cat("mu0 = ", mu0) # display value of mu0 mu0 = 9
t.test(y,mu=mu0,conf.level=0.95) One Sample t-test
data: y t = -2.8669, df = 29, p-value = 0.007643 alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 9 95 percent confidence interval: 4.336738 8.219928 sample estimates: mean of x 6.278333
cat("sigma0 = ", sigma0) # display value of sigma0 sigma0 = 7
cat("sample variance = ", s2) # display sample variance sample variance = 27.03675
cat("p-value for testing sigma=sigma0: ", min(2*q,2*(1-q))) p-value for testing sigma=sigma0: 0.04895834
cat("95% confidence interval for sigma squared: ",c(s2*df/b,s^2*df/a)) 95% confidence interval for sigma squared: 17.14843 48.86035
cat("95% confidence interval for sigma: ",c(sqrt(s2*df/b),sqrt(s^2*df/a))) 95% confidence interval for sigma: 4.141067 6.990018
Problem 2: Run the following R code.
################################################################################### # Problem 2: Linear regression model set.seed(id) x<-round(runif(100,1,20),digits=1) alpha<-rnorm(1,0,5) beta<- rnorm(1,0,5) # display values of alpha and beta cat("alpha = ", alpha, ", beta = ", beta) model<-sample(c(1:4),1) cat("Model = ", model) # Data are randomly generated depending on the value of the variable model if (model==1) { y<-round(alpha+beta*x+rnorm(100,0,10),digits=1) } else if (model==2) { y<-round(alpha+beta*x+rnorm(100,0,x),digits=1) } else if (model==3) { y<-round(alpha+beta*((x-10)/5)^2+rnorm(100,0,3),digits=1) } else if (model==4) { y<-round(alpha+beta*x+3*rt(100,2),digits=1) } # display sample correlation cat("sample correlation = ", cor(x,y)) RegModel<-lm(y~x) # estimates and p-value for test of no relationship summary(RegModel) n<-length(x) # n=sample size r<- RegModel$residuals # get residuals se<-sqrt(sum(r^2)/(n-2)) # estimate of sigma cat("estimate of sigma",se) betahat<-RegModel$coefficients[2] # estimate of slope alphahat<-RegModel$coefficients[1] # estimate of intercept xbar=mean(x) Sxx<-sum(x^2)-sum(x)^2/n # value of Sxx # 95% confidence interval for slope beta a95<-qt(0.975,n-2) # value from t table for 95% confidence interval pm<-a95*se/sqrt(Sxx) cat("95% confidence interval for slope: ", c(betahat-pm,betahat+pm)) # # 90% confidence interval for mean response at x=5 muhat5<-alphahat+betahat*5 # fitted value for x=5 a90<-qt(0.95,n-2) # value from t table for 90% confidence interval
pm<-a90*se*sqrt(1/n+(5-xbar)^2/Sxx) cat("90% confidence interval for mean response at x=5: ",c(muhat5-pm,muhat5+pm)) # 99% prediction interval for response at x=2 muhat2<-alphahat+betahat*2 # predicted value for x=2 a99<-qt(0.995,n-2) # value from t table for 99% prediction interval pm<-a99*se*sqrt(1+1/n+(2-xbar)^2/Sxx) cat("99% prediction interval for response at x=2: ",c(muhat2-pm,muhat2+pm)) # Scatterplot of data with fitted line muhat<-RegModel$fitted.values # muhat is the vector of fitted responses plot(x,y,col="blue") title(main="Scatterplot with Fitted Line") points(x,muhat,type="l") # Residual plots for checking fit of the model rstar <- r/se # the standardized residuals plot(x,rstar,xlab="x",ylab="Standardized Residual") abline(0,0,col="red",lwd=1.5) title(main="Residual vs x") plot(muhat,rstar,xlab="Muhat",ylab="Standardized Residual") abline(0,0,col="red",lwd=1.5) title(main="Residual vs Muhat") qqnorm(rstar,main="") qqline(rstar,col="red",lwd=1.5) # add line for comparison title(main="Qqplot of Residuals") ################################################################################### Verify that you obtain the following output:
cat("alpha = ", alpha, ", beta = ", beta) alpha = 2.293382 , beta = -2.601833
cat("Model = ", model) Model = 1
cat("sample correlation = ", cor(x,y)) sample correlation = -0.8625526
RegModel<-lm(y~x) # estimates and p-value for test of no relationship summary(RegModel)
Call: lm(formula = y ~ x)
Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -21.2398 -5.9288 -0.4623 7.0616 20.0681
Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(|t|) (Intercept) 5.435 2.021 2.69 0.0084 ** x -2.954 0.175 -16.88 <2e-16 *** --- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 9.326 on 98 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.744, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7414 F-statistic: 284.8 on 1 and 98 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
cat("estimate of sigma",se) estimate of sigma 9.326383
cat("95% confidence interval for slope: ", c(betahat-a*se/sqrt(Sxx),betaha t+a*se/sqrt(Sxx))) 95% confidence interval for slope: -3.301399 -2.606673
cat("90% confidence interval for mean response at x=5: ",c(muhat5-pm,muhat5 +pm)) 90% confidence interval for mean response at x=5: -11.507 -7.162702
cat("99% prediction interval for response at x=2: ",c(muhat2-pm,muhat2+pm)) 99% prediction interval for response at x=2: -25.38452 24.43904

Problem 3: Run the following R code. ################################################################################### # Problem 3: Two sample Gaussian model set.seed(id) mu1<-rnorm(1,0,2) mu2<-rnorm(1,0,2) sigma<-max(1,trunc(id/10)-10*trunc(id/100)) # sig = second last digit of ID unless last digit is zero # display values of mu1, mu2 and sigma cat("mu1 = ", mu1, ", mu2 = ", mu2,", sigma = ", sigma) # Generate data y1<-sort(round(rnorm(30,mu1,sigma),digits=2)) # 30 observations from G(mu1,sig) y2<-sort(round(rnorm(35,mu2,sigma),digits=2)) # 35 observations from G(mu2,sig) # Test hypothesis of no difference in the means t.test(y1,y2,mu=0,var.equal=TRUE,conf.level=0.95) s1<-sd(y1) s2<-sd(y2) sp<-((29*s1^2+34*s2^2)/63)^0.5 cat("sample sd for sample 1 = ", s1, ", sample sd for sample 2 = ", s2) cat("pooled estimate of sigma = ", sp) # Check Gaussian assumption using qqplots qqnorm(y1,xlab="Standard Normal Quantiles",main="Qqplot of Data") qqline(y1,col="red",lwd=1.5) # add line for comparison qqnorm(y2,xlab="Standard Normal Quantiles",main="Qqplot of Data") qqline(y2,col="red",lwd=1.5) # add line for comparison ################################################################################### Verify that you obtain the following output: cat("mu1 = ", mu1, ", mu2 = ", mu2,", sigma = ", sigma) mu1 = -3.171255 , mu2 = -0.371706 , sigma = 5
t.test(y1,y2,mu=0,var.equal=TRUE,conf.level=0.95) Two Sample t-test data: y1 and y2 t = -2.7641, df = 63, p-value = 0.007477 alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0 95 percent confidence interval: -4.6087821 -0.7410274 sample estimates: mean of x mean of y -2.8103333 -0.1354286
cat("sample sd for sample 1 = ", s1, ", sample sd for sample 2 = ", s2) sample sd for sample 1 = 4.298046 , sample sd for sample 2 = 3.503656 cat("pooled estimate of sigma = ", sp) pooled estimate of sigma = 3.889532

Run the R code for the 3 problems above again except modify the line "id<-20456458" in Problem 1 by replacing the number 20456458 with your UWaterloo ID number. When you run the R code with your ID number you will generate 7 new plots. Export these 7 plots as .png files using RStudio (See Introduction to R and RStudio Section 6).
Download the Assignment 4 Template which is posted as a Word document on Learn. Fill in the required information and plots based on the output for the data generated using your ID number. Your assignment must follow the template exactly. See Assignment 4 Example posted on Learn. Create a .pdf file for the answer to EACH problem.

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