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VLSI Design HW #4

EE3230 VLSI Design HW #4

1. Please design a master-slave flip-flop with the following schematics.
• VDD=1.8 V, and the input clock CKin runs at 50MHz.
• For all the input ports (D and CKin), before entering the module, each input
sees a unit inverter (and only the unit inverter) with the following specified
size: (W/L)N=0.5µ/0.18µ and (W/L)P=1.5µ/0.18µ.
• The output (Q) drives a capacitor load of 200fF.
• The rise and fall times of input signals (D and CKin) are 0.1ns.
• You are allowed to insert inverters wherever you like to improve the
performance. In this case, please provide an updated schematic and explain
you design considerations. However, remember to keep the polarity of Q
correct. (In other words, Q should follow the polarity of D.)
• You can decide all the transistor sizes by yourself except the unit inverters
that D and CKin sees.
• TA will provide a testbench file for your convenience later.
Master-Slave Flip-Flop
No plagiarism is allowed!!
1. Please characterize the flilp-flop’s setup time, hold time, and propagation delays,
for both rising and falling input transitions. Also, with an input signal that
transitions once every clock cycle, please measure the power consumption.
• The measurement accuracy should be better than 1ps. That is to say, when
sweeping the relative delay between D and Ckin, change it with a step
smaller than 1ps.
• In the report, please provide the timing waveforms of D, Ckin, and Q for all
the characteristics you measure. The following shows one example that I
found on Internet of setup time for rising input. Please put all delay cases
into one figure.
• Please also plot tD2Q vs. tD2CK for all the characteristics that you measure.
Label the curve and show how you measure the setup time like the following
example that I found on Internet.
2. Explain what you have done to improve the performance (i.e., to speed up the
operation and/or to reduce the power consumption). If you ever modify the
schematics, provide the updated version in your report.
3. Complete the layout. Snapshot the screens that show DRC and LVS clean. Show a
snapshot of the layout (with rulers placed that show x and y dimensions) in your
report. Report the area. Furthermore, explain your layout considerations.
4. Run post-layout simulation (R-C-CC extraction) and measure the power
consumption, setup time, hold time, and propagation delays, for both rising and
falling input transitions again.
5. Complete the following table and show it in your report.
Pre-layout simulation Post-layout simulation
Rising Falling Rising Falling
minimum tD2Q
minimum tCK2Q
Power consumption (mW)
Layout area (µm2)

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