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WEB322 Assignment 1 SOLVED

WEB322 Assignment 1
Assessment Weight:
5% of your final course Grade
This first assignment will get you setup with your development environment, tooling, and a Heroku account as
well as introduce you to the development workflow used in this course (Visual Studio Code + Git + Heroku).
For this assignment, we will be publishing our first web app on Heroku.
Step 1: Installing Software
In order to create web applications and publish them online, you will need to download and install the
following software. If you are using the Mac Lab (T3078) – this software is already installed and you may
proceed to Step 2, however do not skip this step if you are working from home.
• Visual Studio Code
• Node.js
• Git
• Heroku CLI (Command Line Interface)
Step 2: Following the Guide
The next step involves following along with the "Getting Started With Heroku" Guide available on the
course website. You may skip the "Required Software" section, however if you need help verifying that
the required software is installed correctly this section provides some additional information.
Step 3: Customizing the server code (server.js)
Once you have completed the guide (Step 2), and have a simple "Hello World" app running on Heroku, you
must personalize the output:
• Instead of "Hello World" – change your app to output your full name and student number, for example
"James Mwangi - 057465064"
• HINT: If you make any changes to your server.js file after publishing to Heroku, you will have to:
o Commit your changes to your local git repo using the following procedure:
▪ Click on the Source Control Icon in the sidebar that has a "1" on it in Visual Studio Code
▪ Enter a message (in the "Message" box) describing your change, ie "updated server.js"
▪ Click the checkmark above the message box to commit your changes.
o Push your changes to Heroku by issuing the command: " git push heroku master" from the
Integrated Terminal in Visual Studio Code
Assignment Submission:
1. Compress (.zip) the files in your Visual Studio working directory (this is the folder that you opened in Visual
Studio – it should contain a node_modules folder, a server.js file and a package.json file)
Important Note:
• NO LATE SUBMISSIONS for assignments. Late assignment submissions will not be accepted and will receive a
grade of zero (0).
• Paste your Webapp’s Heroku URL in the Comments Section of the submissions page. Failure to paste Heroku
URL in the Comments Section of your submissions page will attract a -1.0 penalty. This means that your web
app’s Heroku URL should be pasted in the declaration section at the top of server.js code and also be pasted in
the Comments Section of your submissions page.
• After the end (11:59PM) of the due date, the assignment submission link on my.seneca will no longer be
• Submitted assignments must run locally i.e. start up errors causing the assignment app to fail on startup will
result in a grade of zero (0) for the assignment.

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