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Week 4: MongoDB Indexing

COMP5338: Advanced Data Models 
Week 4: MongoDB Indexing

Learning Objectives
In this week’s lab, we work on the same wikipedia data we used in week 2 and 3. We use
the data set to observe MongoDB execute performance. In particular we focus on:
• Indexing and its impact
• Query execution statistics
• Query plan(s) evaluated for various queries
Question 1: Duplicating a collection
In this step we duplicate the revisions collection to create a new collection revisionsWI.
There are many ways to duplicate a collection. You may use write a JavaScript function to
save every document of one collection into a new one. This should be used only for small
collection as it transfers all documents in the collection to the client side then send it back
to the server to be written into a new collection. The preferred and more efficient way is
to use the $out stage in aggregation as shown below. The aggregation pipeline run the
process entirely on the server side, it does not involve any network transmission.
{$out: "revisionsWI"}
Question 2: Setting up indexes
Run the following commands to set up index on revisionsWI collection.
The collection revisions and revisionsWI have the same data, but different index structure. Both collections have primary index on the id field. The collection revisionsWI has
four secondary indexes on four different fields. The indexes on user, timestamp, title
fields are regular B-Tree index. The last one is a special text index built on parsedcomment
You can see available indexes of any given collection from the left panel of Robo3T by expending the corresponding collection name. The following shell command will list detailed
information about index size as well as data size:
The parameter {scale:1024} indicates we want to see sizes in KB instead of Byte.
Run the command on both collections (revisions and revisionsWI) and compare the result. The number of document count and average object size avgObjSize should be the
same for both collections. The size output displays the total size in memory of all records
in a collection. This should be the same for both collections as well. The storageSize
shows the total amount of storage allocated to a collection for document storage. The relation between memory size and storage size depends on the actual storage engine used.
MongoDB uses WiredTiger as default storage engine since version 3.4. A few features
of WiredTiger may help to explain the numbers observed. WiredTiger supports compression for all collections and indexes, you are likely to see storage size smaller than the
memory size. This could be the case of revisionsWI collection. WiredTiger uses multiversion concurrency control (MVCC) and snapshots are written to disk as checkpoints
at intervals of 60 seconds. These are counted in storage size. You may notice that the
storage size of revisions is much larger than the storage size of revisionsWI. This is
because week 2 and week 3 lab exercises include many update operations on revisions
collection. It ended up with more checkpoints written. The newly created revisionsWI
collection has not been through many updates yet.
The shell command db.collection.stats({scale:1024}) shows details of index size as
well. These include the total index size and the size of individual index. The collection
revisions contains only one index and the size is relatively small. The revisionsWI
contains five index, the total index size is about the same as the data size in memory. The
text index takes a lot more spaces than the other index. Those information can help you
to decide if it is worthwhile to create certain index.
Question 3: Indexing and Query Performance
The explain method on cursor object can be used to see how those indexes are used
in query execution. Run the following four pairs of commands to compare the query
execution plan on revisions and revisionsWI. Each pair should return exactly the same
result set, with possible different execution performance. If you want to see the actual
result, run each query without the explain command first.
a) Querying id field .
db.revisions.find({"_id" : ObjectId("5f53204cc89636b3c92e0851")})
db.revisionsWI.find({"_id" : ObjectId("5799843ee2cbe65d76ed9133")})
This pair search for a particular revision with a given id value (note: replace the
ObjectId value with a value that exists in your collection!). The id field is the
primary key with a default index, both queries will use the index.
The explain method provides detailed information on the query plan. By default, it
shows the queryPlanner information. The executionStats argument allows to output query execution information such as the time used to answer a query and the
number of documents scanned. If an index is used, it also shows the bounds of index. Figure 1 shows the high level output of explain method in Robo3T. All three
elements: QueryPlanner, executionStats andsererinfo can be expanded to see
details. Detailed description of explain method can be found in MongoDB document The page
also contains links to each individual element.
Figure 1: Explain High Level Output
The primary based id search is the only possible plan, there is no other plan, so the
rejectedPlans field under queryPlanner is an empty array (see figure 2).
The executionStats shows that the total number of document returned is 1 (nReturned);
the keysExamined is 1 and the docsExamined is 1 as well (see figure 3). This means
the results is located directly by inspecting the index. The overall query execution plan
is the same for both collections.
Figure 2: Search by id Query Planner
Figure 3: Search By id Execution Status
b) Querying a single indexed field.
{ title: 1}
{ title: 1}
The second pair searches for the revisions made by user “Muboshgu”. The revisionsWI
collection has an index on field user. This index is used in the winningPlan. Since
the query condition contains only the user field, which has a index on it, no alternative
plan needs to be evaluated for this query (see figure 4). The executionStats shows
that the nReturned is 5, and this is the result of examining 5 keys and 5 documents.
Figure 4: Single Field with Index Query Plan and Execution Statistics
In contrast, the same query running on revisions collection also returns 5 documents
but examined 623 documents. There is no key examined because it does not have an
index on the query field (see figure 5).
Figure 5: Single Field No Index Query Plan and Execution Statistics
c) Querying two indexed fields.
"title": "Donald_Trump",
$gte: ISODate("2016-07-01"),
"title": "Donald_Trump",
$gte: ISODate("2016-07-01"),
The third pair searches for revisions made on Donald Trump page on a particular day
(“2016-07-01”). The query condition involves two fields: title and timestamp, both
have index set up on collection revisionsWI. Query executing on revisionsWI collection uses only one index to find an initial document set. Documents in the initial set
are examined to extract those satisfying the condition on the second field. MongoDB
evaluates the plans of using either index and picks one with better performance, e.g.,
returning a smaller sized initial document set.
Inspect the explain output of the revisionsWI collection, you will find there is a
winningPlan as well as a rejectedPlans under queryPlanner. The winningPlan has
a inputStage and filter stage. The inputStage applies index scan (IXSCAN) on the
indexName “timestamp 1”. The filter stage filtering documents based on title field
(see figure 6).
Figure 6: Query Two Fields with Index: Winning Plan
The rejected plan has the stages reversed (see figure 7). The executionStats shows
that with the winning plan, 7 documents are returned with 11 documents examined
(see figure 8). If you are not sure if Mongodb has picked the best plan, you may force
it to run with index on title field with the following query.
Figure 7: Query Two Fields with Index: Rejected Plan
"title": "Donald_Trump",
$gte: ISODate("2016-07-01"),
).hint({title: 1}).explain("executionStats")
The hint({title: 1}) method suggests Mongodb to answer the query with index
on title field. The executionStats shows that with the title index, it needs to
examine 434 documents to return the 7 documents as result. This is much worse
than the planner picked up by MongoDB. MongoDB is able to compare performance
of different indexes.
Figure 8: Query Two Fields with Index: Execution Statistics
"title": "Donald_Trump",
$gte: ISODate("2016-07-01"),
The query on collection revisions needs to examine all documents in the collection
to find the results.
d) Query plan for aggregation pipeline Index has limited usage in aggregation pipeline.
Some pipeline stage may use index under certain condition. Typically, the $match
stage can use index if it is the first stage in the pipeline. There are also cases when
$group and $sort stage may use index. In the following aggregation commands, the
$match stage running on revisionsWI apply IXSCAN on index ‘title’ and the other two
stages do not use index (see figure 9 and figure 10). A similar query on revisions
collection does COLLSCAN during the $match stage (see figure 11).
{$group:{_id:"$user", numOfEdits: {$sum:1}}},
{$group:{_id:"$user", numOfEdits: {$sum:1}}},
Figure 9: Aggregation High level Query Plan on Indexed Collection
Figure 10: $match stage on indexed collection
Figure 11: $match stage on non-indexed collection
Question 4: Compound Index and Sorting
Now create the following indexes on users collection:
Note that you need to change the ‘registration’ filed to ISODate type before creating the
Write your own queries to answer the following questions. In particular,use explain() to
inspect how index is used in each query
1. Find out the female editors who made over 20000 edit. The number of edit is stored
in field ”editcount”. Check if any index is used in this query? If yes, which one? How
many query plans are evaluated?
2. Find out the number of female editors registered before “2007-01-01”’.
3. Find out the number of gender ’unknown’ editors registered before “2007-01-01”.
4. Compare the explain output of the last two queries. Do they adopt similar plan? If
not, why?
5. Find out all users registered before “2007-01-01” and has made more than 30000
revisions, sort the result based on registration time. Inspect the query plan and
execution status. Does this query use any index? Do you think the sort stage can
utilize the index as well? This query examined more index than documents, why?
Question 5: Multikey Index
Create an index on the array field “categories” of collection “pagecat”. Find all pages with
“film” in its categories. Does this query use index, how is it used?
categories: {$regex: "film"}
Compare the index usage in the following two queries. In particular check the key boundaries and the number of keys and documents examined. Are you able to describe how
index is used to find the document satisfying the query condition
"Category:Good articles",
"Category:American films"
"Category:Good articles",
"Category:American films"

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