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Homework #1 Writing a Miniature Web Search Engine

1 Writing a Miniature Web Search Engine
For this assignment, you will build a miniature search engine that uses the Google Pagerank algorithm, along with plenty of hashing and linked lists.
To simplify this process (and to spare the Clemson network from being oversaturated), your instructor has written a simple web “spider” program that has downloaded nearly 70,000 web pages
in the domain. These have been parsed to remove extra html formatting, leaving just
the textual words on the pages as well as the URLs of the hyperlinks on each page. All of this data
appears in one large file, which is about 250 megabytes in size:
As opposed to the labs, there is no extra code to start with for this homework assignment, although
you are encouraged to build on your existing code from the labs. In particular, the Stringset class
from lab 2 may be quite useful, since hashing will be used on several occasions below.
2 Reading the Input Data
If you look at the file webpages.txt, you will see something like the following:
The contents of about 70,000 web pages are strung together in this file, one after the other. You
will read this file word by word, for example like this:
ifstream fin;
string s;"webpages.txt");
while (fin s) {
// Process the string s here...
Whenever you encounter a string “NEWPAGE”, the following string is the URL of a webpage, and
all the strings after that (until the next “NEWPAGE”) are the words and hyperlinks appearing on
that page. You can tell the hyperlinks from the words because the links start with “http://”.
You should read the contents of webpages.txt into memory so that it is stored as an array of pages
(i.e., an array of Page structs, where you can choose what fields are appropriate to include in this
structure). Each page should point to a linked list of all the words and links on the page (if you
like, you can store two separate linked lists, one for the words and one for the links). A schematic
of the resulting structure appears in Figure 1 on the next page.
For simplicity, you may want to read through the input file twice – once to count the total number
of pages (so you can allocate an array of this size using new), and a second time to actually fill in
the array1
. Moving forward, you can now refer to any webpage conveniently by the single integer
giving its index within this array. For example, page 0 might be “”. Since
it will be useful to have the ability to quickly determine the integer ID of a page given its URL
(e.g., to learn that “” maps to page 0), you also want to build a hash table
mapping page URL strings to integer IDs.
In the future, this extra step won’t be necessary, since we will be able to use an array that expands by re-allocating
memory when needed, such as the vector class in the C++ standard template library.
Array of pages: ...
word 1 word 2 word 3
word 1 word 2
page 0
page 1
page 2
page 3
page N−1
Figure 1: Storing web pages in an array, each page linking to a list of the
words on that page.
3 First Goal: Implementing the Google Pagerank Algorithm
Recall that the Google Pagerank algorithm assigns a numeric weight to each web page indicating
the relative importance of that page, as determined by the linking structure between the pages.
Weights are computed using a simple iterative process that models the probability distribution
of a random web surfer: in each step, there is a 10% probability that the surfer will teleport to
a random page anywhere on the web, and a 90% probability that the surfer will visit a random
outgoing link2
. Accordingly at each step of the algorithm, the weight assigned to a web page gets
redistributed so that 10% of this weight gets uniformly spread around the entire network, and 90%
gets redistributed uniformly amongst the pages we link to. The entire process is continued for a
small number of iterations (usually around 50), in order to let the weights converge to a stationary
distribution. In pseudocode, this process looks like the following, where N denotes the total number
of pages.
Give each page initial weight 1 / N
Repeat 50 times:
For each page i, set new_weight[i] = 0.1 / N.
For each page i,
For each page j (of t total) to which i links,
Increase new_weight[j] by 0.9 * weight[i] / t.
For each page i, set weight[i] = new_weight[i].
To explain the algorithm above, each page keeps track of a weight and a new weight (both of these
would be ideal fields to include in your Page struct). In each iteration, we generate the new weights
from the weights, and then copy these back into the weights. The new weight of every page starts
at 0.1 / N at the beginning of each iteration, modeling the re-distribution of weight that happens
due to teleportation: since we teleport with 10% = 0.1 probability, this means that the probability
we arrive at any one specific page out of our N pages due to teleportation is 0.1 / N. We then
redistribute the weight from each page to its neighbors uniformly (or rather, 90% of the weight,
since we only follow a random outgoing link with 90% probability).
2The numbers 10% and 90% are chosen somewhat arbitrarily; we can use whichever percentages ultimately cause
our algorithm to perform well. For this assignment, please feel welcome to stick with 10% and 90%.
Your task is to implement the algorithm above. This should be relatively straightforward by
following the pseudocode, if you include weight and new weight fields in your Page structure. The
only non-trivial aspect is looping over all the pages j linked to by page i; however, this is nothing
more than a walk down the linked list of words included in page i, doing a hash lookup on each
one to see if it is a link to a URL that appears in the page list.
If your implementation is taking too long to run, see if you can avoid repeated hash lookups by
storing along with each word the integer ID of the page it links to, if any. You should be able to get
the entire algorithm, including the code that reads the input file, to run in less than one minute.
You will be able to test your code after finishing the second part of this assignment.
4 Second Goal: Build an “Inverted Index”
The way we have stored our web pages, as an array of pages each pointing to a linked list of words,
there is no efficient way to search for a specific word. Ideally, we would like to type in a word and
instantly see a list of pages containing that word, as is the case with most web search engines. We
can do this if we build what is sometimes called an “inverted” index, which is an array of words,
each one pointing to a linked list of IDs of pages containing that word.
word 0
word 1
word 2
word 3
Array of words:
page 1 page 2 page 3
word M−1
page 1 page 2
Figure 2: An inverted index consisting of an array of words, each one
specifying the pages containing that word.
Just as with the web page array, we can now refer to a word using a numeric ID giving its index
within this array. And just as before, we want to use a hash table to map the string representation
of a word to its numeric ID, so if the user types in “algorithm”, we can look it up in the hash table
and see that this is actually the word at index 6 in the table above.
After you have built the inverted index, your program should enter a loop where it asks the user
for a string, and then prints out a list of all the webpages containing that string. For example:
Print the pagerank score alongside each webpage URL. For convenience, you may want to scale the
pagerank scores up by a large factor and convert them to integers, so they are easier to interpret.
Ideally, this list would appear in reverse-sorted order, with the highest pagerank score on top.
However, since we have not yet covered sorting, do not worry about this step quite yet (although
feel welcome to try, if you feel so inclined).
5 Submission and Grading
Please submit your code using, just as with the lab assignments. Your
assignment will be graded based on correctness, and also on the clarity and organization of your
code. Final submissions are due by 11:59pm on the evening of Friday, September 19. .

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