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Week 04 Lab Exercise Linked Lists, Binary Search Trees

COMP2521 20T1 Data Structures and Algorithms
Week 04 Lab Exercise
Linked Lists, Binary Search Trees
to explore the implementation of two ADTS - List and Binary Search Trees
to develop test data
5=outstanding, 4=very good, 3=adequate, 2=sub-standard, 1=hopeless
in the Week 04 Lab or in the Week 05 Lab
give cs2521 lab04 listSetDifference.c BSTreeGetKth.c
TreeIsPerfectlyBalanced.c TreeCopy.c or via WebCMS
submit by Tue 17 March 2020 20:00:00
In this week's lab, you will implement some functions for lists and BSTs.
Part 1
Implement the function listSetDifference as described in the following practice exercise, and submit
the le listSetDifference.c .
Exercise 09 - listSetDierence
Part 2
Implement the function BSTreeGetKth as described in the following practice exercise, and submit the le
BSTreeGetKth.c .
Exercise 07 - BSTreeGetKth
Part 3
Implement the function TreeIsPerfectlyBalanced as described in the following practice exercise, and
submit the le TreeIsPerfectlyBalanced.c .
Exercise 08 - TreeIsPerfectlyBalanced
Part 4
Implement the function copyBST as described in the following practice exercise, and submit the le
TreeCopy.c .
3/26/2020 COMP2521 20T1 - Week 04 Lab Exercise 2/2
Exercise 09 - TreeCopy
Submit the following four les from the command line via give, and then show your tutor, who'll give you
feedback on your coding style, your test quality, and award a mark.
give cs2521 lab04 listSetDifference.c BSTreeGetKth.c TreeIsPerfectlyBalanced.c TreeCopy.c
or via WebCMS
COMP2521 20T1: Data Structures and Algorithms is brought to you by
the School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of New South Wales, Sydney.
For all enquiries, please email the class account at
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