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Weekly Exercise #3: Garbage Collector Emulator

CMPUT 275 – Tangible Computing II Winter 2021
Weekly Exercise #3: Garbage Collector Emulator
Programmers often need to allocate memory from the heap. This memory must eventually be
deallocated otherwise it leads to memory leak. While some programming languages, such as C
and C++, require programmers to manually free memory once they are finished with it, other
programming languages, such as Python, Java and Go, automatically deallocate the memory for
the programmer. This automatic deallocation of memory is called garbage collection. Memory
that no longer has a variable referencing it is periodically cleaned up without the programmer
having to explicitly deallocate it. In this exercise you will emulate a garbage collector.
Our garbage collector will allocate and deallocate memory for strings, represented as character
arrays. These strings will not contain spaces. We will have an array of 100 pointers that can
point to allocated strings as well as an array of 100 pointers to store strings that no longer have
one of the pointers in the first array referencing them. The design of our garbage collector is
summarized below:
• const char *pointers[MAX_PTRS]: An array of 100 pointers to strings that
have been created.
• const char *garbage[MAX_GARBAGE]: An array of 100 pointers to strings that
were created and are no longer referenced by the pointers array.
• unordered_map<const char*, int refCount: An unordered map that will
keep track of the number of pointers in the pointers array that are referencing each
string. So for example, if the pointer at index 17 and index 99 both reference the string
"hello", then the unordered map would contain the following pair, since 2 pointers are
referencing it: {"hello", 2}.
Our garbage collector will support the following queries:
• c p n str
This query will allocate memory for a new string. p and n are both integers, with p being
the index of the pointer that should point to this new string and n being the length of the
string (not including the null character). str is the string to be stored. All strings provided will consist of exactly n alphanumeric characters with no spaces. For example,
the query c 17 5 hello would point the pointer at index 17 in the pointers array
to the newly created string "hello".
• s p1 p2
This query will cause the pointer p1 to reference what is referenced to by p2. For example, if pointer 17 references the string "hello", the query s 1 17 would cause the
pointer at index 1 to also reference the string "hello".
• q p
This query will print the string that is referenced to by p or NULL if p is not currently
referencing any string.
• g
This query will cause the garbage collection to take place. Any strings in the garbage
array must be deallocated using delete.
• e
This query will exit the program.
The logic for determining which query is to be run, as well as reading the pointer indexes and
string lengths (for the queries that require them) has been written for you in we3_test.cpp.
You should not modify this file. The file we3_test.cpp instantiates an object of class
ReferenceManager and parses the queries. Your job is to implement some of the methods
in the ReferenceManager class, as described below.
Required Methods and Destructor
• readString(unsigned int ptrIndex, unsigned int length)
This method will allocate space for a string of size length using new. Remember that
you must include space for the terminating null character. Then it must read a string
of size length from the standard input and store it in the allocated space. The string
provided to your program will consist of exactly length alphanumeric characters
with no spaces. Finally it must use the method reassignPointer() to have the
pointer at index ptrIndex reference the newly allocated string.
• reassignPointer(unsigned int ptrIndex, const char *newAddr)
This method will make the pointer at ptrIndex in the pointers array reference
newAddr. This method should support reassignment to NULL, ie newAddr can be
NULL. In addition to doing this, the reference counts must be updated in the unordered
map refCount. In order to know when a string must be garbage collected, we must
keep track of the number of pointers in the pointers array that reference each string.
Every time reassignPointer() is called the reference count for both the string previously pointed to by ptrIndex and the string ptrIndex is now pointing to must
be updated. If this causes a string’s reference count to fall to 0 (i.e., no pointers in the
pointers array reference it) then the string should be added to the garbage array, to
be deleted the next time garbage collection is requested.
• garbageCollect()
This method will go through all the strings in the garbage array, print each string and
then free the memory using the delete operator. The strings should be printed in the
order they were added to the garbage array.
• destructor
The destructor for this class should go through and free any memory that is currently
allocated. This means that it must go through all pointers in the pointers array in
order and call reassignPointer() to reassign all pointers in the array to NULL.
Then the garbageCollect() method must be called to free the memory.
Thus, the output from the final garbage collection call from the destructor will first consists of all strings that were already in the garbage array before the destructor was called
(as they were already scheduled for garbage collection) and then all remaining strings in
the order their reference counts dropped to 0 as their pointers were reassigned to NULL.
To get full credit, your method signatures must be exactly written as above. You can use private
methods or attributes if you think it will help, but you may not add new public methods or
attributes to the ReferenceManager class.
There is no Big-O running time bound for this problem. The test data is not very large and a
correct solution will likely run in a fraction of a second. The main thing being tested in this
exercise is correctness.
Required Files
• Makefile: You must provide a Makefile to compile your exercise. It must contain
the target we3_solution which compiles the final executable and a clean target to
remove object files and the final executable. You might add other targets in addition
to these two targets which are required. Please refer to the Code Submission and Style
Guidelines file on eClass for all the Makefile style guidelines. You will not be able to
use the tests in the test center until you have a Makefile that correctly compiles your
• ref_manager.cpp: This file should contain your code for readString(),
reassignPointer(), garbageCollect() and the destructor as well as any private methods you may have added. All other code should remain unchanged.
• ref_manager.h: This file may be updated to include more private methods and attributes but the public methods and attributes must remain unchanged.
• we3_test.cpp: This file must be unchanged but included in your submission.
Submission Instructions
You must zip your Makefile, README, ref_manager.cpp, ref_manager.h and we3_test.cpp
files and submit the zip file only. The zip file should not contain any other files, so make sure
you run make clean before creating the zip file.
Other Remarks
• A correct solution will produce output in a unique way. As specified above, the garbage
collection will print out the strings being collected in the order their reference counts
dropped to 0. The destructor will first collect all remaining strings for garbage collection
by reducing their reference counts one at a time, starting from the first pointer, and then
garbage collection will be performed. If you adhere to this specification, the output of a
correct solution is unique.
• We will provide test data such that a correct solution will never queue up more than 100
pointers for garbage collection at a time (i.e., between garbage collection runs, at most
100 pointers will be added). This even includes the final step in a correctly-implemented
destructor (when the strings with references are added to the garbage collector during the
Example Runs
Sample Input 1
c 17 5 hello
q 17
Sample Output 1
Output Explanation
caused by the query q 17
e exits the program, the destructor calls garbage collection
Sample Input 2
c 17 5 hello
q 17
s 1 17
q 1
q 25
c 17 2 hi
c 1 8 cmput275
q 1
Sample Output 2
Output Explanation
caused by the query q 17
caused by the query q 1
caused by the query q 25
caused by the query q 1
caused by the second garbage collection query, g
e exits the program, the destructor calls garbage collection
from garbage collection in the destructor
Grading Comments
• Style matters. Use appropriate comments, proper indentation, etc. Consult the style guide
on eClass.
• You must use the method signatures readString(unsigned int ptrIndex,
unsigned int length), reassignPointer(unsigned int ptrIndex,
const char* newAddr), and garbageCollect(). Deviating from this will result in a deduction.
• You must only have a Makefile, README, ref_manager.cpp, ref_manager.h
and we3_test.cpp in your zip file. Deviating from this will result in a deduction.
• we3_test.cpp should remain unchanged and no public methods or attributes should
be added to the ReferenceManager class.

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