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Project #2 Drawing with SDL 2.0

Project Submission:
To submit your solution through handin, copy the README file from the project directory in the repo
to your project directdory, fill in the blanks in the README, make clean in your project directory, and
compress the project directory using tar or zip.
Project Specification:
Figure 1: Bullseye
The purpose of this assignment is to help you to become familiar with SDL
drawing and to provide practice writing C
++ classes. For this project you must
use the SDL 2.0 drawing primitives to draw an image; an example is illustrated
in Figure 1 showing a bulls eye target and an arrow shaft. The draw function primitives include: SDL RenderDrawLine(s), SDL RenderDrawPoint(s), and
SDL RenderDrawRect(s). There are demos of these primitives in the course repo.
In addition, your program must include at least two C
++ classes: one that you write from scratch, and
one that I wrote called FrameGenerator. This latter class, FrameGenerator, is included in the project 2
directory and will write your image to a file in a directory called frames. The prefix for the file that you
draw must be your username and you can easily accomplish this by modifying the string, NAME, at the top
of the main program. Do not use my name as the file prefix. Also, your program must draw a string in the
lower left corner of your image; the string should contain your name and the title of your drawing. To draw
the string, simply modify the string called TITLE in the main program. Your class must use initialization
lists and must include an overloaded operator, for example the output operator, or the assignment operator.
Before you compress and submit your project make sure that (1) your program creates a bmp of your
image with your user name as the file prefix; (2) your program writes a title in the lower left corner of your
image. and (3) that you have used make clean in your project directory.

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