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Weekly Exercise #3 Word Frequency

CMPUT 274/5 - Tangible Computing Version 2.1-20
Weekly Exercise #3
Word Frequency
In this assignment, you will perform frequency analysis on words in an input text. You will
read in a text from an input file provided as a command-line argument, divide the text into
individual words, and write a sorted frequency table to an output file.
Your Task, Part 1: Frequency Analysis
Write a program called that will perform text analysis on an input text using all of
the following steps:
1. Take the name of an input file called <input_file_name as a command line argument.
For example, your program might be called using
python3 freq . py example
to direct you to process a plain text file called example. More information is given on
how to do this below.
2. Read the contents of the file into your program and divide the text into a list of
individual, space-separated words (for our purposes, a word is any sequence of nonblank characters).
3. Analyze the word list to count the number of times each word appears in the text.
Hint: You may want to use a dictionary to store and track the counts.
4. When the counting is finished, your program should write a frequency table of each
word, its count, and its relative frequency to an output file. The frequency table must
be sorted in lexicographic order (alphabetical with uppercase words first)
by word in the text. You may want to look up the sorted function to help you with
this. Each line in the frequency table should look like:
word count freq
ˆ word is the word in the text
ˆ count is the number of times the word mentioned occurs
ˆ freq is a number in the range [0,1] that is the ratio of the count for the word to the
total number of words found in the text. You will need to calculate this frequency
once you have counted the number of times each word appears. You must print
the frequency rounded to 3 decimal places using the round function.
You must write this frequency table to an output file. The output file must have
the name input_file_name + “.out”. For example, in the example above, the
output file would be named “example.out”.
Processing Command Line Arguments
When you enter a command into the unix shell, the tokens on the line are passed as a list,
sys.argv, to your program. Note that in order to access this list of arguments, you must
import the module sys. You then have to interpret them as either options or file names.
For example this program, (available on eClass), shows all the options passed to it.
Note that blanks are used to divide tokens, so to have a blank in an option you need to place
it in quotes.
import sys
for t in sys . argv :
print (" |{}| ". format ( t ) )
This command:
python3 cli . py arg " hello " ’ ’ "" " two tokens " last
| cl1 . py |
| arg |
| hello |
| |
| two tokens |
| last |
Note how the program name is the first argument in the list.
You can use this method to access a command-line argument given as input to the program
from the terminal. If you are familiar with another method (eg, argparse) you are welcome
to use that instead given that it produces the same result.
ˆ The input file given as a command line argument will always be located in the same
directory as
ˆ The input file will always be plaintext.
ˆ You can assume that the output file destination is either empty or does not exist when
the program begins to run (ie, you do not have to worry about clearing the output file
in between runs).
Sample Input and Output Files:
On eClass (or here), you will find a folder called sample_data. Download this folder to
access three example inputs and outputs. Each input file is in the form “sampleX” (X is the
test number) where the corresponding output file is called “sampleX.out”. You can check if
your output matches the expected output exactly using the diff command. This command
allows you to compare files line-by-line.
Example Usage (to compare file1 and file2):
diff file1 file2
If the diff command returns nothing, the files have the same contents. You may also want
to type “man diff” into the terminal to read the documentation of diff.
Your Task, Part 2: Error Handling
The proper usage of your program,, is:
python3 freq . py < input_file_name
where <input_file_name is replaced by the name of an input file in the same directory as
the program.
A user of your program may forget to include the command-line argument specifying the
name of an input file. In this section, you will handle the cases where a user calls your
program using too many or two few command-line arguments.
Modify the file to do the following:
1. If the user forgets to include the name of the input file, for example calling the program
python3 freq . py
you should:
(a) inform the user (print) that there are too few command-line arguments, and
demonstrate the correct usage of the program.
(b) immediately exit the program.
2. If the user includes too many command-line arguments, for example:
python3 freq . py hello 42 input
you should:
(a) inform the user (print) that there are too many command-line arguments, and
demonstrate the correct usage of the program.
(b) immediately exit the program.
If you wish to do additional error handling, such as checking that the filename is a string or
that it exists in the directory, you may do so. However, it is not required and will not result
in either additional marks or deductions.
In your final submission:
1. We expect you to produce modular, well-designed code. This means creating one
function to do each job (there are multiple jobs in this assignment and you should not
use only one function!). You are responsible in this exercise for determining how to
structure your code to follow this requirement, and you may determine on your own
which functions to create. A correct solution that does not use any functions
(ie, all code is in the global scope) will receive 0 marks for code design.
2. We expect that when the program is called from the command line as specified above,
your program will run the frequency analysis and write the result to the correct output
file. We will not import your functions to grade this exercise; instead, we will run your
entire program directly from the command line. This means that what you include
under if __name__ == "__main__" or outside of any functions is important, because
it will be run during grading!
Submission Guidelines:
Submit all of the required files (and no other files) as one properly formed compressed
archive called either freq.tar.gz, or freq.tgz, or (for full marks, please do not
use .rar):
ˆ when your archive is extracted, it should result in exactly one directory called word frequency
(use this exact name) with the following files in that directory:
ˆ (use this exact name) contains all of your Python code
ˆ your README (use this exact name) conforms with the Code Submission Guidelines.
ˆ No other files should be submitted.
Note that your files and functions must be named exactly as specified above. A new tool
has been developed by the TAs the help check and validate the format of your tar or zip
file prior to submission. Instructions for how to use this validator tool will be posted to the
eClass forum shortly.
If your submission passes this validation process, and all validation instructions have been
followed properly, you will not lose any marks related to the format of your submission. (Of
course, marks can still be deducted for correctness, design, and style reasons, but not for
submission correctness.)
When your marked Weekly Exercise is returned to you, there is a 7-day window to request
the reconsideration of any aspect of the mark. After the window, we will only change a mark
if there is a clear mistake on our part (e.g., incorrect arithmetic, incorrect recording of the
mark). At any time during the term, you can request additional feedback on your submission.

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