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CS3110: Assignment 8 NP-Completeness

The assignment is deliberately short, try to submit it sooner to leave enough time for
preparation for the final exam.
Q1 [50 marks]. A decision version of interval scheduling would be: given a collection of
intervals and an an integer k, is there a subset of non-overlapping intervals of size at least k?
Answer the following questions with yes, no or unknown, with a brief explanation
1. Interval Scheduling ≤ P Vertex Cover?
2. Independent Set ≤ P Interval Scheduling?
Q2 [50 marks]. Given a graph G and two nodes a and t , consider the following two questions :
A) What is the length of the shortest path from s → t?
B) What is the length of the longest path from s → t?
Recall that the theory of np-completeness applies to decision problems, not optimization
problems (although they are related as explained in the class):
1. Formulate A to a decision problem (a problem with a yes/no answer), call it AD
2. Formulate B to a decision problem (a problem with a yes/no answer), call it BD
Analyze the np-completeness of the problems and answer the following questions with (yes,no
or unknown), with a brief explanation
3. AD is P
4. AD is NP
5. AD is NP-Complete
6. AD is NP-Hard
7. BD is P
8. BD is NP
9. BD is NP-Complete
10. BD is NP-Hard

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