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Homework 4 Decision Trees

70 pts total
1 Implementation of Decision Trees [70 pts]
In this question, you are required to build a classification decision tree for
categorical attributes. The programming part includes building a tree from a
training dataset and pruning the learned decision tree with a tuning dataset.
You are required to implement four methods and one member for the
class DecisionTreeImpl. These are as outlined in Fig 1.
Figure 1:
1.1 Dataset
In each dataset file, there will be a header, as shown in Fig 2, that describes
the information about the dataset, which is shown as below. First, there
will be several lines starting with // which provide some descriptions and
comments for the dataset file. Then, the line starting with \%%" will list all
class labels. Finally, the lines with the prefix of \##" will give the name of
the attribute and all its possible values. We have written the dataset loading
part for you according to this header, so do NOT change it.
Figure 2: Example dataset.
21.2 Implementation Details
1.2.1 Predefined data types
For this programming part, we have defined four data types to assist your
coding, which are Instance, DataSet, DecTreeNode, DecisionTreeImpl.
Their data members and methods are all carefully commented; therefore, it
should not be hard to understand their meanings and usage.
However, there is one thing you should keep in mind during the implementation. In order to speed up the comparing and reduce the
memory cost, all attributes, their values and class labels are stored
as integer indices rather their string value in the Instance class.
For example, attribute A1 has three possible values 1, 2 and 3. As A1 is
the first attribute introduced in the dataset, it is identified by index 0. The
three possible values of A1 are identified as indices 0, 1 and 2 respectively.
Similarly an integer is used to represent the class labels in the Instance
object. In this way, we are able to translate the string value of attributes,
values and class labels into indices. To access the actual string name of the
class labels and attribute names, you have to access the lists labels and
attributes respectively declared in DataSet class. To find the string name
of the attribute value you have to access Map attributeValues in the same
1.2.2 Building the tree
In both DecisionTreeImpl methods, you are first required to build the decision tree with the training data. You can either refer to the pseudo code in
Figure 18.5 on page 702 of the textbook or the course slides. To finish this
part, you may need to write a recursive function as the DecisionTreeLearning
in the textbook or buildtree in the slides.
1.2.3 Pruning
For constructor DecisionTreeImpl(DataSet train, DataSet tune), after
building the tree you also need to prune it with the help of the tuning dataset.
You can refer to the pseudo code in the slides. To accomplish this, you will
likely need to make your own Prune function. In order to change the label
of the internal nodes to be the majority vote of training instance that reach
3that node, you may also need to add some extra parameters to the function
1.3 Classification
The public String classify(Instance instance) takes an instance as
its input and gives the classification output of the built decision tree as a
string. You do not need to worry about printing. That part is already
handled within the code.
1.3.1 Breaking Ties
You may encounter a case where a given node has the same number of examples with each label (e.g., 2 positives and 2 negatives) and you need to
make a prediction. Although the textbook suggests randomly breaking ties,
in this assignment you will choose the class label with the lowest index to
break the tie.
1.3.2 About Printing and Information Gain at Root
The only printing you would need to do is within the method public void
rootInfoGain(DataSet train). For each attribute print the output one
line at a time, first the name of the attribute and then the actual information
gain. The gains should be given in the order the attributes appear in the
training dataset. An example is given in: output0.txt. You need to print
your results with 5 decimal places in decimal representation, so you may use
System.out.format("%.5f", arg) for printing.
1.4 How to test
We will test your program on multiple training/tuning/testing cases, and the
format of testing commands will be like this:
java HW4 <modeFlag <trainFile <tuneFile <testFile
where trainFile, tuneFile, testFile are the names of training, tuning, testing dataset which contain the features of corresponding instances.
modeFlag is an integer valued from 0 to 4, controlling what the program will
• 0: print the information gain for each attribute at the root node
4• 1: create a decision tree from a training set, print the tree
• 2: create a decision tree from a training set, print the classifications for
instances in a test set
• 3: create a decision tree from a training set then prune, print the tree
• 4: create a decision tree from a training set then prune, print the
classifications for instances in a test set
In order to facilitate your debugging, we are providing you with sample
input files and the corresponding output files. They are monks-train0.txt,
monks-tune0.txt, and monks-test0.txt for the input, and output0.txt
to output4.txt for the output, as seen in the zip file. So here is an example
java HW4 1 monks-train0.txt monks-tune0.txt monks-test0.txt
You are NOT responsible for any file input or console output (other than
public void rootInfoGain (DataSet train)). We have written the class
HW4 for you, which will load the data and pass it to the method you are
As part of our testing process, we will use the file you submit to us, add
in the other class files, and call javac to compile your code, and
call the main method of HW4 with parameters of our choosing. Make sure
that your code runs on one of the computers in the department because we
will conduct our test on such computers.
1.5 Deliverables
Hand in your modified version of the code skeleton we provide you with your
implementation of the decision tree algorithm.

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