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Week 3 Homework

## Week 3 Homework 100 Points total.

- Use ES6 syntax. Make sure you are using let/const properly.


#### 1. Write a class that keeps track of groups and group members (50 pts)
The class should track names of the groups, a group leader and group members.

Each group should look like:
name: 'Group Name'
leader: 'Leader Name'
members: ['Name 1', Name 2']

The class should have the following methods:
- constructor: Accepts an array of group objects or if nothing is passed defaults to an empty array <br /
- addGroup(group): adds a group <br /
- removeGroup(groupName): removes a group by the name of the group <br /
- addMember(groupName, memberName): adds a member to the group <br /
- removeMember(groupName, memberName): removes a member from the group <br /
- print: prints the groups as formatted in the example below

const groups = new Groups()
name: 'Justice League',
leader: 'Wonder Woman',
members: ['Batman', 'Superman', 'Spiderman']
name: 'Avengers',
leader: 'Iron Man',
members: ['Hulk', 'Thor', 'Captain America']

Justice League
Leader: Wonder Woman
Batman | Superman | Spiderman

Leader: Iron Man
Hulk | Thor | Captain America

groups.addMember('Justice League', 'Aqua Man')

Justice League
Leader: Wonder Woman
Batman | Superman | Spiderman | Aqua Man

Leader: Iron Man
Hulk | Thor | Captain America


Justice League
Leader: Wonder Woman
Batman | Superman | Spiderman | Aqua Man

groups.removeMember('Justice League', 'spiderMan')

Justice League
Leader: Wonder Woman
Batman | Superman | Aqua Man

#### 2. Write a function called displayName that takes an object as an argument and prints the person's first and last name. Use object destructuring in function argument. Use template strings when printing the first and last name. (10 pts)
const person = {
first: 'Elon',
last: 'Musk',
twitter: '@elonmusk',
company: 'Space X'
displayName(person) // Elon Musk

#### 3. Write a function called combineName that takes an object, array of keys to combine and a destination key. It returns an object with the correct keys combined. (20 pts)
const person = {
first: 'Elon',
last: 'Musk',
twitter: '@elonmusk',
company: 'Space X'
combineName(person, ['first', 'last'], 'name')

// Notice the object also no longer contains the keys first or last
// and they have been combined into the new key called name
twitter: '@elonmusk',
company: 'Space X',
name: 'Elon Musk'

#### 4. Write a function called createObject that takes an array as an argument and creates an object. (20 pts)
const people = [[{
key: 'name',
value: 'Elon Musk'
}, {
key: 'twitter',
value: '@elonmusk'
}, {
key: 'company',
value: 'Space X'
key: 'name',
value: 'Tim Cook'
}, {
key: 'twitter',
value: '@tim_cook'
}, {
key: 'company',
value: 'Apple'

'1': { name: 'Elon Musk', twitter: '@elonmusk', company: 'Space X' },
'2': { name: 'Tim Cook', twitter: '@tim_cook', company: 'Apple' }

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