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 Ve311 Homework #2

 Ve311 Homework #2

(1) Please use A4 size papers.
(2) Please use the SPICE model below for simulation.
.model Dbreak D Is=1e-10 Rs=0 N=1 TT=0 Cjo=0pF
1. [Half-Wave Rectifier] Design a half-wave rectifier circuit, such as below,
which can convert a sinusoidal voltage input, Vs = 5sin(2π100 ∙ time),
to an almost constant voltage output.
(a) [20%] Assuming Von = 0.9 V and R = 100 Ω, calculate C which
makes the ripple voltage (Vr
) is smaller than 0.1 V. Estimate Vdc, Idc,
, ∆T, Ipeak, Isurge and PIV of the designed half-wave rectifier.
(b) [15%] Based on the calculated C, in Pspice plot Vs and Vout versus
time on the sample graph to find out the values of Vdc, Idc, Vr and PIV.
Compare the simulation results with the hand-calculated ones.
(c) [15%] In Pspice, plot ID versus time to find out the values of Ipeak and
Isurge. Compare the simulation results with the hand-calculated ones.
2. [Full-Wave Bridge Rectifier] Design a full-wave bridge rectifier circuit,
such as below, which can convert a sinusoidal voltage input, Vs =
5sin(2π100 ∙ time), to an almost constant voltage output.
(a) [20%] Assuming Von = 0.9 V and R = 100 Ω, calculate C which
makes the ripple voltage (Vr
) smaller than 0.1 V. Estimate Vdc, Idc, θc
∆T, Ipeak, Isurge and PIV of the designed full-wave bridge rectifier.
(b) [15%] Based on the calculated C, in Pspice plot Vs (using “voltage
differential marker” function) and Vout versus time on the sample
graph to find out the values of Vdc, Idc, Vr and PIV. Compare the
simulation results with the hand-calculated ones.
(c) [15%] In Pspice, plot ID2 and ID3 versus time on the same graph to
find out the values of Ipeak and Isurge. Compare the simulation results
with the hand-calculated ones.