CMPUT 274 — Tangible Computing I Version 1.1-20
Weekly Exercise #6 — Object-Oriented Minimax
The purpose of this exercise is to gain experience in writing an object-oriented program (OOP), by
modifying an existing non-OO Python program. Other tasks in this exercise will also require you to gain
some experience with git-based version control and debuggers.
This exercise involves modifying a substantial amount of code that you have been given. Therefore, the
use of a debugger to understand the given code, and to debug your modifications to that code, is essential
for time-efficiency. Using a debugger to understand the original code will likely save you hours of time.
There may be unspecified details for this exercise for which a reasonable design decision can be made
(i.e., does not contradict an existing specification), stated explicitly (e.g., in a comment in the code or
input data), and implemented.
This assignment will require you to know something about:
1. Python, both OO and non-OO
2. Classes, Attributes
3. Minimax
4. Recursion
5. Debuggers
6. git, for version control
The main challenge of this assignment is not in the total number of lines of code that has to be implemented, but rather in understanding the original code (minimax.py) well enough to be able to adapt it
to OOP.
Task I: Git, Git Log (10/100 marks)
Create a clone of the git repository at:
It is a fork of the original git repository by Clederson Cruz, with some key changes to make the program
run “deterministically” (i.e., with a random number seed) and to simplify the output, for easier testing. A
Makefile and some test inputs (and outputs) have also been added. Therefore, you must use the version
from paullu-ualberta.
Note that Clederson Cruz has no known affiliation with the University of Alberta, but has made this code
available under the open-source GPL 3.0 licence. This code was selected because it is the right balance
between easy-to-understand and functionality, especially in its use of recursion for minimax. Also, there
is documentation about the program and the minimax algorithm at the GitHub page.
Resources for git are on the eClass page, in the block titled Resource Documents by Topic. The commands for cloning and commit are purposefully not given here so that you can find and learn them yourself; the commands are not complicated, but learn them, please. A previous video on git from CMPUT
274 can be found at https://youtu.be/nNJBc3IndcA
For the rest of this exercise description, it is assumed that we are discussing the program and file
minimax.py from tic-tac-toe-minimax/py version in that repository.
Now, add your name and CCID to the docstring at the beginning of the program, in preparation for the
screenshot in Task II. For example, like this:
As you work on this exercise, make at least 5 git commits of your changes. I strongly advise you to
include meaningful commit comments, and make commits often (i.e., you can make more than 5 git
commits; even 200 git commits is not too much).
If you want, and if you have a GitHub account, you can optionally create a fork of the repository. Please
make your fork a private repository to avoid exposing your Solo Effort work visible to the world. And,
you can push your commits out to your fork of the original repository. If you do not fork the repository,
do NOT try to push out your commits. No pull requests to the original repository will be accepted.
Capture the git log with git log submit.git.log.txt and submit file submit.git.log.txt
(see details below). Here’s what one example of a partial git log with 5 commits looks like:
Task I is worth 10/100 of your mark for a proper submit.git.log.txt.
Task II: Debugger, Call Stack Screenshot (10/100 marks)
Run the program multiple times (e.g., 20 times or more). For example, using:
python3 minimax.py
or using a debugger. Look at the Makefile and see how it automates some testing.
Learn how the game of Tic-Tac-Toe is played. Use a debugger (any debugger, such as the Wing IDE,
pdb, or VSCode) to see how function minimax() is a recursive function.
Use a debugger to examine the execution stack (also known as the call stack, of stack frames) of the
program. See how recursion results in multiple stack frames with the same function name.
Submit a screenshot of your debugger (filename: debugger.png, Typo fixed: November 9, 2020)
running the program with at least 5 stack frames in the call stack. Make sure that the screenshot includes
an image of your name in the code being debugged (i.e., name in docstring from Task I). Be sure to
annotate the screenshot image (e.g., with a box, circle, or hand-drawn shape) to highlight the stack
frames and your name.
Here is an example screenshot showing only 3 stack frames on the call stack (your screenshot needs to
show 5 stack frames):
Task II is worth 10/100 of your mark for a proper debugger.png (Typo fixed: November 9, 2020).
Task III: Create OO Version of Minimax Program (60/100 marks)
Now that you understand the code as written, rewrite the code to use classes and elements from OO
programming in Python. Your new program should be in file oominimax.py.
Hint 1: Re-use as much of the code as possible. Some of the existing functions can become methods for
your new classes. Some functions might remain functions outside of classes.
Avoid writing new code as much as possible. You will have to modify the existing code (e.g., converting
function calls to method invocations), but avoid writing new code.
Hint 2: After investing 2 hours using the debugger with the program, you can complete Task III in
between 2 to 5 hours. If you do not use the debugger to help you understand the program, then Task III
can easily take between 5 and 15 hours.
After your rewrite, for the same input, the program should generate the exact same output as the
original, non-OO program. Every line, every character, every whitespace of output should be exactly the
same between minimax.py and oominimax.py for the exact same input.
Your clone of the repository includes a Makefile and 3 pairs of input and output files to help you test
your code. However, you can generate your own test cases for your OO minimax program by comparing
its output with the original minimax.py.
Your new OO program oominimax.py must include:
1. At least 2 classes. More than 2 classes are allowed, but are not required. Hint: Consider a class
State. Consider a class Board.
2. Each of these classes must have at least one method, in addition to init (), str (), and
repr() (i.e., at least 4 methods in total). You will likely have more than 4 methods, in a good
3. Inheritance may be used, but it is not required.
4. You can change any aspect of the code (e.g., parameters, identifiers) as long as it produces the
same output as the original program, for the same input. Hint: Most of the code can be re-used
(e.g., cut-and-paste).
5. The new main() function must include at least one object instantiation.
6. Every object created must have at least one method invocation call-site, in addition to the implicit
call to init (). In other words, you must call at least one method for each object.
Task III is worth 60/100 of your mark for a correct oominimax.py (i.e., exact same output as original
Style and OO Design (20/100 marks)
In addition to the requirements of Code Submission and Style Guide, we will look for and mark:
1. Proper use of classes for encapsulation and abstraction
2. Proper use of attributes
3. Proper use of getters/setters for attributes
4. Proper use of other OO mechanisms and design ideas
Submission Guidelines:
Submit all of the required files (and no other files) as one properly formed compressed archive called
either oominimax.tar.gz, or oominimax.tgz, or oominimax.zip (for full marks, please do
not use .rar):
• when your archive is extracted, it should result in exactly one directory called oominimax (use
this exact name) with the following files in that directory:
• submit.git.log.txt
• debugger.png
• oominimax.py
• your README (use this exact name) conforms with the Code Submission Guidelines
• No other files should be submitted.
Note that your files and functions must be named exactly as specified above.
A new tool has been developed by the TAs to help check and validate the format of your tar or zip
file prior to submission. To run it, you will need to download it into the VM, and place it in the same
directory as your compressed archive (e.g., oominimax.zip).
You can read detailed instructions and more explanation about this new tool in Submission Validator:
Instructions (at the top of the Weekly Exercises tab), or run:
python3 submission_validator.py --help
after you have downloaded the script to see abbreviated instructions printed to the terminal.
If your submission passes this validation process, and all validation instructions have been followed
properly, you will not lose any marks related to the format of your submission. (Of course, marks can
still be deducted for correctness, design, and style reasons, but not for submission correctness.)
When your marked assignment is returned to you, there is a 7-day window to request the reconsideration
of any aspect of the mark. After the window, we will only change a mark if there is a clear mistake on
our part (e.g., incorrect arithmetic, incorrect recording of the mark). At any time during the term, you
can request additional feedback on your submission.