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Assignment 2 Model selection for KNN

General instructions.
1. The following languages are acceptable: Java, C/C++, Matlab, Python
and R.
2. You can work in team of up to 3 people. Each team will only need to
submit one copy of the source code and report.
3. You need to submit your source code (self contained, well documented and
with clear instruction for how to run) and a report via TEACH. In your
submission, please clearly indicate all your team members.
4. Your code will be tested on the designated server:
Please make sure that your program can run on this server without any
5. Be sure to answer all the questions in your report. Your report should be
typed, submitted in the pdf format. You will be graded based on both
your code as well as the report. In particular, the clarity and quality of
the report will be worth 10 % of the pts. So please write your report in
clear and concise manner. Clearly label your figures, legends, and tables.
1 Part I: Model selection for KNN
Dataset. This dataset belongs to the Wisconsin Diagnostic Breast Cancer
dataset and the classes are the diagnosis (+1= malignant and -1= benign). It
constitutes of 30 features and is a matrix of N ×31 dimension. The first column
of the test and train data contains the true class label of the samples and the
remaining columns are the features. Note that features should be normalized
to have the same range of values (e.g., [0,1]), otherwise features with larger
ranges will have higher impact on the distance computation, and on the final
1. (10 pts) Implement the K-nearest neighbor algorithm, where K is a parameter.
2. (15 pts) Test your KNN with the following range of K values: 1, 3, 5,..., 51.
(This is a suggested range, feel free to explore more possible K values). For
each possible value of K, please compute the following: 1) the training
error (measured as the number of mistakes) 2) the leave-one-out crossvalidation error on the training set; and 3) the number of errors on the
provided test data. Plot these three errors as a function of K.
3. (10 pts) Discuss what you observe in terms of the relationship between
these three different measure of errors. Perform model selection. What is
your choice of K?
2 Part II: Decision tree
For this part, please, use the same dataset that is provided for Part I.
1. (20 pts) Implement the algorithm for learning a decision stump, i.e. a
decision tree with only a single test. To build a decision stump, simply
apply the top down decision tree induction algorithm to select the root
test and then stop and label each of the branches with its majority class
label. For this assignment, please use the information gain as the selection criterion (i.e., using entropy to measure uncertainty) for building the
decision stump and consider only binary splits. In your report, please
provide 1) the learned decision stump (be sure to provide the label for
each branch); 2) the computed information gain of the selected test, 3)
the training and testing error rates (in percentage) of the learned decision
2. (25 pts) Implement the top-down greedy induction algorithm using the
information gain criterion for learning a decision tree from the training
data with a fixed depth limit given by d (note when d = 1 this is the
decision stump). Consider the following choices for d ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}.
Similarly we will only consider binary splits. Please apply the learned
decision trees to the training and testing data and report in a table the
training and testing error rates of the learned decision trees for different
d values. Plot the error rates as a function of d. What behavior do you
observe? Provide an explanation for the observed behavior.
3 Part III: extra credit
• (10 pts) Explore the ways you can use the results from Part II to improve

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