Assignment 4: Machine learning
This assignment will give you a chance to implement machine learning techniques on realistic classification problems.
Image classification
In this assignment we’ll study a straightforward image classification task. These days, all modern digital cameras include a sensor that detects which way the camera is being held when a photo is taken. This metadata is then included in the image file, so that image organization programs know the correct orientation — i.e., which way is “up” in the image. But for photos scanned in from film or from older digital cameras, rotating images to be in the correct orientation must typically be done by hand.
Your task in this assignment is to create a classifier that decides the correct orientation of a given image, as shown in Figure 1.
Data. To help you get started, we’ve prepared a dataset of images from the Flickr photo sharing website. The images were taken and uploaded by real users from across the world, making this a challenging task on a very realistic dataset.1 Since image processing is beyond the scope of this class, we don’t expect you to implement any special techniques related to images in particular. Instead, we’ll simply treat the raw images as numerical feature vectors, on which we can then apply standard machine learning techniques. In particular, we’ll take an n×m×3 color image (the third dimension is because color images are stored as three separate planes – red, green, and blue), and append all of the rows together to produce a single vector of size 1×3mn. We’ve done this work for you already, so that you can treat the images simply as vectors and do not have to worry about them being images at all. Your GitHub repo includes two ASCII text files, one for the training dataset and one for testing, that contain the feature vectors. To generate this file, we rescaled each image to a very tiny “micro-thumbnail” of 8×8 pixels, resulting in an 8×8×3 = 192 dimensional feature vector. The text files have one row per image, where each row is formatted like:
photo_id correct_orientation r11 g11 b11 r12 g12 b12 ...
• photo id is a photo ID for the image. • correct orientation is 0, 90, 180, or 270. Note that some small percentage of these labels may be wrong because of noise; this is just a fact of life when dealing with data from real-world sources. • r11 refers to the red pixel value at row 1 column 1, r12 refers to red pixel at row 1 column 2, etc., each in the range 0-255.
Although you can get away with just using the above text files, you may want to inspect the original images themselves, for debugging or analysis purposes, or if you want to change something about the way we’ve created the feature vectors (e.g. experiment with larger or smaller “micro-thumbnails”). You can view the images in two different ways:
• You can view the original high-resolution image on Flickr.com by taking just the numeric portion of the photo id in the file above (e.g. if the photo id in the file is test/123456.jpg, just use 123456), and then visiting the following URL: http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=numeric photo id • We’ll provide a zip file of all the images in JPEG format on Canvas. We’ve reduced the size of each image to a 75×75 square, which still (usually) preserves enough information to figure out the image 1All images in this dataset are licensed under Creative Commons, and there are no copyright issues with using them for classroom purposes under fair use guidelines. However, copyrights are still held by the photographers in most cases; you should not post these images online or use these images for any commercial purposes without checking with the original photographer, who can be identified using the Flickr URL described below.
180◦ 90◦ 270◦ 0◦
Figure 1: Some sample images, and their correct orientation labels.
orientation. The ZIP file also includes UNIX scripts that will convert images in the zip file to the ASCII feature vector file format above. If you want, this lets you experiment with modifying the script to produce other feature vectors (e.g. smaller sized images, or in different color mappings, etc.) and to run your classifier on your own images.
The training dataset consists of about 10,000 images, while the test set contains about 1,000. For the training set, we’ve rotated each image 4 times to give four times as much training data, so there are about 40,000 lines in the train.txt file (the training images on Flickr and the ZIP file are all oriented correctly already). In test.txt, each image occurs just once (rotated to a random orientation) so there are only about 1,000 lines. If you view these images on Flickr, they’ll be oriented correctly, but those in the ZIP file may not be.
What to do. Your goal is to implement and test three different classifiers on this problem: k-nearest neighbors, AdaBoost, and neural networks. For training, your program should be run like this:
./orient.py train train_file.txt model_file.txt [model]
where [model] is one of nearest, adaboost, nnet, or best. This program uses the data in train file.txt to produce a trained classifier of the specified type, and save the parameters in model file.txt. You may use any file format you’d like for model file.txt; the important thing is that your test code knows how to interpret it.
For testing, your program should be run like this:
./orient.py test test_file.txt model_file.txt [model]
where [model] is again one of nearest, adaboost, nnet, best. This program should load in the trained parameters from model file.txt, run each test example through the model, display the classification accuracy (in terms of percentage of correctly-classified images), and output a file called output.txt which indicates the estimated label for each image in the test file. The output file should coorespond to one test image per line, with the photo id, a space, and then the estimated label, e.g.:
test/124567.jpg 180 test/8234732.jpg 0
Here are more detailed specifications for each classifier.
• nearest: At test time, for each image to be classified, the program should find the k “nearest” images in the training file, i.e. the ones with the closest distance (least vector difference) in Euclidean space, and have them vote on the correct orientation. • adaboost: Use very simple decision stumps that simply compare one entry in the image matrix to another, e.g. compare the red pixel at position 1,1 to the green pixel value at position 3,8. You can try all possible combinations (roughly 1922) or randomly generate some pairs to try. • nnet: Implement a fully-connected feed-forward network to classify image orientation, and implement
the backpropagation algorithm to train the network using gradient descent. • best: Use whichever algorithm (one of the above, or something completely different!) that you recommend to give the best accuracy.
Each of the above machine learning techniques has a number of parameters and design decisions. For example, neural networks have network structure parameters (number of layers, number of nodes per hidden layer), as well as which activation function to use, whether to use traditional or stochastic gradient descent, which learning rate to use, etc. It would be impossible to try all possible combinations of all of these parameters, so identify a few parameters and conduct experiments to study their effect on the final classification accuracy. In your report, present neatly-organized tables or graphs showing classification accuracies and running times as a function of the parameters you choose. Which classifiers and which parameters would you recommend to a potential client? How does performance vary depending on the training dataset size, i.e. if you use just a fraction of the training data? Show a few sample images that were classified correctly and incorrectly. Do you see any patterns to the errors?
As in the past, a small percentage of your assignment grade will be based on how accurate your “best” algorithm is with respect to the rest of the class. We will use a separate test dataset, so make sure to avoid overfitting!
Although we expect the testing phase of your classifiers to be relatively fast, we will not evaluate the efficiency of your training program. Please commit your model files for each method to your git repo when you submit your source code, and please name them nearest model.txt, adaboost model.txt, nnet model.txt, and best model.txt.