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Exercise 3- Advanced Programming

 Aim: This exercise is to familiarise you with the implementation and use of dynamic container classes with overloaded operators.
Requirements: The LinkedList class given below is to be used to implement a stack. Meaning, items are to be added and removed from the head only. Complete the implementation of the given LinkedList stack class by following the steps below. After completing each step, test that your LinkedList class works and behaves like a stack by uncomenting the appropriate code in main.cpp and checking the output. Each step is worth 1 mark each.
Step 1 Implement all the public member functions of the LinkedList class declared below in files list.h and list.cpp. Test your code by uncomenting the “Step-1” code in main.cpp.
struct Node { int Item; Node *Next; };
class LinkedList { public: LinkedList(); ~ LinkedList(); void AddHead(int Item); // adds item to head of linked list int RemoveHead(); // removes item from head of list bool IsEmpty(); // returns true if list is empty void Print(); // prints list. eg 12 34 21 26 private: Node *Head; };
Step 2 Implement a copy constructor that makes a deep copy of the LinkedList argument. Uncomment the code in main() to test that the copy constructor works on both on empty and non-empty lists. Make sure the contents of the lists (stacks) are printed as expected and there are no memory leaks.
Step 3 Implement an assignment operator in your LinkedList class. The assignment operator should ensure that multiple assignments are possible. E.g.:
A = B = C; // assign (copy) stack C to A and B
Test the assignment operator by uncomenting the “Step-3” code in main.cpp

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