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Week 3: MongoDB Aggregation

COMP5338: Advanced Data Models 
Week 3: MongoDB Aggregation

Learning Objectives
This week’s lab focuses on a additional MongoDB features including:
• Basic shell scripting
• Basic aggregation
• Querying and Aggregation with Array type of Data
• Join through aggregation
Question 1: JavaScript shell scripting
The mongo shell is written by JavaScript and simple Javascript statements/functions can
be used to query or manipulate data. In particular, a read query db.collection.find()
always returns a cursor object as the result. The interactive JavaScript shell by default
iterates through the cursor for up to 20 items by calling the next() method and prints the
documents out. In addition to the next() method, a lot of other methods can be used to
traverse or manipulate the result set. The reference document for all cursor methods can
be found from Mongo Shell Methods: Cursor Method
The following example uses simple script to update the data type of existing documents
in revisions.
doc.timestamp = new ISODate(doc.timestamp);
The script starts with a read query db.revisions.find() to find all documents in the
revisions collection. This returns a cursor object. It then uses the forEach() method
of the cursor to apply a JavaScript function to each document returned . The function
( .forEach(function(doc){...}) ) is an anonymous function defined right at the spot
with two statements: the first statement doc.timestamp = new ISODate(doc.timestamp);
converts the timestamp field to type ISODate; the second statement
saves the updated document back in the collection. Because both documents have the
same ID, the new one will override the old one. (
The mongo shell can also load and execute script written in JavaScript. A JavaScript
script can be loaded at the command line as mongo test.js or from within the shell as
load("test.js"). When a script is loaded at the command line, it needs to make an
connection to the server and to specify the database before running any mongo shell command. The following example shows how to initiate a connection to a locally run MongoDB
and to set the global db variable pointing to database “wikipedia”. It also includes statements for printing the result. More details on mongo shell scripting can be found from Write
Scripts for the mongo Shell
1 // initiate connections to a local MongoDB instance
2 conn = new Mongo();
3 // specify the database as "wikipedia"
4 db = conn.getDB("wikipedia");
5 //run a query and get the returned cursor object
6 cursor = db.users.find({gender:female}) //run a query
7 //print the results
8 while ( cursor.hasNext() ) {
9 printjson( );
10 }
Listing 1: Example mongo shell script
Question 2: Aggregation
Aggregation framework allows us to run complex queries on the collection by grouping
documents based on certain criteria and summarizing the results in different ways. The
example and exercises in this question use the Wikipedia collection revisions and users
we created in week 2.
Run the following aggregation find out which five editors made the most revisions on
Donald Trump page:
{$group:{_id:"$user", numOfEdits: {$sum:1}}},
The aggregation has four stages: the first stage ( $match ) filters out all revision documents belong to Donald Trump; the second stage groups ( $group ) the documents based
on the “user” field value, and create a new field called “numOfEdits”, the value of which
is set to the number of document with that particular “user” value; the third stage ( $sort )
sorts the resulting documents by the filed “numOfEdits” in descending order; the last
stage ( $limit ) limits the output to the first five documents.
Now write your own aggregation to find out:
1. The number of editors in each gender: “female”, “male” and “unknown”
2. The number of minor revisions belonging to each page: Donald Trump and Hillary
Question 3: Query and aggregating with Array type data
The capability to model array and embedded object is a key advantage of document
storage over traditional RDBMS. MongoDB provides rich set of operators to handle array
type in simple query and in aggregation. We use another data set to illustrate a few typical
array operators. Download and extract the json data file pagecat.json.gz from Canvas
and import it to a collection pagecat in the same database.
The newly created collection contains data about page categories. Each document represent a page with two fields:title and categories, in addition to the default id field.
Field Categories contains an array of string, each representing a category. Below is an
example document:
"_id" : ObjectId("57e35483fb9adeae53738e9d"),
"categories" : [
"Category:2016-related lists",
"Category:2016 American television seasons",
"Category:Lists of American comedy television series episodes"
"title" : "List of Full Frontal with Samantha Bee episodes"
a) Querying a single array item has similar syntax as querying simple value field. For
instance, the following query find all pages in category “Category:Good articles”, we
only want to show the title of each page.
db.pagecat.find({categories: "Category:Good articles"},
{title:1, _id:0})
b) We can also query combination of items in an array field. For instance, the following query find all pages belonging to both “Category:Good articles” and “Category:Football clubs in England”.
{$all:["Category:Good articles","Category:Football clubs in England"]}})
The $all operator selects the documents where the value of a field is an array that
contains all the specified elements.
c) We can simulate the or predicate with operator $in followed by an array value. This
will return all documents matching any of the items in the array.
{$in:["Category:English-language films", "Category:American films"]}})
d) We can find all pages belonging to exactly three different categories.
db.pagecat.find({categories: {$size:3}})
In the above command, the $size operator matches any array with the number of
elements specified by the argument.
e) We can use aggregation to find out the top 10 categories with most pages.
[{$match:{categories: {$exists: true}}},
{$unwind: "$categories" },
{$group:{_id: ’$categories’, cat_number: {$sum:1}}},
{$limit: 10}
Here, $unwind stage flattens an array field from the input documents to output a document for each element. For instance, the following document:
{ "_id" : 1, "item" : "ABC1", sizes: [ "S", "M", "L"] }
will be deconstructed to the following results:
{ "_id" : 1, "item" : "ABC1", "sizes" : "S" }
{ "_id" : 1, "item" : "ABC1", "sizes" : "M" }
{ "_id" : 1, "item" : "ABC1", "sizes" : "L" }
f) Now write your own query to find out
1. The pages with no category information
2. The page with the largest number of categories
3. All categories with “film” in the name and the number of pages in each, sort the
results in descending order by the number of pages in each category.
4. The editors that have made revisions on both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton
5. The common categories of page “Ben Affleck” and “Warren Beatty”
Question 4: Join in Aggregation
Traditional join is implemented as $lookup stage in aggregation pipeline. It performs a left
outer join from the current pipeline result to a given collection.
The following example joins the collection revisions to the collection users. The two
join fields are: “name” from users, specified as localField, and “user” from revisions,
specified as foreignField. The join result will be stored as an array field called “revisions”
in the original users document. In another words, the aggregation embeds all revision
documents to the user’s document who made those revisions. Each use document is
augmented with a new array field to store revisions made by this user. You may save
the joined result to a new collection using the $out stage. For instance, adding a new
stage:{$out: "usersExt"}in the aggregation will save the join results in a new collection
[{$lookup: {
from: "revisions",
localField: "name" ,
foreignField: "user",
as: "revisions"}
Run the aggregation and inspect the results.
Run also the following aggregation to inspect the results. This aggregation joins the users
collection to the revisions collection. Different to the previous join, it augment each
revision document with a new array field to store details of the editor of this revision.
Since a revision can be made by only one user, the array contains at most one element.
You may save the result to a new collection called revisionsExt using the $out stage.
[{$lookup: {
from: "users",
localField: "user" ,
foreignField: "name",
as: "user_detail"}
Collection usersExt and collectionsExt represent alternative schema to store similar
data in the original users and revisions collections.
Now write your own aggregation to
1. compute the editor gender distribution for each page. In other words, we want to find
out how many female,male,unknown editors have edited Donald Trump and Hillary
Clinton page.
2. compute the average time between revisions. The revision document contains a
parentid field pointing to the revision it is based on. The average time between
revisions is the average of the interval between a revision and its parent revision in
the collection.
Alternative MongoDB Client
As queries get more complex with many hierarchies of brackets, you may find it is a bit hard
to keep track of the matching closing brackets. If you are familiar with programming IDE
and would like to use an editor with syntax highlighting and intelligent code completion,
you may try the MongoDB extension on Visual Studio Code, an alternative client tool
built on source code editor. We have updated week 1’s MongoDB set up document to
include brief installation and usage guide of VS code and MongoDB extension. Note that
the official client in tutorial is still Robo3T. Commands used in this lab are released in
JavaScript format and in plain text format.

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