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 Assignment 3 Object-Oriented Programming Languages

Question 1 (30 points).  Polymorphism is one cornerstone of Object-Oriented Programming. This question has the following setting of a polymorphism problem:

Class Animal:


      Leg, an integer, private      à The number of legs



Animal(), public   à default constructor sets Leg=4

talk(), public   à Takes no input parameter, prints out a string

                    “Animal can’t talk !”


End Class Animal


Class Cow:



      An object of type Cow has all the attributes of an

      object of type Animal



      An object of type Cow has all the behaviors of an object of

      type Animal


Additionally, Cow overrides the talk( ) method:

talk(), public   à Takes no input parameter, prints out a string

                    “Moo !”


End Class Cow

Class Pig:



      An object of type Pig has all the attributes of an

      object of type Animal



      An object of type Pig has all the behaviors of an object of

      type Animal


Additionally, Pig overrides the talk( ) method:

talk(), public   à Takes no input parameter, prints out a string

                    “Grunt !”


End Class Pig


Class Snake:



      An object of type Snake has all the attributes of an

      object of type Animal



      An object of type Snake has all the behaviors of an object of

      type Animal



End Class Snake



In a main( ) routine,  do the following things:

·           Create a one-dimension array of type Animal with four elements

·           Create an instance of each class type, i.e., Animal, Cow, Pig and Snake

·           Assign each instance to an element of the array we just created

·           Do a loop over each array element, and call the talk( ) method of that array element to demonstrate how the polymorphism works.


This question consists of four following sub-questions:


(a)  Implement the above polymorphism problem in C++, and test the results in you main( ) routine;

(b)  Implement the above polymorphism problem in Java, and test the results in you main( ) routine;

(c)  Implement the above polymorphism problem in C#, and test the results in you Main( ) routine;

(d)  Summarize what are your findings about the polymorphism of C++, Java, and C#. What are the differences between them ?


Question 2 (30 points)
Inheritance is another corner stone of Object-Oriented Programming. Multiple inheritance or its equivalent counterpart frequently appears in commercial codes. This question has the following setting of a multiple inheritance problem:

Class Pianist:



      name, a string, private      à The name of pianist



Pianist(string x), public   à default constructor sets name=x

pianoPlay(), public   à Takes no input parameter, prints out a string “Play a piano !”


End Class Pianist



Class Violinist:



      Not available



violinPlay(), public   à Takes no input parameter, prints out a string “Play a violin !”


End Class Violinist


Class Musician:



      An object of type Musician has all the attributes of an

      object of type Pianist



      An object of type Musician has all the behaviors of an object of

      type Pianist and type Violinist


Additionally, Musician overrides the talk( ) method:

sing(), public   à Takes no input parameter, prints out a string

                    “Sing a song !”


End Class Musician


In a main( ) routine,  do the following things:

·           Create an instance of type Musician

·           Perform the sing( ) action of this instance

·           Perform pianoPlay( ) action of this instance

·           Perform violinPlay( ) action of this instance.


This question consists of four following sub-questions:


(a)  Implement the above inheritance problem in C++, and test the results in you main( ) routine;

(b)  Implement the above inheritance problem in Java, and test the results in you main( ) routine;

(c)  Implement the above inheritance problem in C#, and test the results in you Main( ) routine;

(d)  Summarize what are your findings about the multiple inheritance of C++, Java, and C#. What are the similarity and difference between them ?

Hint:  for sub-questions (b) and (c), you may consider using interface.


Question 3 (30 points)

Information hiding is a unique feature of Object-Oriented Programming. Sometimes, we may want to break the regular access rule via friend, package, internal, or inner class. This question has the following setting of an information hiding problem:

Class Bank:



      name, a string, private          à The name of bank

      securityInfo, a string, protected    à The security information

of bank



display(), public   à Takes no input parameter, prints out a string “This is a bank !”


End Class Bank


 Class Manager:



      id, an integer, private          à The id number of manager



display(), public   à Takes no input parameter, prints out a string “I am a manager !”

securityAccess(Bank x), public   à Takes an input parameter of type Bank, prints out a string: “Security Information is : ” + x.securityInfo


End Class Manager


In a main( ) routine,  do the following things:

·           Create an instance of type Bank

·           Create an instance of type Manager

·           Call securityAccess via the instance of Manager and Bank


This question consists of four following sub-questions:


(a)  Implement the above problem in C++ via friend class, and test the results in you main( ) routine;

(b)  Implement the above problem in Java via the same package, and test the results in you main( ) routine;

(c)  Implement the above problem in C# via internal, and test the results in you Main( ) routine;

(d)    Summarize what are your findings about breaking the conventional access rule. What are the similarity and difference between friend, package, and internal ?



Submission of Your Work:


 (1)  The Word document should contain the following information


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