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Word Search

Word Search
CPE 101: Fundamentals of Computer Science

To practice string operations and decomposing a problem into functional units.
Download the project files at:
In this project, you will implement a program which locates words hidden in a string. A sample run of
the program is shown below.
 $ python3 <


 UNIX: (FORWARD) row: 9 column: 3
 CALPOLY: (DOWN) row: 1 column: 0
 GCC: word not found
 SLO: (FORWARD) row: 7 column: 2
 COMPILE: (UP) row: 6 column: 8
 VIM: (BACKWARD) row: 1 column: 4
 TEST: word not found
Words can appear in the puzzle forward, backward, upward, and downward. You will not need to
check diagonals. You will use the find function, which returns the index of the beginning of a given
word located in a given string (or -1 if the word is not present). For example,
"UUIUNIXFNU".find("UNIX") returns 3 because the first character of UNIX starts at index 3 of the
string. However, "UUIUNIXFNU".find("SLO") returns -1 since "SLO" is not contained in the string.
Dimensionality Conversion
While the given puzzle is a 100-character string (a one-dimensional sequence), the process of finding
the rows and columns of words requires operating in two dimensions. To do so, you must convert a
given arbitrary index of the string into two values - one for the row and one for the column - which
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can be done using simple arithmetic operations.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
One-Dimensional Character Sequence
0 1 2
0 A B C
1 G I T
2 X Y Z
Two-Dimensional Character Sequence
Given this 9-character string, calling "ABCGITXYZ".find("GIT") evaluates to 3, the index of the G.
However, in order to report the row and column of this character, this 3 must be converted to two
values: 1 for the row and 0 for the column.
The resulting output of this example would be:
GIT: (FORWARD) row: 1 column: 0
You may not use tuples, lists (including the split function), or slicing operations for this assignment.
Text files used as input to the program will have the following properties:
A 100-character string makes up the first line of the file
The space-separated words to search for make up the second line of the file
Your program must print the following text:
The given puzzle as a 10x10 grid of characters
The result of searching for each word, specifying its direction, row, and column if found or a
message indicating that it was not found
Function Definitions
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You may define additional functions as necessary. Any function that returns a value must have test
Request input for a puzzle and words to find (recall that each call to input reads one line from a
Use strip to remove trailing newline characters
Display the puzzle, one row per line
Iterate through the words, calling function(s) to search for each one
Ensure the order of the words printed matches the test files
parse_word(words: str, index: int) - str
Given a string of space-separated words, return a string containing only the word at the specified index
(starting from zero). The index represents the word's position in the string, not an individual character
index. For example, in the string "Computer Science", the word "Science" would be at index 1.
Assume that there are enough words in the string to support the given index.
When calling this function in main, you may want to use the count function to determine how many
spaces are in the string:
"ABC DEF GHI".count(" ") - 2
find_word(puzzle: str, word: str) - str
Search the puzzle for the given word, attempting all directions if necessary. Return a string containing
the search result to be printed in main. If the word is found, this string will contain the word, the
direction it was found, and its two-dimensional row and column in the puzzle; if the word cannot be
found, the string will indicate as much. See the given output files for examples.
In the example above, this function would return:
"GIT: (FORWARD) row: 1 column: 0"
reverse_string(string: str) - str
Return the reverse of the input string.
transpose_string(string: str, row_len: int) - str
Return a transposition of the input string, assuming row_len characters per row. Transposing a twodimensional grid means converting its rows to columns and its columns to rows. Since strings are onedimensional, the result will be a string with its characters shifted around.
For example, "ABCGITXYZ" transposes to "AGXBIYCTZ".
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Each puzzle can be found in a separate file:,,
Your program should be run using:
python3 <
You should compare your output with the corresponding output files using diff:
test1.out, test2.out, test3.out
For all functions that return a value, write at least 3 tests using assert statements in
On a CSL server with and in your current directory:
/home/dkauffma/casey.exe 101 wordsearch
Word Search
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