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Week09 Lab Exercise

CS4023 Week09 Lab Exercise
Lab Objective: In this week's lab we will continue our focus on the findvals of last time.
We will remove some of the output clutter by making optional the printing of a message
every time a “hit” is encountered. Also, today we will modify our program from last time so
that it reports running time accurately, which will be needed for next week's lab. In that lab
we will use the OpenMP library that will give us easy access to running our program using
several threads.
Here's a quick summary of the tasks for this lab:
1. Create a directory (folder) for this week’s work through your Linux systems.
2. Modify your “search loop” so that it now prints out the position and value of each
matching element in the array only if the -v command-line option is given
3. Secondly, modify the findvals program of last time so that instead of printing out an
end time/date the number of CPU seconds is printed instead. You will learn a little
more about how time is measured in a computer.
4. In the Sulis Assignment Files, I have provided you with an executable that will be the
definitive judge in any disputes concerning formatting of output, etc. Input to your
program will be the same as for last week's.
In Detail
You can create this week’s lab directory with
mkdir ~/cs4023/labs/week09
Now change your working directory to this since all of our compiling, etc. will be done in this
As a starting point for this week's lab you can use the source code for the program you
wrote last time (you can use the solution source code to last week's lab). You should copy to this
week's directory the three source les findvals.c and the two utils-related les utils.[ch]
Some people like loadsa output, some like the bare minimum. We saw from last time that
the program reported every element that matched the criteria and if we are only interested
in knowing the number then this is just cluttering the output. You should implement a -v flag
(for verbose) so that only if it is set will the exact hits be reported.
You will have seen from last time that the ordering of the -r and -t arguments was irrelevant.
The same holds for the -v argument, too. That is, do not assume that it will appear as the
first or last argument to the program.
When logging the start time and date of a program accuracy down to the second is fine and
this is what the time() system call gives you. However, if you want to accurately measure the
clock for comparing running times you need something else. The function you need is
gettimeofday() which has the ability to store microseconds, but this does not mean it is
accurate to this level. Due to imprecise implementations, etc. your mileage - accuracy - will
vary. Checkout this insightful video exposing a lot going on within the computer clock time
synchronization. (Optional for this Lab, Recommended for your knowledge)
The C struct that is used by gettimeofday() is different from the one used by the time()
function of last week. This is because they do two different things: one is more concerned
with time as in part of a date while the other, gettimeofday(), is more concerned about CPU
clock ticks. The struct we need this week is called timeval and it really is just a pair of ints,
one for the number of seconds since the beginning of UNIX time, 01.01.1970 and the other
for “millionths” of a second. What is a bit more of a nuisance is that two different header les
are required so make sure that you include the following:
#include <sys/time.h>
at the top of you program
The Y2K38 Problem
Because UNIX systems use 01 Jan, 1970 as the epoch beginning { a reference point to you
and me { and counts seconds from then in a variable of type int, problems could happen
when the seconds count becomes larger than can be held in an int. On 32-bit machines this
is due to happen in 2038 when the counter over rows. However, because 64-bit machines
are becoming more commonplace nowadays the date when they over ow will be well after
that date.
Ask Wikipedia for further information.
A good summary of the different time-related functions that are available in linux is
available here. This link also discusses a more elaborate way of measuring CPU usage. If you
read nothing else on this page please read the section on gettimeofday(). A very useful
example of gettimeofday()in action can be found here; this example code is provided in the
class directory for this week's lab. The following is another example of the function being
called. One the one hand the two codes call gettimeofday() twice but one works with
microseconds as the unit while the code below converts both times to seconds, stored as
The essential gettimeofday()
#include <sys/time.h>
struct timeval tim;
gettimeofday(&tim, NULL);
double t1=tim.tv_sec+(tim.tv_usec/1000000.0);
gettimeofday(&tim, NULL);
double t2=tim.tv_sec+(tim.tv_usec/1000000.0);
printf("%.6lf seconds elapsed\n", t2-t1);
A final Comment
Becoming a good programmer requires learning good habits. Many of these habits will slow
you down at first but over time they become second nature and are sure winners. These
habits include building projects with make files, learning to use - and using! - a debugger all
the time, and writing your code so that when you come back to a half-finished project in a
few months you know what is what. One useful thing here is logging information on how
your program was invoked from the command-line. Writing this information as part of the
output at run-time can save a lot of head-scratching later.
Logging Run Parameters
It is a good idea, whenever working on a coding project to have the program log information
at the start of its execution. We have been doing this here by logging the start time and date
but another very useful thing to log is how the program was invoked. That is, write out the
command-line arguments. This is invaluable when you want to refer back to “old runs" of
your program that you had saved to a file using standard output redirection. Note: I am not
asking you to log this information in this lab - it is just a good habit to get into for your own
You should add to this code now so that it logs the finish time also.
Submit a zip file of the whole working directory for this particular lab, including findvals.c,
utils.c and your executable at minimum.
Submission is due next Week Thursday (17
th November 2022) 18:00 – 7 Days

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